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Done by:
Abdulwahab Sabrin, Mohannad
Essam, AbuBaker Abdulwahab,
Ahmed Mohammed and Makki
Mechanical engineering
Our concept
Market analysis
​Business model canvas​
Learning and adaptation
Project 2 3

We targeted the priority category in this project and accordingly, we asked several questions
that serve the project and provide it with value.

We came up with this idea by looking at food machines, we said why isn't there a similar
machine that provides study supplies?

 Therefore, this project aims to facilitate the needs of students at the university by
providing study tools

We started doing some interviews with students who can provide us with valid feedback,
The places through which we interviewed them are:

1. University Library
2. Open discussions in the classroom

This project targets students who are facing problems finding pens or other stationary tools
at the university, and through this, the project has great value and good demand.

This project will be inspired by the idea of ​food and beverage machines, though we will
create a model that will serve our project, which will benefit everyone.
Project 2 4

A market analysis of the stationary vending machine industry would involve
examining factors such as market size, growth potential, competition, and potential
target markets.
Market Size: The global vending machine market was valued at $23.8 billion in
2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.4% from 2021 to 2028. The stationary
vending machine segment is a significant part of this market and is expected to see
steady growth in the coming years.
Growth Potential: The stationary vending machine market is expected to grow due to
the increasing demand for convenient and accessible stationary tools options.
Additionally, technological advancements in the industry, such as the integration of
cashless payment systems, touchless vending options, and inventory management
software, are likely to drive growth in the sector.
Overall, the stationary vending machine market is attractive due to its steady growth
potential and broad range of potential target markets. Companies with innovative
solutions and a strong value proposition may find success in this competitive


We will be focusing more on universities since all university

students carry some cash with them.
Also, universities are easier to get in contact with than schools. But
we will still target some schools.
Some stationary stores may like this idea since it is fast to collect
what you need.
We will be reaching out to our potential customers by email and
office visits at appropriate timings to get in touch with them and
present our product.
Project 2 6



Stationery stores are our most Hypermarkets are not real The supplier is the most
important competitor. We have to competitors since they mostly important part of any trading
find a way that makes our service provide low-quality tools and sell business, they provide all the
more comfortable for our them at high prices. products for us. So we have to
customers than going to a find a good supplier that offers
stationary store to buy their good-quality tools at good prices.
stationery tools.
Project 2 7


To turn the opportunity into a business, we would start by creating a
business plan that outlines the key aspects of the venture, including the
target market, the products or services offered, the marketing strategy, and
the financial projections.
In terms of making money, we would explore different revenue streams
such as selling products or services, offering subscriptions, or generating
advertising revenue. Also, we would consider pricing strategies that are
competitive and attractive to customers while still allowing for a healthy
profit margin.
As for profitability, it depends on various factors such as the industry, the
competition, and the size of the market. However, we would aim to achieve
profitability within the first 2-3 years of operation by closely monitoring
expenses, optimizing revenue streams, and continuously improving the
business model.
Previously we have made a project, innovating the idea of the stationary
vending machine. In that project, we only worked on building the idea and
making it exist in real life (innovation). But we did not consider how will
we share it with the market and start selling it.
In this project, we are starting to understand our concept more, and we are
ready to make our studies and analysis of the market to finally launch it and
start earning some cash.
Our team sees that there is a true opportunity in the product, but also there
will be some hard constraints that we have to over come to succeed.

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