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Introduction to Robotics

Analysis, Control, Applications

Solution Manual

Saeed B. Niku

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Problem 1.1
Draw the approximate workspace for the following robot. Assume the dimensions of the
base and other parts of the structure of the robot are as shown.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-25 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 1.14


The workspace shown is approximate.

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Problem 1.2
Draw the approximate workspace for the following robot. Assume the dimensions of the
base and other parts of the structure of the robot are as shown.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 1.14


The workspace shown is approximate.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 1.3
Draw the approximate workspace for the following robot. Assume the dimensions of the
base and other parts of the structure of the robot are as shown.

Estimated student time to complete: 10-15 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 1.14


The workspace shown is approximate.

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Problem 2.1
Write a unit vector in matrix form that describes the direction of the cross product of
p  5i  3k and q  3i  4j  5k .

Estimated student time to complete: 5-10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.4


 j

r  p  q 5 0 3   i 0 12  j25  9  k 20  0  12i 16j  20k
 3 4
 rx 2  r 2 y r 2  144  256  400 
28.28 z

 12 
  0.424 
 16  
r  0.566
 28.28  
 20   0.707 
 28.28

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Problem 2.2
A vector p is 8 units long and is perpendicular to vectors q and r described below.
Express the vector in matrix form.
0.3  rx 
q  0.5
qunit 
 0.4y 
runit   
0  0.4
   0 

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.4


The two vectors given are unit vectors. Therefore, each missing component can be found

qy  1 0.09  0.16  0.866

rx  1 0.25  0.16  0.768

Since p is perpendicular to the other two vectors, it is in the direction of the cross product
of the two. Therefore:

 i k 
p   0.3 0.866 0.4  i 0.346  0.2  j0.12  0.307  k 0.15  0.665

0.768 0.5 0.4

 i 0.146  j0.187  k 0.515

Since q and r are not perpendicular to each other, the resulting p is not a unit vector.
Vector p can be found as:

p  i 0.146  j0.187  k 0.515

p  0.146  0.187  0.515  0.567
2 2 2

w  14.1

p  wi 0.146  j0.187  k

p  i 2.06  j2.64  k 7.27

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Problem 2.3
Will the three vectors p, q, and r in Problem 2.2 form a traditional frame? If not, find the
necessary unit vector s to form a frame between p, q, and s.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.4


As we saw in Problem 2.2, since q r is not a unit vector, it means that q and r and not
perpendicular to each other, and therefore, they cannot form a frame. However, p and q
are perpendicular to each other, and we can select s to be perpendicular to those two. Of
course, p is not a unit length, therefore we use the unit vector representing it.

p  0.1462  0.1872  0.5152  0.567

w  1.764

p  wi 0.146  j0.187  k

p  i 0.257 j
i   j0.33  k 0.908
 
s  0.257 0.33 
0.908  i 0.918  j0.375  k 0.124
p  i 0.257  j0.33  k 0.908 
 0.3 0.866 
0.4 

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Problem 2.4
Suppose that instead of a frame, a point P  3, 5, 7
in space was translated a distance

of d  2, 3, 4 . Find the new location of the point relative to the reference frame.

Estimated student time to complete: 5 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6


As for a frame,

1 0 0 2 3 5
0 3 5
Pnew 1 0    
0 1
0 4 7 11
 
0 0 0     1 

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Problem 2.5
The following frame B was moved a distance of d  5, 2, 6 . Find the new location of the

frame relative to the reference frame.

0 1 0
1 2
0 40


0 
0 0 1
Estimated student time to complete: 5-10 minutes
6 0 knowledge
Prerequisite 0 required: Text Section(s) 2.6


The transformation matrix representing the translation is used to find the new location as:

1 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 7
 
0 0
 

Bnew  0 1 0 2 1 0 0 4  1 0

0 6
  6 0

0 0 1 6 0 0 0 1 12
1 0
0 0 1
0 0 0 1  0 0

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Problem 2.6
For frame F, find the values of the missing elements and complete the matrix
representation of the frame.
? 0 1
? 5
0 30
F 


? 1 0
Estimated student time to complete:
2 10 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.4

0 0 0

nx 0
n 5
F  y
 0 

n 1 0 i j k
From nz  o  n
 x
n y n z   i
a 2 00
0  1
0 nx  0, nz 
Or: i ny   jnx   k 0  i , and therefore: ny  0
0 0 1 1,
1 5
0 30

 
0 1 0

0 0 0

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Problem 2.7
Find the values of the missing elements of frame B and complete the matrix
representation of the frame.

0.707 2
B   0
 ? 0 1
 1 

? 0.707 0
Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge
5 0 required: Text Section(s) 2.4
0 0

0.707 2
n y 4
B   0
 0
 
j k 
n n  j
From n  o   y z 
a   o
 x 0
nz 0.707 0
j k 
 i5 0
Therefore: 0.707
0 ny 0 nz   j
  ox 0 0.707

And i 0.707ny   j0.5  nzox   k nyox   j ny 

0 0.7072  n2  n2  1  n  0.707
y z z
From length equations: n  1 or
o  0.5  1

o  0.707
0.707 0 x 0.707 0
0.707 2  0.707 2
0 0 14 0 0 14
B there are two possible acceptable
and solutions:
B  
0.707  0.707
   
 0 1

  0 1

0.707 0 5 0.707 0 5
0 0 0 0
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Problem 2.8
Derive the matrix that represents a pure rotation about the y-axis of the reference frame.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.2.


From the figure:

px  pn cos  pa sin 0
 px   C S   pn 
py  p o and  p    0 1 0   p 
S 0 C  
pz   pn sin  pa cos  pz
pa 

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Problem 2.9
Derive the matrix that represents a pure rotation about the z-axis of the reference frame.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.2.

From the Figure:

px  pn cos  po sin S
 px  C 0  pn 
py  pn sin  po cos  p    S C 0  po 
y 
 pz
pz  p a  0 0 1 
pa 

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Problem 2.10
Verify that the rotation matrices about the reference frame axes follow the required
constraint equations set by orthogonality and length requirements of directional unit

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes.

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.4.5 and 2.6.2


S  we have:

nio  0 or nx ox + ny oy + nz oz = 0
n ia  0
0 
ai o  0
For Rot(x, )  0 C
n 1 
o S 2  C 2  1
a  S  2
C2 1
Rot( y, ) and Rot(z,
C   ) will be the

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Problem 2.11
Find the coordinates of point P(2, 3, 4)T relative to the reference frame after a rotation of
45 ∘ about the x-axis.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.3.


0 0 2 
2 1  2 
P  Rot(x, 45) 3  0 0.707 0.7073  0.707
0 0.707 0.707  4  4.95
Note that the rotation is written
 in a 3 3 , not homogeneous form, because we are
only concerned about the rotation part.

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Problem 2.12
Find the coordinates of point P(3, 5, 7)T relative to the reference frame after a rotation of
30 ∘ about the z-axis.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.3.


3 0.866 0 3  0.1 
P  Rot(z, 30) 5   0.5 0.866 05  5.83
7 
0 1 7 
Note that the rotation is written in7a 3

3 form not homogeneous form, because we
are only concerned about the rotation part.

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Problem 2.13
Find the new location of point P(1, 2, 3)T relative to the reference frame after a rotation of
30∘ about the z-axis followed by a rotation of 60∘ about the y-axis.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.3.


P  Rot( y, 60)Rot(z, 30)P
 0.5 0 0.866 0.5 0
0 0  0.5 0.866
0 0.866 0 1 2.531
 0 1
0 0 2 2.232
P   
0.866 0 0.5 0  0 0 3 1.616
 0 
1 0 1 
1 1 1 
0 0 0
0 0

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Problem 2.14
A point P in space is defined as BP  (5, 3, 4)T relative to frame B which is attached to
the origin of the reference frame A and is parallel to it. Apply the following
transformations to frame B and find AP. Using the 3-D grid, plot the transformations and
the result and
verify it. Also verify graphically that you would not get the same results if you apply the
transformations relative to the current frame:
 Rotate 90 ∘ about x-axis, then
 Translate 3 units about y-axis, 6 units about z-axis, and 5 units about x-axis. Then,
 Rotate 90 ∘ about z-axis.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.3.


P  Rot(z, 90)Trans(5, 3, 6)Rot(x, 90) B0P 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 1 0  5 1
1 0  0 3 0 0 1
0 3  10
P  0 0 1 0 1  0  04 
 1 6 0 9
0 0 1 0 0 0  0
  1
0 1 1
0 1 0  

0 0 0 1 0 0

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Problem 2.15
A point P in space is defined as BP  (2, 3, 5)T relative to frame B which is attached to
the origin of the reference frame A and is parallel to it. Apply the following
transformations to frame B and find AP. Using the 3-D grid, plot the transformations and
the result and
verify it:
 Rotate 90 about x-axis, then

 Rotate 90 ∘ about local a-axis, then

 Translate 3 units about y-, 6 units about z-, and 5 units about x-axes.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.4.


