Demo2 UCA

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Essential Question

What is the relationship between power

and freedom?
Kinds of freedom

Why These Words?

The concept vocabulary words all relate to conflicts

between or among nations or other political groups.
1. He was accused of spreading propaganda and false news.

2. By accepting China’s offer, Japan showed a desire for pacification

and the wish to end the war.

3. They appeased the dictator by accepting his demands in

an effort to avoid war.

4. He was dedicated to ending the tyranny of slavery.

5. That night, they reached the depths of treachery and

betrayal, and murdered the king as he slept.
Surrender Transparency Kindness Challenge

Cooperation Arms Buildup

1. The tyranny of the oppressors was evident through their treachery.

Propaganda was the main method used for securing appeasement from
less powerful nations. A policy of disarmament does not necessarily
lead to pacification of warlike nations.
Important Concepts:

Speech: is a talk delivered to an audience. There are many different

kinds of speeches, each suited to a particular kind of public

Address: is a formal, carefully prepared speech that marks a particular

occasion, or a particular time in the political year

the text is a speech given Remember to mark

by President Franklin D. passages that express
Roosevelt. You must President Roosevelt’s
notice other details that main points in the speech,
may contribute to an including the four
understanding of the freedoms he outlines.
historical context.

think about the relevance of

President Roosevelt’s “four Answer the questions
freedoms” to their own and write a summary to
lives. demonstrate
Close Read

ANNOTATE: mark details in paragraph 2 that indicate the focus of President Roosevelt’s

2. I address you, the Members of the Seventy-seventh Congress, at a moment

unprecedented in the history of the Union. I use the word “unprecedented,”
because at no previous time has American security been as seriously threatened
from without as it is today.

1. What does it say?

2. What does it mean?
3. How is it said?
4. Why does it matter?
Close Read

ANNOTATE: Mark words and phrases in paragraph 5 that suggest something that is absolute
— unchanging and without compromise.

5. What I seek to convey is the historic truth that the United States as a nation
has at all times maintained clear, definite opposition to any attempt to lock us in
behind an ancient Chinese wall while the procession of civilization went past.
Today, thinking of our children and of their children, we oppose enforced
isolation for ourselves or for any other part of the Americas.
Close Read

ANNOTATE: In paragraphs 27–29, mark the group of words that is repeated.

527. That is why the future of all the American republics is today in serious danger.

28. That is why this Annual Message to the Congress is unique in our history.

29. That is why every member of the executive branch of the government and every member
of the Congress face great responsibility and great accountability
Close Read Explain the idiom:

46. As men do not live by bread alone, they do not fight

by armaments alone. Those who man our defenses, and
those behind them who build our defenses, must have the
stamina and the courage which come from unshakable
belief in the manner of life which they are defending. The
mighty action that we are calling for cannot be based on a
disregard of all things worth fighting for.
How does this all relate to our essential
Roosevelt argues that military power is necessary to prevent others
from using their power to reduce freedom.
How to Write an
What is the purpose of an argumentative essay?
Overview of the technique
1. Introduce the topic.

2. Express the view of each side.

3. State your side.

4. Support your arguments with reasons/evidence.

5. Show an understanding of the other side. (counterclaim)

6. Knock down the argument on the other side. (rebuttal)

7. Conclude by re-stating your side.


2.Supporting Paragraph (#1).

3.Supporting Paragraph (#2).

4.Counterclaim and rebuttal.


1. Start in an interesting way. Use a grabber sentence.

2. Introduce the basic argument on each side.

3. Write your thesis statement.

4. List your two main reasons.

School Uniforms

When people talk about dress codes, one controversial issue people
argue about is school uniforms. Some people believe that school uniforms
should be required because they increase academic success. Other people
believe school uniforms should not be required because it limits students'
abilities to express themselves. I think school uniforms should be required
because they are economical, and they lead to higher grades.
Body paragraph 1&2

1. Focus on your two main reasons.

2. Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence.

