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Conflict and Negotiation

Prepared By-
Akshat Yadav-21021241009
Akshat Agnihotri-21021241010
Jigisha Padia-21021241064


What is Conflict
• Conflict is defined as a clash between
individuals or groups arising out of a
difference in thought process, attitudes,
understanding, interests, requirements and
even sometimes perceptions. A conflict
results in heated arguments, physical abuses
and definitely loss of peace and harmony.

• A Conflict not only can arise between

individuals but also among countries, political
parties and states as well. A small conflict not
controlled at the correct time may lead to a
large war and rifts among countries leading to
major unrest and disharmony.
The Boundary Model

Lack of acceptance
A lack of Clarity
who has authority
around what the
to enforce a
boundary is

Lack of acceptance A deliberate

of who has expansion of a
jurisdiction over a boundary past
boundary acceptance norms
Case- Mutiny at the Office
Diagnosys through: # THE BOUNDARY MODEL

 A new manager was appointed who was a part of the

team but a few years back.
 The old manager used to let the team do the job on
their own and all the employees used to enjoy their
own speed of work leading to low efficiency. Also the
team wanted the manager to be selected from their
team of eight and not someone from outside.
 The new manger was rigid and didn’t spend much
time listening to the team members. He was intent
on “whipping the team into shape.” In doing so, he
had lost the respect of the team.
 Boundary Violated- assigning different work to the
team without understanding their expertise in a
particular field also didn’t spend much time with the
team and not know about them. The manager had
imposed new rules on them, ignored their knowledge
and ability to do the job, treated them like children,
and didn’t listen to any of their concerns or
 The boundary model being followed is Lack of acceptance of who has
authority to enforce a boundary.
 The new manager was trying to set new boundary in the office which the team
members were not ready to accept, declaring the new manager to be
 The new manager was not using their knowledge and ability to do the job,
treated the employees children, and didn’t listen to any of their concerns or
 The team member wanted someone from their own team to be selected to
head the team as a manager.
Conflict Issues
Conflict Issues Boundary Violated

Mutiny by the Team Manager had imposed new rules on them, ignored
their knowledge and ability to do the job, treated
them like children, and didn’t listen to any of
their concerns or complaints
Refused to work for the new manager Manager had imposed new rules on them, ignored
their knowledge and ability to do the job, treated
them like children, and didn’t listen to any of
their concerns or complaints.
Manager saw the situation very differently The departing manager had been popular mainly
because he didn’t manage the team and let them
get away with whatever they wanted to. Work
efficiency was low, there was conflict on the
team over jobs and roles, and there were even
some anonymous complaints that people left early
or came in late and nothing was done about it
New manager was behaving rigidly Didn’t spend much time listening to the team
members, whipping the team into shape.

 The new manager firstly should have known the team and their core
 The working style of the employees should be known, before assigning them
new work that is not related to their field of expertise.
 Motivate employees before assigning them new task, also let them know how
doing this work will let them grow with new experiences.
 Slowly setting the boundaries, over a period of time, after getting to know
the employees.
 Only looking at the result of the work done, over a period of time.
Case- Mutiny at the Office

 The problem started when the new manager was assigned

that was not a part of the team, that there would be
changes made to the workflow, and as a part of it new
norms will be formed.
 The manager started by approaching the implementation
of a significant change in the workplace on the basis of
her power or authority. Being rigid and then assigning
new tasks to the team members which they were not
experienced in.
 The manager didn’t liked to know the interest of the
team members and was not interested in doing the job as
per the interest of the organization, leading to criticism
from the team and thus the complaint to the director.
Processes used so far by the Manager, and the
outcomes that they’ve been getting.
Power-Based Process Used Outcomes
The new manager used his power and • The team refused to work for the
authority to make changes in the new manager believing he was
working of the office by incompetent.
implementing rules of the workplace • The team refused to take
and bring more efficiency in the assignments that they didn’t
work. want, that didn’t make sense to
them, and that were different
from before.
• The new manager had lost the
respect of the team.
Identify Opportunities for Loop Back
 The manager should have got to know the employees first and let them know,
this attitude was making the work efficiency get low.
 Before implementing the rules of the work-place as the organisation, taking
the opinion of the team members.
 Assigning the task with a time period to end and then just looking at the
result and not treat them as children.
 Organising training programmes to the team members before assigning them
new work, with the lateral less or no experience in it.
 Regaining the trust of the team members, by not being a manager but as a
leader, which the team can feel that the manager will always be there in all
Thank You

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