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• Identify the different kinds of adverbs.
• Demonstrate critical thinking in
distinguishing adverbs and adjectives.
- is a word that tells us more about verb, an
adjective or even another adverb. It can be said that
adverb is a modifier of verb, adjective, or another
- an adverb shows how, when, and where some
action, event or situation happened.
Formation of adverbs
- Adverbs are usually formed by adding –ly to an
adjective. (example – quickly)
Kinds of Adverbs
• Adverbs of time
• Adverbs of place
• Adverbs of degree
• Adverbs of frequency
• Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of time
- adverb that states the time of occurrence of the action. ex. Soon, late,
today, tonight, early, tomorrow, yesterday, then, now, etc.
• They will come soon.
• I met my teacher yesterday.
• He is still waiting for her response.

Adverbs of place
- adverbs that express the place of the occurrence of an action or
regarding an action.
ex. Here, near, outside, inside, bottom, top, ahead, somewhere,
beneath, etc.
• She went somewhere in Paris.
• The dogs are barking near the house.
Adverbs of degree or extent
- adverbs that answer the question of how much or in what degree a quality is described
or an action is performed.
- these can further be divided into low, medium or high degree.
 Low degree adverbs
• Your answer confused me a little.
• My mother was slightly feverish last night.
• They are somewhat scared about the movie.
 Medium degree adverbs
• My dress is pretty cheap.
• Jona’s room is sufficiently big.
• The fruit salad is quiet delicious.
 High degree adverbs
• I really love reading books.
• The weather is extremely cold.
• She was too small to enter the pageant.
Adverbs of frequency

- adverbs that tell about how often o how many times an action
- ex. Daily, weekly, seldom, frequently, usually, sometimes,
most of the times, again and again, often, etc.
• I do my routine works daily.
• Tina usually sleeps in the class.

Adverbs of manner
- adverbs that describe the way of the occurrence of an action.
- ex. Happily, sadly, sympathetically, harshly, carefully, carelessly,
rudely, nicely, decently, etc.
• She treats her nicely.
• Sam is driving carelessly.
Let’s check your skills!
Exercise A. Recognizing Adverbs. Underline
Adverb and identify the word it modifies. (verb,
adjective, adverb)
1. Amy approached the her teacher cautiously.
2. The eagle bravely took the prey.
3. Izah is extremely pale.
4. The cookies are almost completely done.
5. Her answer is partially correct.
Exercise B. Distinguishing between adjectives
and adverbs. Underline if adjective, encircle if
1. President Duterte openly admitted his faults.
2. The cyclist began at a leisurely speed.
3. Rocky always avoids early classes.
4. This past year has been a very busy one.
5. We waited eagerly in the bus station.

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