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Crisis in the
Presented by: Tuesday cleaners
Philippines’s ongoing struggle
According to a 2018 research, a sample of 15-year-old
Filipino schoolchildren scored worst in reading
comprehension out of 79 countries. They were also
78th in science and math. One important finding from
this study is that the majority of individuals examined
attended public schools
The Philippines doesn’t invest on topnotch learning as
compared to its neighbor countries. In fact, many
public schools lack computers and other tools despite
the digital age. Further, a shortfall in the number of
public school teachers is also one of the top issues in
the country due to their being among the lowest-paid
state workers. Aside from that, more than 3 million
children, youth, and adults remain unenrolled since
the COVID-19 Lockdown
Some reasons of this problem 

01 02
Lack of
Lack of classrooms
and learning
Lack of Classrooms and Learning
1. Materials
Lack of classrooms is white problematic for the education
of students. Simply having a few rooms and available in a
single school can affect studies as they have no quiet place
to study without distractions either that or they would need
to share classrooms with different class which can cause
both classes to cut the sessions just to make room for each

2. Schools are starting have more and more students who

need the education. With increase of students more
classrooms are needed as one man cannot hold a hundred
students all at the same time without ruining comfort in
focus. It is estimated that the Philippines is short on an
estimate of roughly 165,000 classrooms that Billions with
need to be spent to close the gap. A lot of schools are poor
and doesn't even have the money for computers and
facilities such as libraries which makes the conditions
Lack of Classrooms and Learning
Lack of learning materials in Bangsamoro

1. According to the most recent data, the Bangsamoro is home to

some of the country's poorest and most vulnerable populations as a
result of a combination of man-made and natural calamities.
Notwithstanding achievements achieved under the new
autonomous government, the area continues to lag behind others
in the country. The prevalence of poverty among families, for
example, remains at 53.6%. Nevertheless, basic literacy is at 86.1%,
well below the national average of 96.5%.
Lack of Classrooms and Learning
How did the Government act towards this issue?
1. During the Pandemic, Pathways helped IMPLEMENTING RULES AND
2021. The IRR aims to supplement the provisions of the Bansamoro
Edcuation Code. It enumerates the ministry’s clear functions,
responsibilities, and mandates for a balanced, inclusive, and accessible
education. Stating “No Bangsamoro child shall be left behind” in the
pursuit of quality, accessible, inclusive, and liberating education.

Education program (PRIME) in 2011-2014; and the Basic Education

Assistance to Muslim Mindanao program (BEAM-ARMM) in 2012-
Lack of Transportation

1. For a long time, Philippines has an issue of lack of

transportation and nearby schools. Thus, this results in students
having to walk long distances, especially urban areas where
nearby schools are kilometers away from the students’ houses.
Lack of Transportation
1. According to Sittie Aisah Sharief Noah, a 25-year old learning facilitator
with the Australian Government funded Education Pathways to Peace
in Mindanao (Pathways) program in Diampaca Learning Center in the
Municipality of Pagayawan, Lanao del Sur, noticed that going to school
was difficult for the Diampaca village's little children. Although the
children in the barangays are eager for education, the nearest schools
are roughly five kilometers away, at Ilian Elementary School and
Linindingan Proper Elementary School.

With little to no public transportation available, the children are forced to

walk long distances and cross rivers to reach Ilian Elementary School.
Every day, after walking in the sun’s heat, the children and adults cross
the river through an unstable bamboo bridge connecting Diampaca and
Ilian. When it rains, the river’s currents become strong, and the water level
can surge to as high as a child’s head height. Unfortunately, a seven-year-
old boy was once swept away by the currents and drowned while trying to
cross the river. The locals believed he slipped and fell.
As a result, some parents decided to stop sending their children to school. Sittie
Aisah shared that there are children past the pre-school ages who have never been
to school but would still want to enroll in kindergarten.
Lack of Transportation
How did the Government act towards this issue?
Diampaca Learning Center used to be an abandoned building
until it was reconstructed through Pakigdait Inc.’s project which
started in January 2021, ‘Creating Pathways to Peace and
Education to the Vulnerable and Underserved Villages in Butig,
Sultan Dumalong, and Pagayawan, Lanao del Sur’. This
initiative seeks to provide children in the Bangsamoro with
innovative and safe access to education. With little to no public
transportation available, the children are forced to walk long
distances and cross rivers to reach Ilian Elementary School.
Now that there is finally a new learning centre in Diampaca,
children can safely go to school and enjoy learning every day
without the long trek and the dangers of crossing the river

Group 2 (Tuesday):
Samantha Guzman
Jerylle Klein Egmin
Desiree Bulos
Gian Kody Capan
Ezekiel Edmar Dupo

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