Homeroom Guidance Quarter 3-Module 2

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Quarter 3-Module 2
Lesson Objectives

2. Improve own self to find

constructive solutions to problems
• Examine own involving oneself and others; and
real-life issues
3. adapt the most effective solution
that need to be to the problem in accordance with
resolved; standard norms.
Today's Discussion
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
The IDEAL Way of
Solving Problems
L W a y
e I D E A
Th o lv in g
o f S
b le m s
Concepts and Definitions

When we face a problem, it is better if we provide a

solution using the IDEAL approach of solving problems
that was introduced by Bransford and Stein in 1984.
This approach will definitely help you improve your
problem-solving skills through finding constructive
solutions. Let us explore the steps in this IDEAL
Identify the problem. You have to examine the
real problem first. If you write down what you
see as a problem, it is easier for you to
understand what the real issue is and what needs
to be resolved immediately.
Define the cause/s. Think carefully about why
this might be considered a problem. Try to write
down where it roots. This will prevent the
emergence of other problems.
Explore possible solutions or strategies. Brainstorming is the
key. Start listing possible solutions to your problem. You
have to avoid judging the solutions you list, just write down
everything you can think of first. You can also seek the
opinion or advice of your trusted people about the way they
think of addressing the issue and add those to the list.
Act on the selected solution or strategy.
Start implementing it. The solution with the highest
rating must be the first thing you should put into
practice. As much as possible, do this
independently in order for you to see how it works
and learn from it.
Look back and evaluate. It is time to evaluate the chosen solution. Ask
yourself, is the solution safe to implement? Is it valid? Will it violate any
standard norms? How would the involved people feel about this? Did the
first solution work well? If not, you should go back and try the other
listed solutions until you come up with the best one that does not hurt
anybody or violate the standard norms. Always remember that resolving
life issues may really take time to work and you have to be patient about
Th a n k y ou
See you next tim

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