P  Trans(5,
1 0 3, 6)Rot(x,
0 090)Rot(a,
0 90) BP1 0
0 5 1 0 0 0 2  2 
1 0   
3 0 0 1 0 1
 0 0 0 3 2
P 0 5   8 
  
  1 0 0 0 0 1    
0 0 1 6 0
1 1 1 
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0

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Problem 2.16
A frame B is rotated 90∘ about the z-axis, then translated 3 and 5 units relative to the n-
and o-axes respectively, then rotated another 90∘ about the n-axis, and finally, 90∘ about
the y-axis. Find the new location and orientation of the frame.

0 1 0
1 1
0 10

0 1
Estimated student
1time to complete: 15-20 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.4.

0 0 0
Bnew  Rot( y, 90)Rot(z, 90) BTrans(3, 5, 0)Rot(n, 90)
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 1 0
0 1
0 0 01   0 5 0 0 0 6
Bnew 1 00  01 0 1 00 1 0 0
 
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 00 0 0    
 0 1 0 1 0
 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0

0 0 1

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Problem 2.17
The frame B of problem 2.16 is rotated 90∘ about the a-axis, 90∘ about the y-axis, then
translated 2 and 4 units relative to the x- and y-axes respectively, then rotated another
90∘ about the n-axis. Find the new location and orientation of the frame.

0 1 0
1 1
0 10

0 1 0
Estimated student 1time
 to complete: 15-20 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.6.4.

0 0 0
Bnew  Trans(2, 4, 0)Rot( y, 90) B Rot(a, 90)Rot(n, 90)

1 0 0 2  0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Bnew  0 4  0 0 1

0 1 13 0 0 0 0 5 
1 0 1 0 1 0 1
 1 0   1 0   0 0    0 0    0 1   0 0 1 
1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1  0 0 0 0

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Problem 2.18
Show that rotation matrices about the y- and the z-axes are unitary.

Estimated student time to complete:

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.7.


C S
A  Rot( y, )  0 0 
S 0 C

det A  1(C 2  S 2 )  0
1 0
AT  0 C S 
1 0

0 S
C 0
  0 1 0  /1  A1
C S
adjA  AT
minor 

 S
A1  AT C 

Exact same is true for rotation about the z-axis.

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Problem 2.19
Calculate the inverse of the following transformation matrices:

0 0.39
 0.527 0.574 0.628 2
 5
0.819 0.439 5 1 0
 and 6
T  0.92
1 T  0 2
0.766 
 0.369 00 0.643 1 3 2
00 0.92
 0 0  0 0 1

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes.
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.7.


Since transformation matrices are unitary, we calculate the inverses simply by

transposing the rotation part and calculating the position part by:

0.527  2  0.369  5  0.766  3  0.601

0.574  2  0.819  5  0 3 
2.947 0.628 2  0.439  5  0.643
3  5.38

0.369 0.766
 0.527 0.601
0.819 0

T11   0.574 2.947
 0.628 
 0 0.439 0.643 1 

And similarly, 0 0

0 3.82
0 1 0 6 
T21   0 0.92
 
 3.79 1 
0 0 0

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Problem 2.20
Calculate the inverse of the matrix B of Problem 2.17.

Estimated student time to complete: 5 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.7.


0 1 0
1 1
0 10

0 0 1
1 10
1 1
0 0 
B 

0 0 0 1
0 0 1
1 1
 1 

0 0 0

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Problem 2.21
Write the correct sequence of movements that must be made in order to restore the
original orientation of the spherical coordinates and make it parallel to the reference
frame. About what axes are these rotations supposed to be?

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.9.3.


1 0
0 0 rS  C 
1 0 rS
Tsph (r,  , )Rot(o,  )Rot(a,  ) 
S  
 
 
0 0 1 rC
As shown, the rotations are relative to
0 o- 0and0a-axes1 in the sequence shown. These
rotations must be relative to the current moving frame in order to prevent changing the
position of the frame.

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Problem 2.22
A spherical coordinate system is used to position the hand of a robot. In a certain
situation, the hand orientation of the frame is later restored in order to be parallel to the
reference frame, and the matrix representing it is described as:
1 0 0
0 1 3.1375
Tsph   2.195 

0 0 1 3.214
 
 Find thenecessary values of r,  , to achieve this location.
0 0 0 of the
Find the components 1 original matrix n, o, a vectors for the hand before the
orientation was restored.

Estimated student time to complete: 20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.9.3.


a) The equations representing position in a spherical coordinates may be set equal to the
given values as:
i. rC S   3.1375
ii. rS S   2.195
iii. rC  3.214
I. Assuming S  is positive, from i and ii
  35 ∘

from ii and iii   50∘

from iii r=5 units.

II. If S  were negative, then   215∘

  50∘
r=5 units.

Since orientation is not specified, no more information is available to check the results.

b) For case I, substitute corresponding values of S  , C , S , C and r in

spherical coordinates to get:

0.5735 0.6275
0.5265 3.1375
 0.439 2.195
Tsph (r,  , )  T
sph (35, 50, 5) 

 0.766 0 0.6428 
 0 3.214  1 
0 0
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Problem 2.23
Suppose that a robot is made of a Cartesian and RPY combination of joints. Find the
necessary RPY angles to achieve the following:

 0.527 0.574 0.628 4

 0.819 0.439 6 
T   0.369
0.766 0 0.643
 
 0 0
9 1
0 to complete: 20 minutes
Estimated student time
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.10.1


The position is achieved by Cartesian joints. Therefore, the robot moves 4, 6, and 9 units
along the x-, y-, and z-axes. The orientation is achieved by RPY rotations, therefore:
a  ATAN 2(ny , nx )  ATAN 2(0.369, 0.527)  35∘
or a  ATAN 2(ny , nx )  ATAN 2(0.369, 0.527)  215

For a  35∘
o  ATAN 2(nz , (nx Ca  ny  a ))  ATAN 20.766, 0.527  0.819  0.369  0.574  ∘

S 50
For a  215 ∘
 
o  ATAN 2 0.766, 0.643  ∘

Fora  35

n  ATAN 2((a yC  a S ), (o Ca  xo a y a x a

S ))
 
 ATAN 2  0.439  0.819  0.628 0.574 , 0.819  0.819  0.574  0.574  
 
 ATAN 2 0,1  0∘

For a  215 ∘
n  ATAN 2 0, 1  ∘

180 
a  35∘ a  215∘
Either solution is acceptable:  o  ∘   130∘
50    0∘
 n   180∘
 n

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Problem 2.24
Suppose that a robot is made of a Cartesian and Euler combination of joints. Find the
necessary Euler angles to achieve the following:

0.574 0.628
 0.527 4
0.819 0.439 6

T   0.369
0.766 

 0 
0 0.6431 
Estimated student time to complete: 20 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge
0 required:0 Text Section(s) 2.10.2


The position is achieved by Cartesian joints. Therefore, the robot moves 4, 6, and 9 units
along the x-, y-, and z-axes. The orientation is achieved by Euler rotations, therefore:

  ATAN 2(ay , ax ) or   ATAN 2(ay , ax )

or   ATAN 2(0.439, 0.628)  ∘

35 ∘
  ATAN 2(0.439, 0.628) 
  ATAN 2[(nx S  nyC ), (ox S 
oyC )]
or   ATAN 2[0,1]  ◦
  ATAN 2[0, 1] 
  ATAN 2[(axC  ay S ),
az )]
or   ATAN 2[(0.628 0.819  0.439  0.573), 0.643)] 
∘  ATAN 2[(0.628  0.819   0.439  0.573 ), 0.643)] 

50 

  35∘   215∘

Then    ∘   180

  50∘   50∘

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Problem 2.25
Assume that the three Euler angles used with a robot are 30∘ , 40∘ , 50∘
respectively. Determine what angles should be used to achieve the same result if RPY is
used instead.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-25 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.10


For Euler angles:

Euler( , , )0.8296

 0.0435  Rot(a,0.5568
)Rot(o,0), Rot(a, )  Rot(a, 30)Rot(o, 40), Rot(a, 50)
0.2635 0.3215 0
 0.9096
 
= 0.4925
0.4134 0.766
 0 0 
a  ATAN 2(ny , nx )  ATAN 2(0.9096, 0.0435)  87.26

or  a  ATAN 2(ny , nx )  ATAN 2(0.9096,
0.0435)  267.26 ∘

o  ATAN 2(nz , (nxCa  ny Sa ))  ATAN 2 0.4134, 0.9106  24.5

or o  ATAN 2 0.4134, 0.9106  155.5

n  ATAN 2((ay Ca  ax Sa ), (oy Ca  ox Sa ))

 
 ATAN 2 0.5408, 0.8412  32.7∘
or n  ATAN 2(0.5408, 0.8412)  212.7

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Problem 2.26
A frame UB was moved along its own o-axis a distance of 6 units, then rotated about its
n-axis an angle of 60∘ , then translated about the z-axis for 3 units, followed by a rotation
of 60∘ about the z-axis, and finally rotated about x-axis for 45∘ .
 Calculate the total transformation performed.
 What angles and movements would we have to make if we were to create the same
location and orientation using Cartesian and Euler configurations?

