Software Engineering: 0901AD211045 Sachin Rajawat Ai&Ds 4th SEM Ms. Bulbul Agrawal

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software engineering

0901AD211045 Ms. Bulbul Agrawal
4th SEM
Software Metrics

A software metric is a measure of

software characteristics which are
measurable or countable. Software
metrics are valuable for many reasons,
including measuring software
performance, planning work items,
measuring productivity, and many other
Software Project
Prerequisite of software project management?
Management There are three requirements for managing
software projects. As follows:

• Time
• Cost
Software in project management is
• Quality
dedicated to the planning, scheduling,
resource allocation, execution, tracking, and
Delivering a high-quality product while staying
delivery of software and web projects.
within the client's budget and completing the
project on time are crucial components of the
Project management in software
software organization. This triple factor may be
engineering is distinct from traditional
impacted by several external and internal factors.
project management — software in project
Any of the three factors have a significant impact
management has a unique life cycle process
on the other two.
that requires multiple rounds of testing,
updating, and customer feedback.
Software Project Estimation

Project estimation is a complex process that There are a couple of questions that any software
revolved around predicting the time, cost, project manager should ask that aim at the most
and scope that a project requires to be critical six constraints before starting the software
deemed finished. project estimation process, such as:
But in terms of software development or
software engineering, it also takes the Scope of the project – How much work is to be
experience of the software development estimated?
company, the technique they have to utilize, Estimation technique – How to estimate the
the process they need to follow in order to project?
finish the project (Software Development Schedule – How much time will it take to finish the
Life Cycle). project?
Resources – Who will be working on the project?
Cost – What is the required budget?
Risks – What blocking points might appear?

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