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It is the process of assisting and guiding clients,
especially by trained persons on a professional
basis to resolve especially personal, social, or
psychological problems.

It refers to a class or group of people

who are receiving services from a
professional therapist or counselor.
 Voluntary Clients
- are those who opted to voluntarily seek assistance of the worker
or the services of the agencies due to problems or difficulty which
they think they cannot do it on their own.

 Involuntary Clients
-are those individuals in need who may not even consider asking
help because they think that they are doing fine and will survive
somehow or they are unaware of the agencies that can provide them
It refers to the individuals, organizations and communities or group
of people with varying needs seek help from counseling services. They
ma come from different settings. In the school context, guidance and
counseling aims to address needs such as jobhunting, coaching, conflict
management and many others. While in other settings, cases vary from
marriage counseling, drug addiction, and rehabilitation, as well as
bereavement to cases of abuse and traumatic experiences.
Whether in group or individual, those who avail counseling services
are the clientele and audiences of counseling.
• They are individuals who needs assistance. They may need help in
realizing a change in behavior or attitude, or simply seeking directions to
achieve a certain goal in life.
• This growing number of clients arises due to mental health concerns from
mild to severe cases. This helping process can be beneficial to anyone who
experiences stress, depression, anxiety and other emotional turmoil.
• Individuals who are experiencing problems in their personal relationship,
gender, sexuality issues, or any circumstances that can be helped through
• This may include development of social skills, effective communication,
spiritual direction, decision-making, and career choices.

Groups exists in communities, organization, students in schools,

teachers, and departments in workplaces. The needs can range from
the desire to reduce or manage conflict, to the goal of becoming more
productive as a team by working together.

Conducting community counseling is essential in times of calamity or

natural disasters and other events that causes stress to the people in the
community. Experiencing traumatic events is something that requires
collective action in reaching out through therapeutic activities.

In which a counseling professional may work

including private practice, community settings, the
legal system, long/short term facilities, advocacy
roles, and in the educational system. In each setting,
different skills and trainings are required.
• Government Setting:
Counseling professionals in government setting work with
various government agencies that have counseling services such
as: Social Welfare, Schools, Military, Rehabilitation Centers,
Police and etc.

• Private Sectors Setting:

They provide services or works for NGO`s specialized for
profit centers and organization that render a variety of counseling
services designed for individuals or groups.
• Civil Society Setting
It is generally charities or non-profit and issue-based centers or
organizations for abused women, abandoned children and elderly,
veterans, teachers, professionals or religious groups.

• School Setting
School counselors assume many different responsibilities and task
based on the particular needs of the students. Guidance services vary based
on the program the school is offering. Counseling in this setting provides
guidance for the students to help them in every aspect of their growth and
development a an individual.
• It refers to the events, characteristics or condition that
occur during the interaction between counselor and
client. Its process is different for each individual or
couple. It is a cooperative process in which a trained
professional or a counselor helps a person called the
client to identify sources or difficulties or concerns
that he or she is experiencing
STEP 1: Building Rapport/ Needs Assessment
It involves building relationship and gaining the trust of the counselee while
establishing the client`s condition at the same time. It focuses on engaging
clients to explore issues that directly affects them. It is also the heart of the
counseling that serves as the foundation of success.

STEP 2: Goal Setting/ Designing Intervention Plan

Goals are important because they set the direction of the counseling process.
This step involves the collection and classification of information about the
client`s life situation and reasons to seeking counseling.

STEP 3: Implementation/ Problem Solving Program

This includes the actual process of the outlined mapping of strategies for
intervention that entails client’s participation in the process of helping
STEP 4: Counseling Processes/ Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring the counseling process is essential in tracking the record of
helping process. This determines the success and failure of the program. It can
tell if the goals are met or not.

STEP 5: Follow-Up, Termination or Referral

Counselors are always mindful and careful in dealing with clients to avoid
fostering dependency. It is important for the client to realize their own needs.
Terminating the counseling process is also considered when it seems counseling
is not being helpful. Think of it as means of empowering a client and creating a
closure between the client and the counselor.
thank you for listening!

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