3. Explain the ideas fully.

4. Support your ideas with significant information.

5. You may need to include citations.

6. Use phrases like “ it is stated that…” “On one hand”

One reason why school uniforms should be required is that they are more
economical. Compared to buying clothes in regular clothing stores, uniforms are
significantly cheaper. According to a 2017 study by Stony Brook University,
"Parents can spend nearly half as much on school uniforms than they would on
popular designer clothes"(text 3, lines 24-26). One parent states, "The jeans my
daughter wants to wear cost $40 each, and her shirts cost about $30 each. The
school uniform only costs $40 for the entire outfit. This saves our family a lot of
money over the school year" (text 1, lines 54-56). Since the uniform is worn
every day in school, students would only need two or three of them, and then
wash them to have enough clean clothes for the week. Without school uniforms,
many students need to buy many different outfits to wear each day (text 4, line
17). This can be very expensive. School uniforms are clearly more economical.
Another reason why school uniforms should be required is that they lead to higher
grades in school. Many studies have been done about the effects of school uniforms,
especially how they relate to academic success. A 2015 study showed that in one public
school in Texas, academic achievement rose significantly when school uniforms
became mandatory. "The graduation rate in the high school rose 10 percent in one year
alone" (text 3, lines 43-44). In one school district in New York City, students reported
that they felt more able to focus when students were required to wear school uniforms.
They felt less distracted about "fitting in" and felt more a part of their school (text 2,
lines 35-40). Additionally, one study reports that, across the United States, "overall,
schools that require students to wear uniforms scored higher on standardized tests"
(text 1, lines 54-55). School uniforms are certainly having a positive effect on student
Counterclaim/ Rebuttal Paragraph

1. Show an understanding of the other side.

2. Write what the other side thinks.

3. Write why the other side is wrong.

4. Use phrases like “Although it may be true…”

“on the other hand…” “it is proven that…”

Those who are opposed to school uniforms argue that it takes away a student's ability
to express himself. They argue that students should be able to wear whatever they like to
express to the world who they are and what they represent (text 1, lines 71-73).
Although this may be true, when students choose their own clothes to wear to school, it
can lead to some problems. Some students wear clothing that represent gangs, for
example. This can cause anxiety and pressure for students in the school, which can be
distracting and lead to an uncomfortable school environment. In other cases, students
might feel pressure to buy and wear certain types of clothes to "fit in." All of these
things can be distracting and get in the way of learning. School uniforms do not cause
such distractions, and this is better for students.

1. Restate your thesis statement and your reasons.

2. Use phrases like “it is clear that…”

“it is evident that…” “it is highly proven that…”

It is evident that school uniforms should be required in
school districts. Uniforms are much more economical than
buying regular clothes, and wearing school uniforms clearly
leads to higher grades. School uniforms are a good idea for
all students.
The ACT English Test is not a grammar test or a test of how well
you write. Instead, the ACT tests your editing skills—your ability
to fix errors in grammar and punctuation and to improve the
organization and style of five different passages.
1. you’ll face five passages on topics ranging from historical essays to personal

2. Portions of each passage are underlined, and you must decide if these are
correct as written or if one of the other answers would fix or improve the

3. Other questions will ask you to add, cut, or reorder text, and ask you to
evaluate the passage as a whole.
1.Remember the 4 C’s

•Good writing should be in complete sentences.

•Everything should be consistent.
•The meaning should be clear .
•The best answer, free of any errors, will be the
most concise.
A Microscope in the Kitchen
I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back
door; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the
refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting on the kitchen table.

1. 1.
Choose the best answer.
Individual Question
B.waiting, by the back door,
C.waiting by the back door,
D.waiting by the back door
Choose the best answer.
Individual Question
F.would sit
A Microscope in the Kitchen
I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back
door; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the
refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting on the kitchen table.

The best answer is A. It provides the best punctuation for the underlined portion.
The phrase "waiting by the back door" describes the noun nets and is essential
because it tells which nets the narrator "grew up with." Therefore, no comma
should be placed after nets. The semicolon after the word door is appropriate
because semicolons are used between items in a series when one or more of
these items include commas.
A Microscope in the Kitchen
I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back
door; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the
refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting on the kitchen table.

The best answer is G. The verb form sitting is best here

because it creates a parallel structure for all three items in
the series: "nets waiting," "hip-waders hanging," "a
microscope sitting."
Thank you

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