Estimated student time to complete: 25-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.9- 2.10

T B  Rot(x, 45)Rot(z, 60)Trans(0, 0, 3)Trans(0, 6, 0)Rot(n,
60)  0.5 0.433 0.75
Bnew  0. 6123 0.4355 0.6596
6123 0.789 
0.0474 
0. 4.242 

 0 0 0 
The Cartesian translations are: px  5.196,  px  0, px  4.242 . Euler angles

  ATAN 2(ay , ax ) or   ATAN 2(ay , ax )

or   ATAN 2(0.6596, 0.75)  ∘
41.33 ∘
  ATAN 2(0.6596, 0.75) 
  ATAN 2[(nx S  nyC ), (ox S 
oyC )]
or   ATAN 2[0.79, 0.613]  ◦
127.8 ◦
  ATAN 2[0.79, 0.613] 
  ATAN 2[(axC  ay S ),
az )]
or   ATAN 2[0.9988, 0.0474]  ∘
87.28 ∘
  ATAN 2[0.9988, 0.0474] 

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Problem 2.27
A frame UF was moved along its own n-axis a distance of 5 units, then rotated about its
o-axis an angle of 60∘ , followed by a rotation of 60∘ about the z-axis, then translated
about its a-axis for 3 units, and finally rotated 45∘ about the x-axis.
 Calculate the total transformation performed.
 What angles and movements would we have to make if we were to create the same
location and orientation using Cartesian and RPY configurations?

Estimated student time to complete: 20-25 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.11

T B  Rot(x, 45)Rot(z, 60)Trans(5, 0, 0)Rot(o, 60)Trans(0, 0,
3)  0.25 0.866 0.433 3.8 
 0.918 
Bnew   0.354 0.177 3.59 
0.354 0.884
0.306 5.71

 0 0 0 
For Cartesian coordinates: px  3.8, py  3.59, pz  5.71

a RPY angles:
ATAN 2(ny , nx )  ATAN 2(0.918, 0.25)  74.8

or a  ATAN 2(ny , nx )  254.8

o  ATAN 2(nz , (nxCa  ny Sa ))  ATAN 2 0.306,

0.951  17.8

o  ATAN 2 0.306, 0.951  162.2

n  ATAN 2((a Cy  aa Sx ), (o

C  o S ))
y a x a

 
 ATAN 2 0.372, 0.928  21.8∘

  ATAN 2 0.372, 0.928  201.8∘


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Problem 2.28
Frames describing the base of a robot and an object are given relative to the Universe
Find a transformation RTH of the robot configuration if the hand of the robot is to be
placed on the object.
 By inspection, show whether this robot can be a 3-axis spherical robot, and if so, find
,  , r .
 Assuming that the robot is a 6-axis robot with Cartesian and Euler coordinates, find
px , py , pz ,, , .

1 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 2
0 0 0
U obj
T 
T  1
 
 
1 0 0 1 10
1 0 0 
Estimated student time
0 to complete: 20-25
 minutes
0 0 2.11
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 0

0 0 0

a. We want to place the hand on the part. Therefore, RT H  UT H1 UT obj

U obj
 UT R RT H  UT R RT obj R H
T  UTR1 UTobj

0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 5
Substitute:  2 0 4 1
T   1 0 0  0   
0 0
 0 1 0
 1  0
0 0 1 0 0 1
b. No. The 3,2 element of 1 matrix should be zero. This
spherical coordinate transformation
is not. 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0
c. px  5, py  01, pz  0
  ATAN 2[0, 1]  180◦   ATAN 2[0,1]  0◦
or or   ATAN 2[1(1), 0]  
  ATAN 2[1(1), 0]  90◦ 270◦ or   ATAN 2[1(1), 0] 
  ATAN 2[1(1), 0]  90∘ 270∘
  180∘  
Then 0   ∘
  270

   90∘   270∘

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Problem 2.29
A 3-DOF robot arm has been designed for applying paint on flat walls, as shown.
 Assign coordinate frames as necessary based on the D-H representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Find the UTH matrix.

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some of the frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified.

#  d a 
0-1 1 l4 0 0
1-2 0 0 l5 -90
2-H 90 l6 0 0

T  UT R RT H  UT RA 1A 2A 3
1 0 0 S1 0 0 0 1
0 l1  C1 0  1 l5   0 0
1 S
l2 0 C1 0 0 0 0 0  1 0 
  1

0 0 1 l3   0
0 1 0 1 l6 
0 1 l4 0   
0  
0 0 1

0 10 0 1 0 0
 0 C1 S1 S1l6  C1l5  l1 
0  1 0 0  0 0
S1 C Cl Sl
1 6 1 5 2 
1 l 0 0 1  0 0
 0 l4  l3 
 0
1 
0 © Copyrighted 2010.
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Problem 2.30
In the 2-DOF robot shown, the transformation matrix 0TH is given in symbolic form, as
well as in numerical form for a specific location. The length of each link l1 and l2 is 1 ft.
Calculate the values of 1 and 2 for the given location.
C12 S12 0 0.9563 0
S l2C12  l1C1  0.2924 0.6978
C12  
0 H  12
l S lS 0.9563 0.2924 0 0.8172
T 
0 0   0 1 0
 0 0   

2 12 1 0
0 0 1
1 1 
x x1

 0
z 2 xH

01 z1 zH

z0 1
0 Figure P.2.30

Estimated student time to complete: 20 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.13


This example is very simple, with only two degrees of freedom. Therefore, there is really
no need to use the traditional method of inverse kinematic mentioned in Section 2.13.
The joint angles can be determined as follows:

1   2 ATAN 2(S 12, C )  ATAN 2(0.9563, 0.2924) 

12 ∘
C1   px  l2C12  /
   / 1l
 l2C12  l1C1  px    ATAN 2 
1 y 2 12
lS  / 1l ,  xp l
2 12
 l2 S12  l 1S 1  p y l
S 1 p y  l2 S12
p 
1  ATAN 2  py  l2 S12 / l1,  px  l2C12

1/ l1 ATAN 2 0.8172  0.9563 , 0.6978  0.2924  ATAN 2 0.1391, 0.9902  ∘

2  107  (8)
  115  

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Problem 2.31
For the following SCARA-type robot:
 Assign the coordinate frames based on the D-H representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write all the A matrices.
 Write the UTH matrix in terms of the A matrices.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some of the frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified.

#  d a 
0-1 1 0 d3 0
1-2 2 0 d4 180
2-H 3 d5 0 0

 UT0 0T  UHT 0A1A 2A 3

1 0 0 0  C1 S1 0 d3C1  C2 S2 0 d4C2  S3 0 0

  S1 0 d S3 1   2 C2 d S 2   S3
4  3 0 

 0 1 0 0 C
1 3
S 0  0 C0 10 d5 
0 1 0  0 C0 0
0 0 1 d1  d2  00 0 1   0
0 0 1

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 1
Multiplying these matrices will yield the total transformation.

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Problem 2.32
A special 3-DOF spraying robot has been designed as shown:
 Assign the coordinate frames based on the D-H representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write all the A matrices.
 Write the UTH matrix in terms of the A matrices.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12

Please note that no particular reset position is specified for this robot.

#  d a 
0-1 90  1 0 0 90
1-2 0 l2 0 -90
2-3 3 0 0 90
3-H 0 l3 0 0

1 0 0 S1 0
0 l1  C 0
1 C1
0 0 1 0
T0   A1   0

 
1  
0 0 1 S1
1 C3 0 S 1 0 0
0 0 S 0 3 0 0
0  0  1 0 0 
0 3 3 0C
A2   A3    A4  
0 0 0 2  0 0 1 l3 
   0 1 0 0  
0 0
 0 1 0  0 0 0 1 
U H  T 0 T H  T 0A 1A 2A 3A 
U 0 U
T 0 1 0 0 1
The4 total transformation can be summarized by0multiplying  these matrices.
0 1 0 l 
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© 0 12010.
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0 system
0 or1 the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.


