Environmental Problems in My Country: Prepared By: Sofia Mysachuk

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Prepared by:
Sofia Mysachuk
•Ukraine is one of the most urbanized countries in
Europe - almost 70% of the population lives in
cities. The high concentration of man-made objects
contributes to environmental pollution and reduces
the comfort of life.

• The main sources of air pollution in the city are

transport, energy systems and industry. As a
result, noise, vibration and electromagnetic
pollution of cities is formed.
Electromagnetic radiation

• Increased electromagnetic background (electromagnetic

smog) from various sources of radiation - television, radio
stations, radio transmitters of mobile phones - is dangerous for
human health.
Air Pollution

• Annually, more than 6 million tons of

harmful substances enter the atmosphere of

• The main polluters are industrial

enterprises, which, together with smoke,
emit sulfur and carbon dioxide, nitrogen
oxides, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia,
particles and compounds of mercury and
arsenic into the air.
• The increase in the number of cars on the roads has also increased
the volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

• Over the past few years, the amount of exhaust gases entering the
air in large cities has increased by 50-70%.
Poor quality water-неякісна вода
• 80% of water samples show that its quality does not meet state

• Today, almost all reservoirs of Ukraine have approached the 3rd class
of pollution. At the same time, treatment plants that produce drinking
water are designed to receive water of 1-2 pollution class.
Deforestation-вирубка лісів
• Consumer forest management leads
to the fact that the area of forests
affected by pests and diseases is
constantly increases and valuable tree
species (oak, beech and pine) are
replaced by low-value ones
(hornbeam, birch, aspen).

• A direct consequence of irrational

deforestation is an increase in the
frequency and intensity of floods in
the western regions of Ukraine.
Degradation of land resources- Деградація земельних ресурсів

• The soil ecosystem is being destroyed

mainly due to the intensive development
of erosion: more than 35% of agricultural
land in Ukraine has been exposed to it

• The active use of fertilizers has led to an increase in the area of acidic
soils (by 2.4 million hectares over the past 15 years).

• Almost 40% of the total area of land resources of Ukraine belong to the
polluted lands.
Household waste-побутові відходи

•There are about 800 official landfills

operating in Ukraine, the total amount
collected at which exceeded 35 billion

• According to the Ministry of

Ecology and Natural Resources,
the total area of all waste
landfills already occupies 4% of
the country's area.
Today, there are about 400 large public non-governmental environmental
organizations working on the territory of Ukraine, one of the main
directions of which is also environmental education of the population.
343 state organizations, including 35 specialized higher educational
institutions, deal with the same problem.
Everything depends on the environment in
which we live: our health, life, well-being, and
we must take responsibility for the preservation
of the environment.


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