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What’s New

 The word paragraph comes from two Greek words:

para which means “beyond” or “beside” and graphein
which means “to write”.
 A paragraph is a collection of related sentences with
one central idea. Each sentence shows connection to
other sentences in the paragraph
 A paragraph is an independent unit or a related unit.
As an independent unit, it is complete itself. As a
related unit, it is a part of a composition that is
combined with other paragraphs to make a larger
 Whether a paragraph is an independent unit or a
related unit, it has its beginning, middle and end.
One of the most important elements in
writing is the form of structure. It is worth
noting that without a solid structure in
place, the content you have gathered would
fall apart. After constructing an outline and
writing your first draft, it is time to get on to
paragraph writing.
An effective paragraph shows the unity
of the sentences used in developing the
main idea. A paragraph is made up of the
topic sentence which contains the main
idea, the supporting details and the
conclusion or the clinching sentence at the

• Topic Sentence- it reveals the main or central idea of

the paragraph . It does not necessarily have to be
placed at the beginning of the paragraph. It may be
found in the middle of the first and the last sentence
or at the end. If it is found at the end of the
paragraph, it may be used as a clinching or
concluding sentence

• Supporting details- they give the paragraph life as it

elaborates on the scope given by the topic sentence.

• Clinching sentence- it closes your paragraph.

According to Dagdag (2010), this “may be a
restatement of the topic sentence, or a conclusion
based on the supporting details.”
Quiz #1

Read the statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then write
your answers on the blanks provided before each number.
_______1. It is method of writing a paragraph by drawing pictures with words.
_______2. This method of paragraph development involves similarities and differences
between two things.
_______3. This gives a written account of an event or story.
_______4. This is a collection of related sentences with one central idea.
_______5. This pattern of development classifies or divides people, places, things or
ideas into categories.
Activity #1

Can you define what is

paragraph is? Try filling up this
graphic organizer, with your
ideas of what paragraph is. APH
Activity #2

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