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Cities, laws and

government in the
Ancient World
By Tahj
What are food surplus
Food surpluses are when there lot of food the good things about
food surplusses are when there is a lot of food there are other
jobs and thing to do so there will be more jobs in demand
because food wont be an issue.the negatives are when there is too
much food there is a lot of food waste.
The egyptions used the first form of writing they
were called heiroglyphs. Heiroglyphs were written
like lines and shapes you could tell which way to
read because the text is always going toward the
human or animal.
The laws of sumer
The laws of sumer were made by ur-namnu they used cuneiform laws.which
was written clay tablets with types of strokes on it.
One law was if a man commits a murder he must be killed.
Sumerian goverment
The Sumerian government was a type of theocracy, in which a
god served as the supreme authority and Kings and Priests
received divine direction in order to manage their
respective realms. In Sumer, there were around 3,000 gods.
Every city has a unique government and set of laws.

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