Priority On Literacy of Higher Education Students: By: Hesti Rindhi Anggraeni (1703046069)

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Hesti Rindhi Anggraeni (1703046069)

Advisor 1: Dr. Siti Tarwiyah, S. S., M. Hum.

Advisor 2: Dr. Nuna Mustikawati Dewi, M.Pd.

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
Background of the Study
• Literacy is the fundamental things in the learning process, that can
be the foundation of education. Literacy was defined as the ability
of person in reading, writing, listening, speaking, calculating, as
well as solving problem in their daily life.
• The priority on literacy will help students in prioritizing their needs
in English, so that it will be easy for them to mastering the English
language skill.
• The important of literacy priority is to improve the students’
knowledge in their educational program.
• The benefits of research using priority on literacy are expected to
help students in managing their English needs based on the
importance and urgency to the development of their knowledge.
Research Questions
1. Which literacy is prioritized by the students of English
Education Department in UIN Walisongo Semarang among
reading, writing, listening, and speaking?
2. How does the priority contribute to the development of
knowledge of English Education Department in UIN Walisongo
Previous Research
1. A journal which is written by Claire McGuiness and Crystal
Fulton entitled “Digital Literacy in Higher Education: A Case
Study of Students Engagement with E-Tutorials using Blended
2. A journal which is written by Markus Deli Girik Allo and Herni
Pabisa entitled “The Students’ Priority Skill of English Needs
by the Eleventh Grade Students at SMK Toraja Wisata”.
3. A journal which is written by Chunsou Lan and Shengyu Fan
entitled “Developing Classroom-Based Language Assessment
Literacy for In-Service EFL Teachers: The Gaps”.
Previous Research
1. A thesis l which is written by Eamonn Egan entitled “An
Exploration into Perspectives on Literacy and Literacy
Education for Students between the Age of 16 and 18 who are
Taking Vacational Qualifications in a Further Education
2. A thesis which is written by Cara Acorso entitled “Exploring
Students Perspectives on Literacy Achievement”.
3. A journal which is written by Ratna Rintaningrum entitled
“Explaining the Important Contribution of Reading Literacy to
the Country’s Generation: Indonesian’s Perspectives”.
Literature Review
Literacy for
Literacy Language Literacy Higher Education Literacy Priority

Literacy has • Reading Prioritizing

come to mean • Writing Literacy for among reading,
competence, students in the
• Listening writing, listening,
intellegence, and higher education and speaking
ability • Speaking especially for EFL
students that
has difficulties in
Conceptual Framework

The Students’ Priority on The Development of

Literacy Impacts
Literacy Knowledge
Research Design
Technique Technique
Research of of
Data and
Design Collecting Analysis
Data Data

Qualitative The place: Questionnaire Data Condensation

Method English Education
Departmen in UIN
Data Display
PBI A in the
academic year 2019 Conclusion
Research Findings
Priority on Literacy of Higher Education Students

4 Reading
1 Writing
Reading & Speaking
Reading & Listening
3 1 Reading & Writing
Listening & Speaking

Research Findings
The Contribution of Students’ Priority to the
Development of Knowledge
Students’ Contribution to the Development of Knowledge
Reading Build new vocabularies, get new informations, and help on
the improvement of the other skills such as writing and
Writing Students can write various of types text.
Listening Understand what speaker said either directly or from audio
and video easily and know how to pronounce correctly.
Speaking the improvement of vocablary and the students’
pronounciation and confident in conversation with someone
or foreigner.
According to the result of the questionnaire, the researcher found
the students’ priority on literacy from the total of twelve students
are: the total of 4 students put reading, the total of 3 students put
speaking, the total of 3 students put listening, and the total of 1
student put writing as the first priority skill that must be
concentrated. The researcher also found that some students took two
of English language skill as their priority, that are 1 student put
reading and speaking, 1 student put reading and listening, 1 student
put reading and writing, and 1 student put listening and speaking as
their priority on literacy.
Furthermore, referring to the result of interview showed that the
students’ priority on literacy give impacts to the development of their
knowledge. The impacts are positive addition to the improvement of
their knowledge based on prioritizing reading and listening, which is
in mastering the priority skill will build their knowledge and
understanding. It because reading and listening as the input or
reception and writing and speaking as the output or production,
which is spoken and written as two methods of communication.
Thank You 

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