Transitional Word/Phrase: Lets Think About It

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Lets think about


Transitional Word/Phrase
 The student will be able to give the meaning of
definition for Transitional words/phrase.
 To identify types of transitional words/phrases.
 To be able to identify placement of Transition words/
 Use of transitional words/phrases in sentences.
What are transition words/phases
and how are they used?

Transition words and phrases

help make clear connections
between ideas and see that
sentences and paragraphs flow
together smoothly, making
them easier to read.
What is a transition?

Helps you (writer) carry over a thought from

one sentence to another, from one idea to
another, or from one paragraph to another
with words or phrases
Types of Transitions
 Transition can be
 A single word
 A phrase
 A sentence
 An entire paragraph
 All function the same way  a transition either
directly summarizes the content of a preceding
sentence, section, etc., or it helps the reader
anticipate or comprehend NEW information that
you’re going to present.
Transition Placement

 Between Sections

 Between Paragraphs
Transition Placement
 Between Sections
 In longer works, it may be necessary to include transitional
paragraphs that summarize for the reader what was just
covered and specify how it connects to what is going to be
covered next.
 Between Paragraphs
 If you have done a good job of arranging paragraphs so
that the content of one leads logically to the next, the
transition will highlight a relationship that already exists by
summarizing the previous paragraph and suggesting
something of the content of the paragraph that follows.
 A transition between paragraphs can be a word or two
(however, for example, similarly), a phrase, or a sentence.
Transition words:
 Although
 However
 In comparison
 In contrast
 Likewise
 Nevertheless
 On the other hand
 Similarly
 Whereas
 Yet
Transition words that provide a
 After  Initially
 Before
 Lastly
 Currently
 Later
 During
 Eventually  Meanwhile
 Finally  Next
 First,...Second,..., etc. Previously
 Formerly  Simultaneously
 Immediately
 Soon
 Subsequently
Ready for a Quiz ?
How much do you know about
using transition words? Take
the Quiz and find out.
Choose a transition word to
complete the following
Choose the best transition
_________ I do enjoy cooking
as a hobby, I will not prepare all
the food for your party.

On the other handAlthoughTo put it briefly

Choose the best transition
____________I promised to go
to school today, I stayed home
to watch television.

Choose the best transition
_________ they learned their
the new student was from

OverallTo demonstrate
Choose the best
 Polls show that the Beatles are the
most popular singing group of this
century. ________________ ,
there are country music fans who
would disagree.

In particular
For instance
Choose the best transition

The two larger cities,

________________ Knoxville and
Chattanooga, are in East

in summary 
Choose the best transition

 The mayor explained that tax

collection was down, it would be
necessary to freeze salaries at their
current level. ______________ , no-
one was getting a pay rise.
In other words
Choose the best transition
______________ it has been
shown that many accidents occur
on motorcycles, the use of
helmets should be required.

Even though   

Thank you

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