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A brief summary

By : Shubham Vishwakarma
Need of communication

Communication simply refers to the act of

sharing or exchanging information, ideas or

The most important necessity of communication

is that it helps us to connect.

It's the essence of life, allowing us to express

feelings, pass on information and share thoughts.
Requirements for an effective communication

Basically, the sender and receiver must share a

common language that both of them are aware

The sender and receiver both must know who

the other being is and how the message is
being conveyed.

Both must know basic information about the

message like its length, format, etc
What is a network?

A network consists of two or more computers

that are linked in order to share resources
(such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or
allow electronic communications. The
computers on a network may be linked
through cables, telephone lines, radio waves,
satellites, or infrared light beams.
Protocols and how they play an important role
in networking

In networking, a protocols are the agreed upon

set of rules for formatting and processing data.
Network protocols are like a common
language for computers. The computers within
a network may use vastly different software
and hardware; however, the use of protocols
enables them to communicate with each other
regardless. Standardized protocols are like a
common language that computers can use.
What is TCP/IP?

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control

Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is a set of
standardized rules that allow computers to
communicate on a network such as the

IP is the part that obtains the address to which

data is sent. TCP is responsible for data
delivery once that IP address has been found
Layers of TCP/IP
What does TCP/IP do? (In brief)

As the message/data is passed on from one

layer to another. The message/data is
encapsulated at each layer it passes from. Due
to this, with each subsequent layer the
message/data passes from, it gets bigger in
size. This encapsulated message/data is
decapsulated layer by layer at the peer system
that acts as the receiver.
The physical layer
The physical layer is the layer where actual communication takes place . As we already know
the message/data to be transferred is in the form of 0’s and 1’s. The physical layer converts the
message/data into different forms of signals based on transmission media between the two
devices . The most common protocol that operates under this layer is ethernet. Based on the
protocol there are different cables that are used.

Signal Transmission Physical layer protocol Cable to be used

Ethernet Twisted pair cable
Electrical Copper cable / Coaxial cable
LAN cable Fiber optic cable

Light Optical fibre

Fast ethernet or gigabit Twisted pair cable
Radio waves Air or vacuum ethernet Fibre optic cable
The data link layer

The data link layer is also called

ethernet frame . It has two sub layers
that are:

● Media Access Control (MAC sub


● Logical Link Control (LLC sub

MAC Sub layer #1
The Media Access Control Sub layer has two basic functions that are

● data encapsulation
● accessing the media.

For data encapsulation, This layer adds a header at the beginning of the IP packet and a trailer at the end
of the IP packet .

The header contains the MAC address(A unique 6 byte address embedded in the Network Interface

The trailer contains 4 bytes of Error Checking data such as Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
MAC Sub layer #2

For accessing the media , The MAC Sub layer

uses access methods such as Carrier Sense
Multiple Access / Collision Detection

In this method all computers check whether

the line iis free to send data or not, once sure a
computer begins sending data when line is
free. Sometimes two computers began sending
data at the same time that leads to collision
then both computers wait for a random
amount of time to send again.
LLC Sub layer #1

The Logical Link Layer is mainly responsible for :

● Flow Control
● Error Control
● Sizing of packets

Flow control basically

restricts the amount of data
being sent by the sender.
This is done so as not to
overwhelm the receiver.
LLC sub layer #2

Error control is done through error detection

and then retransmision off data.

Error detection is done through the 4 byte

error checking code sent in the trailer by MAC
sub layer.

Retransmission is done by Automatic Repeat

Request (ARQ). Data is resent after a certain
time called timeout when no
acknowledgement is received.
Network layer #1
The network layer adds IP address to the TCP segment / UDP
datagram to form an IP packet. Then uses routers to send data among
different networks and also determines the best and favourably most
efficient path for the data to reach the receiver.
Functions of network layer:
● Logical addressing
●Path determination
Logical Addressing

A logical address gives a network device a place where it can be accessed on the network using an
address that you assign though some common protocol such as Internet Protocol (IP). The IP address
ensures that each IP packet reaches the correct destination.
TCP segment to IP packet
Routing is the method of transferring data between two computers that are situated in two different
networks. It is not needed if the source and destination are in same network because the ARP module
can provide MAC address of receiver easily as they are in same network. But when they are in different
networks the MAC address of router is used to establish a clear path. i.e. The sender packs an ethernet
frame with MAC address of Router between two networks. Then sends the ethernet frame to router .
The router upon receiving it, decapsulates to get the IP packet then uses ARP module in second network
to find MAC address of receiver.
Routing Traffic
Path determination

It refers to the act of finding the best

possible path between the sender and
receiver situated in two different networks.
Some ways used for it are Open Shortest
Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway
Protocol (BGF) and Intermediate System -
Intermediate System (IS-IS).

P neither guarantees delivery nor checks

for errors. Therefore, these operations are
handled by TCP.
Example of path determination
Transport layer #1

Transport layer uses two protocols for transferring data. Both follow the principle of division of data into
segments/datagrams. These protocols are TCP and UDP
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Transmission Control Protocols supports segmentation. It divides the data into segments and adds a
header in front of each segment. It is done in three phases. That are:

● Connection establishment
● Data transfer
● Connection termination

These three steps all together are also known as three way TCP connection handshake. TCP is an
connection establishment protocol. It is slower than UDP. It is more reliable as it guarantees error
free and sequenced transmission of segments.
Difference between TCP/IP and OSI model.
TCP/IP Model OSI Model

Implementation of OSI model Reference model

Model around which internet is developed This is a theoretical model

Has 4 or 5 layers Has 7 layers

Considered more reliable Considered a reference tool

Protocols are not strictly defined Strict boundaries for the protocols

Horizontal approach Vertical approach

Combines the session and presentation layer into the application layer. Has separate session and presentation layer

Protocols were developed first then model was developed Model was developed before the development of protocols

Supports only connectionless communication in the network layer Supports connectionless and connection oriented communication in the
network layer

Protocol dependent standard Protocol independent standard

Connection Establishment

TCP uses a three-way handshake to

establish a reliable connection. The
connection is full duplex, and both sides
synchronize (SYN) and acknowledge
(ACK) each other. The exchange of these
four flags is performed in three steps—
TCP segment
Data transfer
Features of data transfer:

● Error free data transfer

● Ordered data transfer
● Retransmission of lost data
● Discarding duplicate packets
● Congestion throttling
Data termination

The connection termination phase uses a four-

way handshake, with sender and receiver side
of the connection terminating independently.
When an endpoint initiates to stop its
connection, it sends a FIN packet, and other
end acknowledges with an ACK packet. A
graceful shutdown requires a pair of FIN and
ACK segments from each TCP endpoints.
After both FIN/ACK exchange, the side which
sent the first FIN, before finally closing the
Application layer

The application layer is primarily responsible

for setting up a model to identify
communication methods to allow users and
hosts to interact with the software applications
available on the internet. The most common
application layer protocols are HTTP,
TELNET, DNS, SMTP, and so on.
Thank you

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