Problem 2.33
For the Unimation Puma 562, 6-axis robot shown,
 Assign the coordinate frames based on the D-H representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write all the A matrices.
 Find the RTH matrix for the following values:
Base height=27 in, d2=6 in, a2=15 in, a3=1 in, d4=18 in
1  0∘∘ , 2  45 , 3  0∘ , 4  0∘ , 5  45∘ , 6  ∘
Estimated student time to complete: 30-40 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. To express the height from the table, the 27-in base height must be added to
the pz value. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified. Therefore, the
results relate to a position and orientation that would correspond to the given
transformations from a reset position. We assume at reset, there is 90 degrees between x0
and x1 . Please note how frames 2, 3, and 4 relate to each other by referring to the side
view of the arm.

(Reprinted with permission from Staubli Robotics.)

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0 0 1 0.707 0 1 0 0
1 0 0.707 10.61 0 0
0 0.707 0 0 1 0
0 0  10.61 
A 
1 A2  0.707  A3  
  0 0 1 0 1 0 0
 
 
1  0 6    
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 00 0
0 0  0.707
0  0.707
0  0 1 0 00
A  
4 A  0.707
5 0 A 
0 0 0 0 0
 0.707
 0 
1 0  1 0 
0 1 10
1 0 1 
6 0 1 0 0

 0 0 0
T 
0 6

 0 0 1
 0 1 0 
0 0

0 0 0
1 0
0 0

0 0 1
24 

0 0 0 1

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Problem 2.34
For the given 4-DOF robot:
 Assign appropriate frames for the Denavit-Hartenberg representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write an equation in terms of A-matrices that shows how U T H can be
Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some of the frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified.

1 0 0 l1 
 UT 0 T  U T A A A A   1 0 2
A1 A2 A3 A4
T 0 H 0 1 2 3 4
0 1
0 l 

0 0 0 1 

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 2.35
For the given 4-DOF robot designed for a specific operation:

 Assign appropriate frames for the Denavit-Hartenberg representation.

 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write an equation in terms of A-matrices that shows how U T H can be calculated.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some of the frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified.

* L  l4  l5  / sin 
The total transformation for the robot can be determined from:
1 0 0 l1 
0 
1 0 0
T  UT 0 0T H  UT 0A 1A 2A 3A  
U H  A1A 2 A3 A4
4 0 0 1 0
 
0 0 0 1
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Problem 2.36
For the given specialty-designed 4-DOF robot:
 Assign appropriate frames for the Denavit-Hartenberg representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write an equation in terms of A-matrices that shows how U T H can be calculated.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some of the frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified.

1 0 0 l1 
0 
1 0 l
T  UT03 0T H  UT 0A 1A 2A   2  A1A2A3
0 0 1 0
 
0 0 0 1

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 2.37
For the given 3-DOF robot:
 Assign appropriate frames for the Denavit-Hartenberg representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write an equation in terms of A-matrices that shows how U T H can be calculated.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some of the frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified. Please also note
that there can be an additional frame between frames 1 and H. In that case, the two joint
variables will be represented by two separate matrices.

#  d a 
0-1 90  1 l3  l4 0 -90

1-H 2 l5  l6  l7 0 0

1 0 0 l1 
 2  1 2
T  UT02 0T H  UT 0A 1A   0 1 0 l AA
0 0 1 0 

0 0 0 1 

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 2.38
For the given 4-DOF robot:
 Assign appropriate frames for the Denavit-Hartenberg representation.
 Fill out the parameters table.
 Write an equation in terms of A matrices that shows how U T H can be calculated.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.12


In this solution, the locations of the origins of some of the frames are arbitrary. Therefore,
intermediate matrices might be different for each case. However, the final answer should
be the same. Please also note that no particular reset position is specified.

#  d a 
0-1 1 l3 l4 90
1-2 90  2 l5 0 90
2-H 3 l6 0 0

1 0 0 l1 
0 
1 0 l
T  UT03 0T H  UT 0A 1A 2A   2  A1A2A3
0 0 1 0
 
0 0 0 1

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 2.39

Derive the inverse kinematic equations for the robot of Problem 2.36.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes if Problem 2.36 is already solved
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.13


We assume all positions are made relative to the base of the robot, and therefore, UT 0is
not included in the solution. Using the Denavit-Hartenberg representation and the joint
parameters shown, we get:

C1 0 S1  C2 0 S
S S l5C2 2 C3 S3 0 0
0  0 C
1  2
 lS  3 3 
A1   1
0 C A2   A3  
l3  l 4 
0 l6  0l 7
2 5 2  S
 01     C
 0 1 0 
0 1 0
0 
0 H A AA 
0 A11 0T H  A2 A3
 0 0 1
T  01 2 0
0 0 0

 0 0 0 1
S1 0 0 ox ax 01  S2 S3 0 
C1  n x px  C2 l5C2  C3
 0 0 1 4  l oy a   C 03
C 0 0 
3  y p y   2S 0 2 l5 S2  S 3 

 l  n 0  nz oyz az pz  0 0 0  0 0 l 
1 6 l7 
 0 
1   0 0 0 1  
1   0 0 0 
1  0 0 0 1 
 S1 C1

0 0 these matrices we get:
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media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

C1ox  S1oy C 1 ax  S1 ay C1 px  S1 py 
C1nx  S1ny
n z oz az p l  
LHS   S1ox  C1oy S1ax  C1ay lz 3 4 
S1nx  C1ny S1 px  C1 py 

 0 0 0 1 

C 2 S3 S2 S2 (l6  l7 )  l5C2 

C2C3 
 S 2C3 C (l  l )  l
S2 S3 2
S 2 6 07 
5 2
RHS  
 S3 C3 0
 
 0 1 
S1a x  C1 ay  0  1  tan 1  a

 a x 
From 3,3 or 3,4 elements we get:
S1 px  C1 py  0  1  tan 1  p 

 p x 
From 1,3 and 2,3 elements we
S2  (C1ax  S1ay )
get:   2  ATAN 2 C1ax  S1ay , az
C2  az

From 2,1 and 2,2 elements we get:

S3  S1nx  C1ny

 3  ATAN 2 S1nx  C1ny , S1ox  C1oy
C3  S1ox 

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Problem 2.40
Derive the inverse kinematic equations for the robot of Problem 2.37.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes if Problem 2.37 is already solved
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 2.13


We assume all positions are made relative to the base of the robot, and therefore, UT 0is
not included in the solution. Using the Denavit-Hartenberg representation and the joint
parameters shown, we get:

#  d a 
0-1 90  1 l3  l4 0 -90

1-H 2 l5  l6  l7 0 0

C2 S2 00 
 S1 0 C1 0 S 
 1  2 C2 0 
A1  C 0 S 0 A 
 3 4  0 0 1 6l  l6  l7
1 1  1 

 0 1 0 l  l
0 H  A1A2 0 0 0

 0 0 0

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ox ax 0 C1 S2 0 0 
nx px   S1  C2 
n oy ay 0 0
py    S2 C2 0
S  
C 0
 y 
0 0 1 l5  l6 
nz oz az pz  1 
 0 
1 
 0 1   0 1
1 0  l l7  
 00 S S C1

 S1C2  l  1 02 C1 (l5  l6 0l7 ) 0

0  CC1 2
S 2C1 1 S S (l 
  0 0 1 
l l
 6 
 
7 
S  a
From 1,3 and 2,3 elements C2 1 0 y
S2we get: l3  l4
 1  ATAN 2 ay , ax
0 0C1 0 1

From 3,1 and 3,2 elements we get: S 2  n z  2  ATAN 2 nz , oz 
C2  oz

From 1,4 elements we get: C1(l5  l 6  l7 )  x  l5  l6  7l 

p px C1

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Problem 3.1
Suppose the location and orientation of a hand frame is expressed by the following
matrix. What is the effect of a differential rotation of 0.15 radians about the z-axis,
followed by a differential translation of [0.1, 0.1, 0.3]? Find the new location of the hand.

 0 0 1 2
1 7
0 0 
T 
0 1 0 5
0 0 0 1

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.6, 3.7.


