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Doppler Ultrasound
 Moving objects are scanned
 Objects moving away produce lower
 Objects moving toward the transducer
produce higher frequency
 Used to measure blood flow in heart
and arteries
Doppler Ultrasound
Wave length
 Higher frequency = shorter wavelength
 Shorter wavelength = better resolution
 Better resolution = view smaller objects
with more detail
 Shorter wavelength = less penetration
 Less penetration = view objects close to
 Rectal exams 5 mgHz transducer
 Transabdominal 3 mgHz transducer
Wave length
 Lower frequency = Longer wavelength
 Longer wavelength = less resolution
 Less resolution = less detail
 Longer wavelength = more penetration
 More penetration = view deeper objects
 Rectal exams 5 mgHz transducer
 Transabdominal 3 mgHz transducer
7 mHz


 Crystals vibrate at high frequency producing
sound waves
 The sound waves are transmitted and
received by the transducer
 The transducer is identified by the crystal
 The array is the way in which the crystals are
 Linear array
 Convex array
 Sector scanner
Linear array
Convex Array
Ultrasound Wave Transmission
Transducer Sends and receives ultrasound waves


Sound wave reflection
Amount of
Substance wave
on screen
Water None black
Soft tissue Some grey
Bone All White
Metal All White
Air All White
How is interpretation done?
 Anechoic Black (Follicle)
 Hypoechoic Grey (CL)
 Hyperechoic White (Bones)
Ultrasound in Bovine
 Good restrain required
 It is non invasive examination
 Evacuate rectum
 Lubrication of the transducer with gel
 Transducer face must be pressed firmly
on mucosa
Normal Ultrasound Anatomy
 Ovary
 Mix of hyper and hypo echoic signals
 Difference can be made between small inactive and
large active ovaries.
 C.L
 Different from ovarian stroma
 Hypo echoic relative to the ovarian stroma
 Undefined border
 Vary according to the stage of pregnancy and
 C.L of pregnancy usually have the cavity in it, appears
Normal Ultrasound Anatomy
 Follicles
 Waves of follicles can be followed for their development
and regression.
 2mm follicles are considered to be smallest one;
anechoic structures as they grow
 Shape: can be Oval, asymmetrical, round.
 Ovulation
 Appearance of large follicle and then disappearance
 Timing of the ovulation can be determined as size
 Ovulation seen as pear shaped structure with pointing
 4 min period for evacuation of fluid from follicle
Normal Ultrasound Anatomy
 Uterine Horn
 Scan both cross and longitudinal section
 Outlined by dark ring which is a vascular
 Changes due to physiological states
 Cruncles on the endometrial size
Normal Ultrasound Anatomy
 Cervix
 Hyper echoic image
 External os can be seen
 Vagina
 Hyper echoic; ovoid; fluid filled
 Urinary bladder
 Anechoic
 Confusion with pregnancy
Pregnancy Diagnosis

 Early Pregnancy
 Late Pregnancy
Early Pregnancy
Days Structures Seen

17-19  C.L and Little anechoic lumen in

ipsilateral horn
22-24 Anechoic lumen increases
Echogenic streaks

Heart beat
Early Pregnancy
Days Structures Seen
30  More pronounced changes present
 Membranes
35  Uterine caruncles

Late Pregnancy
Difficult and confusing, due to increase
fetal size
Sexing of the Fetus
 Day 49-52 of gestation
 7.5MHz (cross and dorsal plane)
 Genital tubercle is the target structure
from which penis and clitoris is formed
 At day 42 structure begin to migrate from
perineum to Anus
 In female, migration does not occur,
genital tubercle is located caudal to pelvic

 Refraction
 Reverberations
 Shadowing
Follicular and Luteal cyst
Stages of Early
Pregnancy &
Ultrasound Application in
Mare Reproduction
 Good restrain required
 It is non invasive examination
 Evacuate rectum
 Lubrication of the transducer with gel
 Transducer face must be pressed firmly
on mucosa
 Control light
Use of ultrasound in mare
 Pregnancy as early as 10 days, embryo loss
 Twins
 Endometrial cysts
 Follicles
 Ovulation
 CL
 Ovarian tumors
Use of ultrasound in mare
 Uterine edema, fluids
 Fetal heartbeat, well being
 Fetal sexing
 Guided injection for aborting one twin
Day 11 twins
Ultrasound Images of
Day 10 – 15 of Pregnancy

Ultrasonic Anatomy of Pregnancy

“motile” equine embryos

Day 12 Embryo Day 14 Embryo

Day 20 Embryo
Day 24 Embryo
Day 30 Embryo
Ultrasound Images of
Day 15-45 of Pregnancy

Estrus Diestrus
Development of CL
Primary Corpus Luteum
Endometrial cyst
Granulosa cell tumor
Ultrasound Application in
Small Ruminants
 Pregnancy Diagnosis
 25 days
 Twining or triplets
 Stage of pregnancy
 How can be determined ?
 At term
 Fetus is alive or dead ?

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