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 The objective of this code is to create a simple menu-driven program that allows the
user to select various household tasks such as cleaning, sweeping, mopping, cooking,
drinking water, medical checkup, and routine maintenance, and then keep track of the
number of times each task is selected by the user. The program will continue to display
the menu until the user chooses to exit, at which point it will display a summary of the
tasks and their corresponding frequencies.

The code involves the following modules:

iostream: This module is used to provide input/output operations in C++. It includes the basic input/output stream
classes like cout and cin.
Namespace std: This is a directive that tells the compiler to use the std namespace. This namespace contains the
standard C++ library.
Main(): This is the main function of the code, which is executed when the program is run.
While loop: This is a control structure used for repetitive execution of a block of code, as long as a particular
condition is true.
If-else statements: These are conditional statements used to execute certain statements based on a condition.
Cout: This is an object in the iostream module used to print output to the console.
Cin: This is an object in the iostream module used to read input from the console.
Int: This is a data type used to store integer values.
Variables: The code declares and uses multiple variables to keep track of the frequency of certain activities.

 Declare and initialize seven integer variables to keep track of the frequency of each activity.
 Enter a while loop that runs indefinitely until a break statement is encountered.
 Display a menu with options to perform various activities.
 Read the user's input and store it in an integer variable called "choice".
 Use conditional statements (if-else) to determine which activity was chosen, and increment
the appropriate variable.
 Display a message confirming that the activity was added.
 If the user chooses the "Exit" option, display a message and exit the loop.
 If the user enters an invalid option, display a message informing them to try again.
 After the loop ends, display a summary of the frequency of each activity by printing out the
value of each variable.
 This program presents a menu of options and allows the user to choose one. The
user can choose to perform tasks like cleaning, sweeping, mopping, cooking,
drinking water, medical check-up, routine maintenance or exit the program. It
uses a while loop to keep the menu running until the user decides to exit.

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