Learning Intentions: Partner/class

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Learning Intentions

• Today we are learning to:

• Work in pairs to identify difficult spelling words.
• Write detailed recounts for the purpose of an autobiography.

• At the end we will have:

• Been able to spell 5 difficult words.
• Write a ‘true’ recount and a ‘fake’ recount and share with your
Getting started
• With a partner, work together to complete spelling words on p 54-

• There are 35 words, with partners should take you 35 mins.

• Use the dictionaries to help with the second section of questions.

*tomorrow is Wheel spin

ultimate prize day.
Learning Activities
• Watch “True Confessions”
• Listen to how they recount their events.
Could you tell if they were lying or telling the
• On the lined sheet of paper, write ONE true
story about yourself, and ONE FAKE story
about yourself.
• Remember, the quality of your writing can
convince if the story is real or not!
Check for Understanding
• Wheel spin OR volunteer to sit in the True Confessions chair!
• Completion of Language activity AND/OR completion of a true and
false story.
Getting Started/Daily Review:
Ben turned the other way – southwest. Toward the Barrens. When he looked in this direction, the windwas at his back again. It made his snowpants ripple and
flap. The Canal ran straight between its concrete walls for perhaps half a mile; then the concrete was gone and the river sprawled its way into the Barrens, at this
time of the year a skeletal world of icy brambles and jutting naked branches.

A figure was standing on the ice down there.

Ben stared at it and thought: There may be a man down there, but can he be wearing what it looks like he’s wearing? It’s impossible, isn’t it?

The figure was dressed in what appeared to be a white-silver clown suit. It rippled around him in the polar wind. There were oversized orange shoes on his feet.
They matched the pompom buttons which ran down the front of his suit. One hand grasped a bundle of strings which rose to a bright bunch of balloons and when
Ben observed that the balloons were floating in his direction, he felt unreality wash over him more strongly. He closed his eyes, rubbed them, opened them.The
balloons still appeared to be floating towards him.

It had to be a hallucination or a mirage brought on by some weird trick of the weather. There could be a man down there on the ice; he supposed it was even
technically possible he could be wearing a clown suit.But the balloons couldn't be floating toward Ben, into the wind. Yet that was just what they appeared to be

Ben! The clown on the ice called. Ben thought that voice was only in his mind, although it seemed he heard it with his ears. Want a balloon, Ben?

There was something so evil in that voice, so awful, that Ben wanted to run away as fast as he could, but his feet seemed as welded to this sidewalk as the
teetertotters in the schoolyard were welded to the ground.

They float, Ben! They all float! Try one and see!

The clown began walking along the ice toward the Canal bridge where Ben stood. Ben watched him come, not moving; he watched as a bird watches an
approaching snake. The balloons should have burst in the intense cold, but they did not; they floated above and ahead of the clown when they should have been
streaming out behind him, trying to escape back into the Barrens . . . where, some part of Ben's mind assured him, this creature had come from in the first place.
Now Ben noticed something else.

Although the last of the daylight had struck a rosy glow across the ice of the Canal, the clown cast no shadow. None at all.
Learning Intentions
• Today we are learning to:
• Identify foreshadowing in a horror text.
• Planning and writing horror elements.

• At the end we will have:

• Read and identified language devices in an extract of IT
• Planned and written ONE paragraph for a horror story.
Learning Activities:
interview and recount
• Try to find a partner
• Ask your partner a question from one of the previous categories, but get
Use the template them to respond to one.
below to guide your • Question: Have you had any major accomplishments?
• Your partner must then DISCUSS in detail as much as they remember about
the time they achieved that accomplishment (using the 5 W’s as a format).

Players, myself and

One of my favourite accomplishments was when I Who: assistant coach, along
coached my little league baseball team into the playoffs. with some very excited
When: On a hot summer’s afternoon in 2004

Where: Oshawa, Ontario at a Why: I chose to write about this event

baseball diamond called
Lakeview Park. in my life because of how proud all the
parents and players were.
Learning Activities:
piece it together.
• Now put your 5 W’s together to form a brief paragraph.
• Try to add as much detail as you can.
Use the template
below to guide your
One of my favourite accomplishments was when I coached my little
league baseball team into the playoffs. I remember it was a hot summers
afternoon, 2004, in a small baseball diamond in Oshawa, Ontariro called
Lakeview Park. That’s because the park was right beside the lake. The
parents came to the game quite excited because if we won that game, we
would make the playoffs. Myself and my assistant coach were both also
excited as we knew we were playing a tough team.