For  z  0.15, dx  0.1, dy  0.1, dz  0.3, we get:

0 0.1
   0 
 0
 0 0 
0 
0 0.15 0 0 1 0 0
 0 0 0 0.1
0.1 0 
1 0 0   0
2 0.15
0 0.15 0.4 

 TH   0.15
d  TH    0.3
R R  7 
 0 0 0 0.3 0 1 0    0 0 0 0.3
 0
 5   
 0 0  0
  
1  0 
00.15 0
0 1
0 0 0 0 0
 1 0 0.15
 RTH  R R
T   7.4 
new  
 TH old  d  H   

 0 1 0 5.3
   1 

0 0 0

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Problem 3.2
As a result of applying a set of differential motions to frame T shown, it has changed an
amount dT as shown. Find the magnitude of the differential changes made
( dx, dy, dz, x, y, z ) and the differential operator with respect to frame T.

0.1 0.1
1 0 0 5  0.6 
0 0 0.5
3  0.1
T  0 dT   
0.1 0 0
0 1 1 0 
  0.5 0 
0 1 0  8 0 0
Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes
0 0 required: Text Section(s) 3.6-3.8.

dT   T    dT T

  0 0.1  0.1 0.6  1
0 0
5  0
0 0
0 0 1 0.5 0.1
  8 0 
   0.1 0 0  
0.5 0 1 0  0.1
0.1 0.1 0 0
 3   
  0   0 0 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 
By inspection: d = [0.1,0,0],  = [0,0.1,0.1]. 0

dT   T  T
   T   T 

dT  1 0 0 5  0  

0.1 0.1
0.6  0
0.1 0.1
0 0.6
0 0 1 8 0  0

  
0.1 0 0 0.5
 00.5
 
0 1 0 3 0.1 0 0
 0.1 
1  0 0   0 00.5 0 

0 0 0.5
 0 0
0 0 0
0 0

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Problem 3.3
Suppose the following frame was subjected to a differential translation of d  [1 0 0.5]
units and a differential rotation of   [0 0.1 0] .
a. What is the differential operator relative to the reference frame?
b. What is the differential operator relative to the frame A?

0 0 1
1 10
0 5 0

 
1 
0 1 0 0
Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes
0 0 0
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.6-3.8

 0 0 0.1 1 
 0 0 
0 0 
   0.1 0 0
 0.5
 0 0 0 
0 

1 0 0 0 0.1 0 1
0 5   1  0 10
0 0 1 0   0 0  1 0 0 5
    A   A  
A 1
0 0 

1 0 0 100.1
  
0 1 0  0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0
0 0
0 0.1
  0
0.5 
0 0 0 0 0

 
0 0.1 0 1

0 0 0 0

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Problem 3.4
The initial location and orientation of a robot’s hand are given by T1, and its new location
and orientation after a change are given by T2.
a.Find a transformation matrix Q that will accomplish this transform (in the Universe
b. Assuming the change is small, find a differential operator  that will do the same.
c.By inspection, find a differential translation and a differential rotation that
constitute this operator.

1 0 0
0 5 1 0 0.1 4.8
0 3  1 3.5
T1   1 T2  0.1 0

  

1 
1 0 0
Estimated student time  0 1 0
6 to complete: 15-20 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required:
 Section(s) 3.6-3.8

0 0 0
Solution: 
0 0 0

0 0 0.1
1 0 0.1 4.8 1 5 1 0.1
T2  QT1  Q  T2 T1 1 0.1 3.5 0 0 
0 1 
 0 1 36   0.1
0 1 1 0.2

 0  0 0 
1   0
 0 
1 
1 0 16.2 
b. 1 0 0
T2  T1  dT  T1  T1    I 0T1  QT1

0 0 0
Therefore:   Q  I 
0 0 0
0 0.1 0 0.1
 0 
or   0.1 0 0
0 0.2
 0 0 
0 
c. 
By inspection: d0= [0.1,
0 0, 0.2] and  = [0, 0, 0.1].

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This solution manual may not be copied, posted, made available to students, placed on BlackBoard or any other
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Problem 3.5
The hand frame of a robot and the corresponding Jacobian are given. For the given
differential changes of the joints, compute the change in the hand frame, its new location,
and corresponding  .

0 0 0 0
8 0
1 100 0 1 0 0 
3  0.1 
0 0
1 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 0.1  0 
 T 0

T6   6
J  1 0 0 1  D  
0 0 1 0  0 0  0.2 
0 0 0 1 0 
0 0  0 0
0 0 0 0  0.2
0 

 1 1  
Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.6-3.11

0 0 0 00 0
01 0 0 0  0.1  
0   T dx  6

 
   0.1  T6 dy 
0 10 0 0 0   T 
1 0 0 1 0  0.1    1    T dzx
 D   J  D   
T6 T6 6
 0
0  0.2   0.3   T 

0 0 1 0  6
y 
0     
 0  0.2   0.2  T6
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0   z
 0 0 0.2 
 0 0 0.3 0.1
 
Substitute in  to get:
T6 T6
  0.3 0 1 
0.2 
 0 0 0 0 
1 0 00 0.2 0 0 0.3
0 10   0 0 
 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0.2
  T6  1 5  0.1  
dT  T
6 6    0 0 1 0    
 0 0  0.2 0.3 0 1  0.2
0   0
0.3 0 1 
10  0 0 0 0 

 0
1 0 5 
T new  T old  dT  
6 6 6

0 
 1 
1 0.3

0 0.2
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This solution manual may not be copied, posted, made available to students, placed on BlackBoard or any other

electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

0.2 0.3 1 1


0 1 0 0 0 0 10.20
1 10   10 0 0 5 
0 0  0 0 0.3 0.1 10
  T6  T6   6  
1 5 
 T 0.3 0
0 0 1 0  0.2 
   0 0 0 1
0 00 0 1 10 
 1 
0 0 0 0 0
 0 0 0.3
 0 0 0.2
0 

0.2 0 1 
 
 0 0 0 0 

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 3.6
Two consecutive frames describe the old (T1) and new (T2) positions and orientations of
the end of a 3-DOF robot. The corresponding Jacobian relative to T1, relating to
dz, T1 x, T1 z is also given. Find values of joint differential motions ds1 ,  2, d3 of the
d that caused the given frame change.
 0 0.01 1
0 0 1 8

8.1 5 10 0
5 1 0.05 0 5   
 
T1  1 0 0 T2   T
J  3 0 0

0.05 1
0 1 0 12   
1  0 1
 0.01 2

Estimated0 0student
0 time to complete: 30
0 minutes 0 1
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.6-3.11


 0 0.01 0
 0 0.05 0
0       T1
2 1 
T  T  dT  0 .05 0 0.01 0    T1  T1  
 0 0 0  
 0 
1 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.05 0
0 5  0.1  0 
0 0 21  0 0.05 0 0  0.05 0 0 
 T1   1
  T dT     
1 0 0 8 0.05 0 0.01
 

 1  0 0.01 00   
0 
0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.1
0 0
0 0 0
  z  0.05  0.1 
Therefore,  T1  0.01
x  T
D  0.01
 1 dz  0.1

 
And:  D   J  D  
 T1
 D     


 J
D the inverse of a non-unitary matrix.
Please see Appendix A for methods to calculate
Substitute to get:

10 1
1 5 0  0.1   0.0033 
D  
T1 T1
  D  3 0 
0  0.01  0.00833 
  

J 1 0.05  0.0417
0 1

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 3.7
Two consecutive frames describe the old (T1) and new (T2) positions and orientations of
the end of a 3-DOF robot. The corresponding Jacobian, relating to dz, x, z is also
given. Find values of joint differential motions ds1 , d2 , d3 of the robot that caused
the given frame change.

