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Monitoring Training

CloudTV™ H5 Platform Training - 2014

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 1


• Methodology – How to monitor the service

• MIBs and Component Monitoring

– State (health of component/individual services)
– Thresholds
– OS
– Hardware
– Service Availability and Uptime

• CloudTV™ H5 Monitoring Specification

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 2

Monitoring Methodology

• How do we monitor the service?

– Hardware Health
– Hardware Performance – CPU/Memory, load, etc.
– H5 Service/Component Availability/Health
– OS Elements

• Which CloudTV™ H5 components are monitored?

– Stitcher
– Session Manager
– Scaler
– Funnel
– Transcoder
– Content Cache Server

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 3

Data Inputs into Monitoring

• AVDN Extension Module – HTTP Backend that provides SNMP data

– Error condition checks

• Hardware – manufacturer-specific MIBs

• OS-specific MIBs

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 4

Network Management Methods

• Network Monitoring System (NMS)

– Managed by the MSO
– Tracks Service Availability/Component Uptime
– Can aggregate usage and availability across many components that comprise the system

• Common NMS tools:

– Nagios
– OpenNMS
– HP Openview

• Performance metrics
- Service usage - number of sessions/application types
- Load - CPU/Memory usage over time

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 5

MIBs and Component Monitoring

• What is a MIB?
– OS-provided SNMP MIBs
– Component-specific CloudTV™ MIBs
– Hardware component MIBs

• MIBs are used by SNMP, a standard monitoring protocol

• MIBS are converted to numeric value for use by NMS systems

– All server components will support the standard MIB-2 (RFC 1213) specification that is supported by the
Linux operating system.
– CloudTV H5 MIB is defined for our IANA assigned enterprise ID 1192

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 6

MIB /Monitoring Resources

• See the CloudTV™ H5 Monitoring Specification document for details on available SNMP MIBs
and Active Video CloudTV™ H5 MIB Tree.

• The following MIB files that accompany the CloudTV ™ H5 Platform Release:

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CloudTV™ H5 MIB Tree Diagrams

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 8

CloudTV™ H5 MIB Tree Components

MIB Object Value

activevideoStitcher activevideoCloudTVMIB.1
activevideoUDC activevideoCloudTVMIB.2
activevideoScaler activevideoCloudTVMIB.3
activevideoTranscoder activevideoCloudTVMIB.4
activevideoFunnel activevideoCloudTVMIB.5
activevideoFunnelControl activevideoFunnel.1
activevideoFunnelProcessing activevideoFunnel.2
activevideoFunnelDelivery activevideoFunnel.3
activevideoFunnelAssetlocator activevideoFunnel.4
activevideoCSM activevideoCloudTVMIB.12

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 9

CloudTV™ H5 Stitcher MIB Information
Name Type OID Description

state Integer activevideoStitcher.1 Current aggregated state of the services running

on this component. Can be:
- healthy (1)
- degraded (2)
- unhealthy (3)
startDate Date/Time activevideoStticher.2 Date and time started in ISO 8601 format.
uptime TimeTicks activevideoStitcher.3 Time (in hundredths of a second) since the last
sessionsActive Gauge32 activevideoStitcher.4 Instantaneous number of active sessions served by
this Stitcher
sessionsMax Gauge32 activevideoStitcher.5 Maximum number of sessions currently configured
on this system. If this value is equal to the number
of active sessions, no new sessions can be started.
sessionsTotal Counter64 activevideoStitcher.6 Total number of sessions served since the last
sessionsDenied Counter64 activevideoStitcher.7 Total number of denied session since the last
restart. ***
sessionsError Counter64 activevideoStitcher.8 Total number of abnormally terminated sessions
since last restart.

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 10

CloudTV™ H5 Stitcher MIB OID

AVDNDataEntry name="sessionsActive"
oid="." type="Gauge32" value="0"/>

<AVDNDataEntry name="sessionsMax" oid="."

type="Gauge32" value="1000"/>

<AVDNDataEntry name="sessionsTotal"
oid="." type="Counter64" value="0"/>

<AVDNDataEntry name="sessionsDenied"
oid="." type="Counter64" value="0"/>

<AVDNDataEntry name="sessionsError"
oid="." type="Counter64" value="0"/>

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 11

Exercises 22

Overview Review

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 12

CloudTV™ H5 Component Monitoring

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 13

CloudTV™ H5 Custom State Metric

• Each CloudTV™ H5 component supports an associated state metric:

– Healthy: All services are running on the component and each individual service reports that it is healthy
– Degraded: All services are running on the component and each individual service reports that it is healthy,
but some level of errors are reported in the log
• One or more of the services reports a degraded status
– Unhealthy:
• One or more of the required services are not running on the system
• One or more services report an unhealthy status

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 14

Component State Change

Verify with SNMP

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 15


• UDC (Universal Data Collector)

• If UDC is not functioning effectively, monitoring, usage and error messages may not pass
through to reporting systems.
– Typically monitor message throughput and queue backlog
– Monitoring health state

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 16

Scaler MIBs

• Scalers are typically clustered

• If Scalers aren’t functioning effectively, applications with scaled tiles may have blank or black
– Monitor to ensure that all expected streams are actively scaling (typical)
– Monitor health state

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 17

Transcoder MIBs

• Transcoder are typically clustered

• If transcoders aren’t performing effectively, content for the applications may not be present
– Monitor health
– Monitor for accurate transcode throughput

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 18

Funnel MIBs

• If Funnel isn’t performing effectively, content for applications may not be present

• Funnel functions:
– Control
– Processing
– Delivery
– Asset Locator

• For each Funnel function, we typically monitor:

– State metric (health)
– Effective throughput/backlogs
– Errors at each function

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 19


• The CSM (Session Manager):

– Monitor state metric/health (typical)
– Errors/DOS
– Session Statistics
• Active
• Max
• Total
• Denied
• Error
• Paused

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 20

CSM Cluster

• The CSM Cluster:

– Monitor CSM Cluster health
• Becomes unhealthy when one of the 3 members becomes unhealthy

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Example: MIB Thresholds

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OS Monitoring

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Hardware Monitoring

• Most hardware manufacturers provide monitoring MIBs

• Common parameters:
– Temperature Sensors
– RAID Health
– CPU Health
– Memory/CPU Utilization
– Power Health
– Chassis Intrusion

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 24

Exercises 23

Look up some CloudTV™ H5 MIBS

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 25


• Monitoring?

• Health State?

• MIBs and components?

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 26

Thank you.

© 2013 ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. – Confidential. 27

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