I chose to write this event because it was a fond memory of mine on how
proud the kids and parents were since we were the underdog.
Check for Understanding
• Recount activity:
• Brief paragraph complete (or all questioning done)
Learning Intentions
• Today we are learning to:
• Learn new words to increase our vocabulary for Autobiographical
• Begin a ‘life map’ to help guide your Autobiographical writing

• By the end of the lesson we will:

• Have used 3 of the new vocab words in our paragraphs from
last lesson.
Learning Activities:
piece it together.
• Now put your 5 W’s together to form a brief paragraph.
• Try to add as much detail as you can.
Use the template
below to guide your
response! One of my favourite accomplishments was when I coached my
little league baseball team into the playoffs. I remember it was a
hot summers afternoon, 2004, in a small baseball diamond in
Oshawa, Ontariro called Lakeview Park. That’s because the park
was right beside the lake. The parents came to the game quite
excited because if we won that game, we would make the
playoffs. Myself and my assistant coach were both also excited
as we knew we were playing a tough team.
I chose to write this event because it was a fond memory of mine
on how proud the kids and parents were since we were the
Learning Activities
• Finishing your “True Confessions”
• After learning how to add more detail to your
writing, you are to improve on your FAKE story
and your TRUE story.

• Use the 5W method learned in class in the past

lessons, write 5 W paragraph in detail.
• We will have a ‘true confessions’ session in
True or False?
• I was once stranded in an Airport in Dubai. It was 2012, and I had just been
finalising my permanent residency to get into Australia. Once I approached
the boarded desk in Dubai to transfer into Australia, the worker said “sorry,
you don’t have a visa” I replied with “yes, I do” and they printed off a piece of
paper and said I didn’t. I was in complete shock and panic. I had to email the
embassy, but I was not allowed to leave the airport unless I flew back to
Canada or was granted a visa back into Australia. After 5 days in the airport, I
was finally granted a temporary visa for 24 hours to get into Australia. When I
arrived back into the country, I went the immigration desk, to which the lady
said to me “You must be James Brito” I said ”yes”. She then clicked some
buttons on the keyboard and looked at me and said “Yes, you did have a visa
sir, there must have been a departmental error” I sighed, and then laughed.
Option 2
Learning Activities:
piece it together.
• Now put your 5 W’s together to form a brief paragraph.
• Try to add as much detail as you can.
Use the template
below to guide your
response! One of my favourite accomplishments was when I coached my
little league baseball team into the playoffs. I remember it was a
hot summers afternoon, 2004, in a small baseball diamond in
Oshawa, Ontariro called Lakeview Park. That’s because the park
was right beside the lake. The parents came to the game quite
excited because if we won that game, we would make the Added:
playoffs. Myself and my assistant coach were both also excited Audacious
as we knew we were playing a tough team. I also had audacious Pledged
plans; I pledged I would dye my hair pink if we won!

I chose to write this event because it was a fond memory of mine

on how proud the kids and parents were since we were the
Learning Activities: Using adjectives to
describe an event.
”I remember the first

I remember the first time I went to a baseball game. It was

when I was around 10 years old and I went with my awesome
Dad and my super cool uncle. It was a beautiful day and we all
went on the train. We were really high up and it was hard to
see all of my favourite players. There were so many excited
fans and people wearing colourful shirts. It was probably the
best day of my life.
Learning Activities: Using adjectives to
describe an event.

I also remember the first time I travelled on an airplane. I was a

little nervous and anxious because I was leaving my incredible
family to come to Australia. The night before leaving, my
friends made a picture album full of enjoyable memories of the
great times we had together. The drive to the airport was long
and my Mom cried as may parents sadly waved me away
through the security gates. The engine roared loudly and I held
onto the handles on the seat. The stale air crept through my
nostrils and I was pretty un
comfortable flying for that amount of time.
Learning Activity: Life Map timeline
Check for understanding
• 1 paragraph completed with at least 4 adjectives to describe your ‘first
time’ in your timeline.

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