0 0 1 0 1
1 10 0.05 9.75  5 10 0
0 0.1 1
0.05 5.2
5 0   
T 
 T2   1 0 J  3 0 0
  0.1
 
 1   0 3.7 
1 
0 1
Estimated1 student
0 3 time to complete: 30 minutes
 knowledge required: Text 0Section(s) 3.6-3.11
0 1
0 0 0

0 0
0.05 0.25
0 0.1 0.05 0.2 
T2  T1  dT   0 0.7 
 0.1 0 
 0 0
0 0 
0 0 1 0
0 0.1 0.05 0.2  0
0.25 0
0 1
5  
1 
dT   T 1
   dT T1  
 0.1 
  
 0 0 00  0.7  1 01 0
 0
 0 0.05 0 0 
0 0.1 0  0 0 0 0
0.05 
 0.2
 0 0.1 0
 
 0 0 0 0 

dz  0.2  0.2 

 x
Therefore,   0.1  D  0.1 
  0.05 0.05
 z

10 1
5 0  0.2   0.0334 
Substitute to get: D  J  D  3 0 
0   0.1   0.00334 
  

0 1 1 0.05  0.0467


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Problem 3.8
A camera is attached to the hand frame T of a robot as given. The corresponding inverse
Jacobian of the robot at this location is also given. The robot makes a differential motion,
as a result of which, the change in the frame dT is recorded as given.
a. Find the new location of the camera after the differential motion.
b. Find the differential operator.
c. Find the joint differential motion values associated with this move.
d. Find how much the differential motions of the hand-frame ( T D ) should have been
instead, if measured relative to frame T, to move the robot to the same new location
as in part a.
0 0 0 0
1 0
0 1 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.79
 0 

0 0.2 0 0 0 0  0.09

1 0 0.1 
T  J 1   
  0 0 dT 
0 1
0 0 2 
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0  0 0 0 0 0 
  0.03 0
0 0 1
  0
1 0 0 0 1
Estimated student 8 time to complete: 30-40 minutes 0.1
Prerequisite knowledge required: 0 Text Section(s) 3.6-3.11 0

1 0.1
1 0.03 0
3.79 
a. Tnew  
old  dT   0 0.1 1 7.6
 
 1 
0 0 0
1 0.1 1 0 0 0.03 0.1 0.05
0.03 3.79 0 2 
1 0.03  0 0 3 0.03 0 0 0 
  dT T 1
 0 7.6  0 
 0 1 8  0.1 0 0 0.1
 2.09 1  0   0 0 
0 0 1  0 0
c. D  0.05 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.03T
 0.1
0 0 0 0
0 01 0 0 0.05 0.05
2 0 1 0 0 0  
0   0.2 

Therefore: D  J 1  D 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.1   0
0    
 1 0 0 1 0   0   0.1 
 0 
0 0 0 1 0 0  0.1   
1 0.03 0.08
1 0 0 0
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0 1 0 0 0.1
1 2 0.03 0.79
0  0 0 0.03 0
dT  T  T   T
  T 1  dT  0.09 3 

 0 0 1 8  0 0.1 0 
0.4 
1  0 
0.03 0
 0 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.03 0 0.1
 
  
 0 
0 0.1 0 0.4 
T 0
D  0.09 0.790 0.4 0 0.1 0 0.03T

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 3.9
A camera is attached to the hand frame T of a robot as given. The corresponding inverse
Jacobian of the robot relative to the frame at this location is also given. The robot makes
a differential motion, as a result of which, the change dT in the frame is recorded as
a. Find the new location of the camera after the differential motion.
b. Find the differential operator.
c. Find the joint differential motion values D associated with this
move. 0 0 0 0
1 0
0 1 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0
 0 0
1 0 
T  T 1
J  
  0 0
0 1 0 0.1
0 2 0   0 00 10 00 00
1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1
0 0.1
0 80.02
 0
0.7  

dT   0 0.1 0
 
0.3 
 0 
0 0 0
Estimated student time to complete: 30-40 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.6-3.11



1 0.1
1 0.02 0 2.08
Tnew  Told  dT  
 0 0.1 1 7.7
   
 1 
0 0 0

0 1 0
0.02 0.1 0.7  0 2  0.06
0 0.02 0 0 0.02
0.1  0.02 
  dT T 1   0.08 1 0 
 8  0.1 
  0 0 0 3
1   0
0 
 0 0.1
0 0
0 0
c. 0 0.3 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
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  T 1  T   T 1 
0 1 0 0 0.1 0.02 0
1 2 0.02 0.7   0 0.08
dT   0
0 0    0
3 0.02 0 0.08 0.7 
  
0.3  0.1
0.02 
0 
1 
 0   0 
0.1  0
0 0.3 
0 0 1 8   0 0.1
Therefore: D  0.08
T 0.7 0.3 0.1 00 0.02T 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0  0.08   0.08 
2 0 1 0 0  
0  0.7  0.14

D  T J  D  D  T J 1  T D  0 0.1 0 0 0 0   0.3   0.07
0    
1 0 0 1 0  0.1   0.7 
0 0 0 1 0 0  0 
    0.1 
1 0 1 
0 0 0   0.02
  0.06 

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This solution manual may not be copied, posted, made available to students, placed on BlackBoard or any other
electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 3.10
The hand frame TH of a robot is given. The corresponding inverse Jacobian of the robot at
this location relative to this frame is also shown. The robot makes a differential motion
relative to this frame described as
D  0.05 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.1T .
a.Find which joints must make a differential motion, and by how much, in order to
create the indicated differential motions.
b. Find the change in the frame.
c. Find the new location of the frame after the differential motion.
d.Find how much the differential motions (given above) should have been if measured
relative to the Universe, to move the robot to the same new location as in Part c.

0 0 0
5 0
1 0 3 2 0 
0 0
1 0 0 3  T 1 0 1 0 0
 
TH   H
J 
0 0 1 8 0
0  0.2 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 00

0 0 0 1 0
Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes
1 Section(s)
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
5 0.25 0 0.05
2 0 1 0   
0   0   0.2 

1 
D   TH J   T DH   0 0 0.1  0 
0  
 0  0.1 
0 0.2 0 0 0 0  0.1  
0 
    
 0 1 0 0 1  0.1  0.15
Therefore, joints 1, 2, 4,1and 6 must move as shown.

0 T D0to form
b. Substituting values from H 0 T1  , we get: H

0 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
1 0 01 30 0 30  0 0.10 0 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05
0 0  0 
0 
dT  T   
H T H    0 0
0 0 1 8 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0.1  
0  
1  0 0   0 
c. 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

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0 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 3
0.1 0  0.1
0 0 0 3
T T  dT  3
 0.1 0.1 0.05  1 0.1 0.1
Hnew Hold  3.05
 0 0 1 8 0 0 0.1
 
0  
1  0  0.1
 0 1 8.1
0.1 0 0 
d. 0 0 0

01 0 0 1
dT  T  TH
   T
H 0.1 0 0 1 0.1 0
0  0 0 3 0 0.3
  dT TH 1   0.1  0.1 0 0 3   0.1 0 0.1 1.15
0.05 1  0 0.2

  
0.1  
1   0 0 
0 0 0.1 0
0 0 1 8  0.1 0
Therefore, D  0.3
 1.15 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.10T 0 0
0 0 0 0

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Problem 3.11
The hand frame T of a robot is given. The corresponding inverse Jacobian of the robot at
this location is also shown. The robot makes a differential motion described as
D  0.05 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 .

a.Find which joints must make a differential motion, and by how much, in order to
create the indicated differential motions.
b. Find the change in the frame.
c. Find the new location of the frame after the differential motion.
d.Find how much the differential motions (given above) should have been, if
measured relative to Frame T, to move the robot to the same new location as in Part c.

0 0 0 0
5 0
0 1 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0
 0 0
1 0 
T  J 1   
0 0
 0 1 00.2 0 0 0 0
0 03   0 0 1 0 
1 1
0 00 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1

Estimated student time 8to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.6-3.11



0 0 0 0
5 0 0.05 0.25
2 0 1 0 0 0  0   0.2 

D  J 1  D 0 0.2 0
0 0 0 0.1  0 
0    
 1 0 0 1 0   0   0.1 
 0 
0 0 0 1 0 0  0.1   
1  0.1  0.15
1 0 0 0
0 1, 2, 4, and 6 must move as shown.
Therefore, joints

b. Using D given above to form  ,

0.1 0.1 1 0 0 0.1

 0 0.05 0
0 0   0
3 0.1
0.1 0
0.55 
 0.1 0 0  1 3 
dT   T  
00.1 0 1 8   0 0.1 0
 0.1 0 
 0 0 0 0  0 
1  0 
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
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1 0.1
1 0.1 0
3.55 

Tnew  Told  dT  0 0.1 1 7.6
 
 1 
0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0.1
1 3 0.1 0.55
0  0 3 0 0.1 0
  T 1  T   T 1  dT  
  
   0 
0 0 1 18   0 0 0.1 0 0.4
 0 0.1 0
 0.3  
0.1 0 0.1 
0 0 0 0 0
  0 0.1 0 0.4 
 
 0 0 0 0 

The differential motions should have been:

D  0.3 0.55 0.4 0.1 0 0.1

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Problem 3.12
Calculate the T J element of the Jacobian for the revolute robot of Example 2.25.


Estimated student time to complete: 20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.10


The robot has 6 revolute joints. From Equation 3.26:


J 2i  ox p y  oy p x  where for i=1 we use o
6 1 2 3 4 5 6
T  A A A A A A given in Equation 2.59.
Substitute to get:

J 21  C1 (C 234C5C6  S234C6 )  S1 S5 S6 S1 (C234 a4  C23 a3  C2 2

 S1 (C234C5C6  S234C6 )  C1S5 S6 C1 (C234a4  C23a3  C2a2 )

a )

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Problem 3.13
Calculate the T J element of the Jacobian for the revolute robot of Example 2.25.


