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There are 2 kinds of maps

• Single map
 rare  requires you to use the present simple
and it is impossible for any comparisons to be
• Double maps: Describe two maps- one in the
present and one in the past/future.
more common  requires you to use present
and future tenses. This kind of question is
normally about the (past/future) development of
a town or city or a sector.
1. Introduction
2. Overview (Say about the most noticeable
3. Details
1. Introduction
• «The map(s) display(s) the ...»
2. Overview
Write a general view + give a brief comparison. To
find the differences, answer these questions:
• What are the dramatic transformations?
• What are the untouched parts?
 «In general, ... over the period»
3. Details
• What do we write?
- Does the residential area decrease or increase?
- Does the rural area decrease or increase?
- Do trees decrease or increase?
- Is there any big development in infrastructure ?
- What are the renovations in buildings and
entertainment places?
- Does anything new appear?
- What features are kept
• How to group ideas?
- Paragraph 1: The humorous/major changes.
 «As can be seen clearly, the most noticeable
- Paragraph 2: The minor alterations/ untouched
 «However,...»
1. man-made process  will use the passive.
2. comparisons
3. Change description:
• Buildings– demolished (phá hủy), knocked-down (đập phá),
flattened (san bằng), replaced, renovated (cải tạo), built =
constructed (xây mới), reconstructed (xây lại), developed, extended
(kéo dài), expanded (mở rộng), relocated (dời sang), converted (biến
thành) and modernized; thrown up; sculptured; formed;
engineered; composed; erected; raised; fabricated
• The government demolished the industrial estate and developed a
sports ground.
• They removed the shops and replaced them with a skyscraper.
• A port was constructed at the edge of the river.
• The factory in the city centre was demolished and relocated to the
north of the city.
• The old warehouses were replaced with new hotels.
• Trees and Forests: cleared (xóa sạch), cut-down,
chopped-down, removed (dời đi), planted
The forest was cut-down and replaced with a shopping
The trees were cleared to make way for houses.
• Roads, bridges and railways lines: constructed, built,
extended, expanded and removed.
Ex: The main road was extended and a new bridge was
built over the river.
• Leisure facilities: opened, set up (xây lên),
• A skate park was set up next to the swimming
• A park was developed beside the forest.
4. Sample structures to describe changes in towns and
• Over the period, the area witnessed dramatic changes.
• From 1995 to 2005, the city centre saw spectacular
• The village changed considerably over the time period.
• During the 10 year period, the industrial area was totally
• Over the past 20 years, the residential area was totally
• Over the time period, the old docks were totally
• Between 1995 and 2005, the old houses were rebuilt.
• The central business district was completely modernised
during the time period.
5. How to Describe Locations
• You will also be expected to describe where
things are maps and describe where changes
have occurred.
• You can use ‘to the left’ and ‘to the right’, but
a better way is to use ‘north’, ‘south’, ‘east’
and ‘west’.
• The forest to the south of the river was cut down.
• A golf course was constructed to the north of
the airport.
• The houses in the south-west of the town were
• The green fields to the north-west of the city
were redeveloped as a park.
• The airport in the centre of the city was
relocated to the north-east of the river.
• The school to the south-east was knocked down
and a new one was built to the east of the forest.
 6. Prepositions of place:
At + small place
in +
On + the banks, the top
By = beside
To: toi dau do
• Examples:
• Dramatic changes took place in the city centre.
• To the south of the town, there is a golf course
surrounded by trees.
• A new school was built next to the swimming pool.
• The old road running from north to south was replaced by a new
• A marina was built on the banks of the river.
Both maps display an island at two points of time, before and after the
innovation to become a tourist attraction.
In general, over the period, the island was mostly converted with the
construction of some relaxation facilities and a pier accounted for about
150m in the total of 250m of the island’s length. Nevertheless, the eastern
area with around 100m of the land remained untouched .
As can be seen clearly, the most noticeable changes were at the center
with a receptionist service right at the middle and behind it was a restaurant.
Besides, home-stay was also added both on the right (with nine houses) and
left (with six houses) of those two big buildings. In term of transportation, a
vehicle track was opened for the travelling from the restaurant to the
receptionist and straight forward to the front sea. Furthermore, a footpath
was also fabricated to walk around the accommodation and to the beach on
the West. One more prominent alternation was the pier which was raised on
the south coast of the island to serve the activities of sail boats. The last
seeable/minor transformation was the setting up of a swimming pool at the
kept-stable-beach on the West.
The undeveloped part was left on the Eastern area of the island, in
which the natural features has not been spoiled.

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