Business Mottos

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Business mottos

Customer is top priority

Honesty comes first
Care for each other
Learn actively

Customer is top priority
Customer is an External Customer
Potential or
Internal Customer
Next Process
People Around Us
Ensure Customers Satisfaction
People Respect Who Respect Themselves
Embrace Self-discipline
Honesty Comes first
 Don’t Disclose Company information
 Keep your Promise always
 Treat People Sincerely
 Treat Everything as Valuable
 Do the Right Things
 No Rumor, Corruption and Selfishness

Care for Each Other
 Do Hard Work and Get Result
 Take Rest at Home and Get Energy
 Company will Take Care of Welfare
 Have Concern for Subordinate and Family
 Extend Mutual Respect

Learn Actively
 Participate in Company Training
 Develop Personality, Ability and Potentiality
 Teach and Guide with Patience
 Ask and Learn
 Learn from Observation
 Continuously Review and Grow

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