Estimated student time to complete: 20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.10


The robot has 6 revolute joints. From Equation 3.26:


J 1i  nx py  n y p x  where for i=6 we use 5
6 6
T  A given in Equation 2.57. Substitute
to get:

J 21   C 6 0 S 0 0

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Problem 3.14
Using Equation (2.34), differentiate proper elements of the matrix to develop a set of
symbolic equations for joint differential motions of a cylindrical robot and write the
corresponding Jacobian.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.10-3.11


For a cylindrical coordinate (without additional rotation) there can only be 3 variables.
The Jacobian will be a 3 3 matrix.

C S 0 rC 

rS 
Tcyl (r, , l) S C 0

 
 
 px  rC 0 0dpx 1 drCl   rS
 y d y
Then p  rS   and dp  drS  rC d
 pz  l dp z  dl

0 0 0 1
dpx  C 0  dr 
Therefore, dp y   S
 rC 0 d 
dpz   0

0 1  dl

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Problem 3.15
Using Equation (2.36), differentiate proper elements of the matrix to develop a set of
symbolic equations for joint differential motions of a spherical robot and write the
corresponding Jacobian.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.10-3.11


For a spherical coordinate (without additional rotation) there can only be 3 variables. The
Jacobian will be a 3 3 matrix.

S S  C
C C rS  C 
C S  S rS  S 
Tsph (r,  , ) C S
  S 
 
 0 0 C rC

 px  rS dp  drS  .C  rC .C d   rS  .S
0 x 0 1
 .C
Then p  rS y  and ddp
 y  drS  .S  rC .S d   rS  .C
 .S  pz  rC d dp z  drC  rS  d

rC .C
dpx  S  .C rS  .S   dr 
Therefore, dp y   S  .S
 rS  .C d 
dpz rC .S 

 0   d
 C rS 

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Problem 3.16
For a cylindrical robot, the three joint velocities are given for a corresponding location.
Find the three components of the velocity of the hand frame.
r˙ =0.1 in/sec, ˙ =0.05 rad/sec, l˙=0.2 in/sec, r=15 in,   30∘ , l=10 in.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 or 20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.10-3.11


Referring to the solution of Problem 3.14, and dividing both sides by dt, substitute the
given values into the equation to get:
 p˙x  C 0  r˙  0.866 0  0.1  0.288
 p˙    0 0.05   0.7 in/sec
   
y 7.5     0.2
Sp˙z 1 ˙l   0 1  0.2 
 rC 0 ˙    0.5 13 
 
 0 0 0

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Problem 3.17
For a spherical robot, the three joint velocities are given for a corresponding location.
Find the three components of the velocity of the hand frame.
r˙ =2 in/sec, ˙ =0.05 rad/sec, ˙ =0.1 rad/sec, r=20 in,   60∘ ,   30∘ .

Estimated student time to complete: 10 or 20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.10-3.11


Referring to the solution of Problem 3.15, and dividing both sides by dt, substitute the
given values into the equation to get:
rC C 8.66
 p˙x  S  C rS  S   r˙   0.75 8.66  2  1.067
 p˙    S 
y  rC rS  C ˙  0.433 5 15  0.05 2.616 

Sp˙z S 17.32 0   0.1 
0  ˙  
   C rS  0.5 0.134

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Problem 3.18
For a spherical robot, the three joint velocities are given for a corresponding location.
Find the three components of the velocity of the hand frame.
r˙ =1 unit/sec, ˙ =1 rad/sec, ˙ =1 rad/sec, r=5 units,   45∘ ,   45∘ .

Estimated student time to complete: 10 or 20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.10-3.11


Referring to the solution of Problem 3.15, and dividing both sides by dt, substitute the
given values into the equation to get:
rC C 2.5
 p˙x  S  C rS  S   r˙   0.5 3.535 1 0.535
 p˙    S  rC rS  C ˙    2.5    
y 
 ˙ 
Sp˙z S 0.50 0  1
0.707 3.535
   C rS   1 2.828



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Problem 3.19
For a cylindrical robot, the three components of the velocity of the hand frame are given
for a corresponding location. Find the required three joint velocities that will generate the
given hand frame velocity.
x˙  1 in/sec, y˙  3 in/sec, z˙  5 in/sec,   45∘ , r  20 in, l  25 in
Estimated student time to complete: 10 or 25 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.12


Referring to the solution of Problem 3.16, substitute to get:

 p˙x  C rS 0  r˙  1 0.707 0  r˙
 p˙      14.14 0  
y rC 0  ˙   2  0.707

 p˙ z   1  0
S 0   3  0 ˙
l˙ in/sec
0.707r˙ 14.14˙ 1
0.707r ˙ 14.14˙  3  r˙  2.83 ∘
1 ˙=0.071 /sec 
 ˙ ˙

l 5 l 
5 in/sec
  l˙

Please note that this problem could have been solved by calculating the inverse of the
Jacobian as well.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 3.20
For a spherical robot, the three components of the velocity of the hand frame are given
for a corresponding location. Find the required three joint velocities that will generate the
given hand frame velocity.

x˙  5 in/sec, y˙  9 in/sec, z˙  6 in/sec,   60∘ , r  20 in,  =30∘

Estimated student time to complete: 15 or 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 3.12


Referring to the solution of Problem 3.17, substitute to get:

rC C 8.66
 p˙x  S  C rS  S   r˙˙ 5  0.75 8.66  r˙
rS  C  
 p˙    S 
y  rC  9  0.433
 5  15   
  6   
Sp˙ S 0  ˙ 0.5 17.32 0  ˙
 
   C rS  l˙
0.75r˙  8.66˙  8.66˙ 
r˙  10.647
0.433r˙  5 15˙  /sec

5   ˙= 
0.5r˙ 17.32˙  0.039˙ 

6 0.306
Please note that this problem could have been solved by calculating the inverse of the
Jacobian as well.

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Problem 4.1
Using Lagrangian mechanics derive the equations of motion of a cart with two tires under
the cart as shown:

r, I r, I

Figure P.4.1

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 4.2


I. Kinematics:
Since the rollers are in contact with the block at the top, the contact-point velocity is x˙
. Therefore:

x˙  2r    2r

II. Dynamics:

1 mx˙  21 m v2  1 I 2   1 mx˙ mw x˙ Ic
2 2 2

K  
 2 w c 2 c  2 x˙2  m
2 4 4r2
1 mw Ic 2 
where  m  4  4r  m
P  2 kx2

Therefore, L  K  P  meff x˙2 2
L d  L 
x  2m x˙   2m eff ˙

dt x ˙
L 
x  kx ˙

F  2meff ˙x˙

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Problem 4.2
Calculate the total kinetic energy of the link AB, attached to a roller with negligible mass,
as shown.
l, I

x m ˙

A Vo

Figure P.4.2

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 4.2


First, find the velocity of point C, assuming that the roller has negligible mass too:

l l l
v C  v A  v C / A  vo  θ˙2 o(v )i  ˙ k   cos2 i  

sin j 
 (vo )i   cos ˙ j  sin ˙i  o  2 ˙ i  2 ˙j
l l l sin l cos
2 2

l 2 sin2  ˙2 l 2 cos2  ˙2
vC2  v o 2    vol sin˙   v

l 2 ˙2
  vol sin
4 4 o
1 1 1 
K  mvC2  I˙2  m  vo 2  l ˙2  vo l sin˙  I˙2

2 2 2  4 2

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Problem 4.3
Derive the equations of motion for the 2-link mechanism with distributed mass, as

O y0

l 1,
1 C


A l ,
2 I
2 D



Figure P.4.3

Estimated student time to complete: 1.5-2 hours

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 4.2


I. Kinematic: First we write equations describing the kinematic relationships.

 lC
 22 C12  ˙
xD  l
1 1 1˙ S  
˙  S
1 2 12 
  
l l  l2
yD  l1S1  2 S12 ˙
 2  y˙
D  l  C 2 ˙1  2 C12
1 1

  
The velocity of point D will be:
2 2 2 2 ˙2 2 l 22 ˙2
vD  x˙D  Dy˙ 1 l1 1 S 4 1   2


 2˙1 2 S122  l1 l2 ˙1 1  ˙

2 S1S12

˙ 

 l12 ˙12 C12  l 2 ˙12 


 2˙1 2 C122  l1 l2 ˙1 1  ˙
2  C
1 12
˙ 
2 ˙2
 l1 1  l 2
 2 2

˙ ˙

˙1  2  2˙1 2  l1 l2 ˙1 ˙1  2 C2 
Rearrange: 

vD2  ˙12  2  l 2  l l C   2 ˙2  l 2 2 1 2˙l ˙2 2  

l1 4 1 2 2 
  4   2  
 llC 
1 2 2 

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II: Kinetics:

