Group3 (PM) - The Influence of Socia Media Marketing On Consumer Buying Behavior of Senior High School Students

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The Effect of Product Packaging Details

on the Purchase Intention of Customers in

Selected Barangays of Guimba

O U R L A D Y O F T H E S A C R E D H E A R T C O L L E G E O F G U I M B A , I N C #IwillOvercome
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to evaluate the influence of social media
marketing on consumer buying behavior, particularly
among senior high school students of Our Lady of the
Sacred Heart College of Guimba, Inc. who mostly use
social media websites to make purchases of products.

O U R L A D Y O F T H E S A C R E D H E A R T C O L L E G E O F G U I M B A , I N C #IwillOvercome
Research Questions
1. Is Consumer Buying Behavior influenced by Social Media Marketing in terms of:
1.1 Quality Content; and
1.2 Providing information sufficiently?
2. Does Social Media Marketing influence Consumer Buying Behavior in terms of;
2.1 Purchase Decision;
2.2 Online Purchase Perception; and
2.3 Consumer Attitude?
3. What type of social media platform is mostly used by consumers to shop?
4. How many times they purchase products per month?

O U R L A D Y O F T H E S A C R E D H E A R T C O L L E G E O F G U I M B A , I N C #IwillOvercome
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
be everywhere loved forever. Amen.
T h a n k Yo u !

O U R L A D Y O F T H E S A C R E D H E A R T C O L L E G E O F G U I M B A , I N C #IwillOvercome

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