Concept of Soul Making

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• Connecting to our deepest nature is the concept of soul making. It is
in profound communication with the inner realm. It entails filling
our consciousness with eternal pictures in order to be completely
awake and alert. In a nutshell, soul creating is the process of
extracting a person's specific experience and transferring it into a
picture, whether through painting, musical compositions, or a
• Soul making plays a major role in art production; it
is a form of crafting stories, transforming brief
moments into images, symbols that connect with
people, understanding culture and embodying
tolerance, peace, and imagination.

1. Curiosita An insatiable curious approach to life and an unrelenting

(Curiosity) quest for continuous learning. After all, have you ever met
a successful person who does not claim to be a voracious
learner? (Curiosity)
2. Dimonstrazione A commitment to test knowledge through experience,
(Knowledge) persistence and willingness to learn from the past
mistakes. This is pretty much the scientific method
applied to everyday life.
3.Sensazione Continual refinement of the senses as the means to
(Improvement) enliven experience. To be innovative we must be aware
of what is going on around us.

4. Sfumato The literal translation for this term is going up in smoke.

(Willingness) It is about our willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox,
and uncertainty. As the old saying goes, the only two
things that are certain in business are uncertainty and
5.Arte/Scienza Developing a balance between logic and
(Balance) imagination. After all imagination without logic is
daydreaming, and logic without imagination is
boring. Other term for this is balancing between
art and science as well as whole brain thinking.

6.Corporalita This is about maintaining a healthy body as well as

(Grace) healthy mind. One of the core concepts of this
principle is keeping our bodies fit being a function of
keeping our minds fit. Fit minds lead to more
innovative and creative solution.
7. Connessione This is the simple recognition of the
(System) interconnectedness of all things and phenomena. As
we talked about early on, it isn’t always just an issue
of coming up with something totality new, sometimes
it’s about seeing the links between how to use old
things in new ways.

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