Kinetic Energy:

1 ˙2 1 1

K  K1  K 2  I O1  ID ˙1  2  mv 2
2 D
2 2 ˙ 2
 1  1 m1 l12  12 2  1
 ˙  1  1 m l ˙    m v
2 2  1 2 2 D
2 3
  

2 12  ˙ 2
1 1 1 1   ˙2  1 m l 2   ˙   1 m l2  1 m l l 
 ˙12  m1 l12  m2 l22  m2 l12  m2l1l2 C2  2  2 2  1 2 2 2 21 2 2 
 6 2 2  6C  ˙ 3 2 
Potential Energy:
l 1 1 C m 2g 1C 
1 
P  P1  P2  m1g  m2 gl1 1 C1  2 12


 1 m l 2  1 m l 2  1 m l 2  1 m l l C  ˙2  1  1 1 
L  K  P  ˙12  11 2 2 21 21 2 2
 2  m 2l 22   ˙1 2  m2l22  m2 l1 l2 2 
 6 6 2 2   6 C  ˙  3 2 
 l2  m g l1  m gl  m g l2
  m1 g l1 2 m
1 gl1 C  2 1 2
m g2  2 C12 1 2 2

Derivatives and equations of motion:

L 1  1 1 
 2˙1  1 m1 l12  1 m2 l22  1 m2 l12  m2 l1 l2 C2   ˙2  m2l22  m2l1l2 C2 
1 6 6 2 2  3 2 
˙  1 1 1 1
d  L  2˙1  1 m1 l12  m2 l22  m2 l12  m2 l1 l2 C2   ˙2  m 2l 22  m2 l1 l2 2

dt  ˙1   ˙  6 6 2 2 1 ˙  3 C 2 
 1 ˙2
˙1 2˙ 2m1 l2 l 2S 2  mll
2 21 2 2

L S l
   m1 g l1  m2 gl1  S1  m2 g 2
1  2  2 S12

Substitute to get:

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1   1 ˙
T   1 m l2  m l2  m 2  m l l C ˙  2m22 l  2m1 ll 2 2C 2
l 1  3 1 1 3 2 2 2 1
2 1 2 21˙1  3 2 ˙
˙ 1 ˙2  1 
 m2l1l2 S212  1
˙ m l l S 
2 2 1 2 2 2  2 1 m  m
gl S  2m 2gl12
1 1 2
For the second variable:

1 1 
L  1 m2 l22˙2  1  m2l22  m2 l1 l2 2 
2 C 3 ˙ 3 2 
d  L   1 m2 l22˙˙2  1  1 m 2l 22 1 m2l1l2 C2   m2l1l2 S2˙1
 2
dt  ˙2  3 ˙˙ 3  2 ˙
L 1 1
 m2 l1 l2 S2˙12  m2 l1 l2 S2˙12  1 m2 gl2 S12
2 2 2 ˙ 2

Substitute to get:

 1 1 1
T   1 m l2  1 m2 l1 l2 C2  ˙1  m2 l22˙2  m2l1l2 S2˙2  m2 gl2 S12
2  3 2 2 2 ˙ 3 1 ˙ 2 2
The result can be written in a matrix form too.

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Problem 4.4
Write the equations that express U62, U35, U53, U623, and U534 for a 6-axis cylindrical-RPY
robot in terms of the A and Q matrices.

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 4.4.1.


0 0 0 0
For joints 1 and 3:  0   QP
Q ( prismatic)   0 0
0 0 0

00 1 0 00 00
 
For joints 2,4,5,6: Q (revolute)   1 0 0 0   QR

00 0 0 00
 0T i
Uij   A1 A2 ..Qj 0 ji
Aj ..Ai

Uijk  Uij

U62   T 6    A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6  A1QR A2 A3 A4 A5

 A6
0T   A A A
U35  3 1 2 3
 0 (i  j)
  0

0 0
U 53   T 5    A1 A2 A3 A4 A5  A1A2Q P A3 A4 A5
 l l

U 623  U62    A1QR A2 A3 A4 A5 A6   A1Q R A2Q P A 3A 4A 5A 6

U 534  U53    A1 A2QP A3 A4 A5   A1 A 2Q P A3 QR A4 A5
qa qa

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Problem 4.5
Using Equations 4.49 to 4.54, write the equations of motion for a 3-DOF revolute robot
and describe each term.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 4.4.4.


We have:

˙2 ˙2 ˙2
T1  D11˙1  D12 2˙  13
D 3˙ 1(act
I ) 1˙  D111 1  122
D 2  133 D 3
  2D1121˙2 ˙  2D 113 1 3˙˙ 123˙ 2 3  D1

T2  D2D
21˙1  D22 2˙  D23 3˙ 2(act )˙˙  D211˙12  D222˙22  D233 ˙32

˙ 2 3  D 2
 I  2D2121˙2 ˙  2D 213 1 3˙˙ 223˙
˙2 ˙2
3 ˙D3111  D322 2  D333 3
T3  D2D
1  D 33 3˙ 3(act )˙
32 2˙  D
 ˙
 I  2D3121˙2 ˙  2D ˙  D
313 1 3˙˙ 323˙ 2 3 3

 2D ˙

 Di˙˙ terms are caused by angular accelerations.
D ˙i 2 terms represent centripetal accelerations.
 Di˙j ˙ terms are related to the Coriolis accelerations.
 D  terms are gravity terms.

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Problem 4.6
Expand the D134 and D15 terms of Equation 4.49 in terms of their constituent matrices.

Estimated student time to complete: 1 hour

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 4.4

a. From Equation 4.44: Dijk  
Trace(U pjk Jp pi
UT )
pmax(i, j ,k )

For D134 we have i =1, j =3, k =4, p =4, n =6. Then:

J pU Tp1)  Trace U 434 J 4U 41
 Trace T
J U 51  Trace T
J 6U 61 
D 134
4 Trace(U
534 5

 
U43   T 4    A1 A2 A3 A4  A1 A2Q3 A3

q3 q3
U 434  U43    A1 A2Q3 A3 A4   A1 A2Q 3A 3Q 4A 4
q4 4
U41   0T 4    A1 A2 A3  Q1 A1 A2 A3
From Equation
1 A.11 of Appendix A: U T41  AT4 AT3 AT2 AT1QT1

  A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 
U 53
 q3 A AQ A A
1 2 3 3 4

  A1 A2Q3 A3 A4 A5 
U 534
 q4  A1 A2 Q3 A3 Q4 A4
  A1 A2 A3 A4 A5   U51T  A5T A4T A3T A2T A1T Q1T
U 51
 q1 Q AA AA
1 1 2 3 4

A A A A A A 
U 63
 1 2 3 4 5 6
q3 A AQ AA A
1 2 3 3 4 5

U 634
 q 63  A1A2Q 3 A3 Q4 A4 A5 A

U T61  A6T AT5 AT4 AT3 AT2 AT1 QT1

Substitute to get:

D134  Trace A1 A2Q3 A3 Q4 A4 J4 A4T A3T AT2 A1T 1T 

 Trace A1 A2Q3 A3Q4 A4 A5 J 5 A5T AT4 AT3 AT2 A1T Q1T 
 Trace A1A2Q3 A3Q4 A4 A5 A6 J 6 A6T A5T AT4 AT3 AT2 A1T Q1T 

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b. From Equation 4.43: Dij  
pmax(i, j )
Trace(U pj J pU Tpi)

For D15 we have i =1, j =5, p =5, n =6. Then:

J pU Tp1)  Trace U 55 J 5U 51T  Trace T
J 6U 61 
D15  
5 Trace(U

U55  A1 A2 A3

U 51  Q1 A1 A2 A3 A4  U51T  A5T A4T A3T A2T A1T Q1T
A45Q5 A5
U65  A1 A2 A3 A4Q5 A5 A6
U 61  Q1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5  U61T  A6T A5T A4T A3T A2T A1T Q1T
Substitute to get:

D15  Trace A1 A2 A3 A4 Q5 A5 J 5 A5T AT4 AT3 AT2 A1T Q1T

 TraceA1A2 A3 A4Q5 A5 A6J 6 A6T A5T A T4 A T3 A T2 A 1TQ 1T

Although a large number of matrices are involved, they are all known.

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Problem 4.7
An object is subjected to the following forces and moments relative to the reference
frame. Attached to the object is a frame, which describes the orientation and the location
of the object. Find the equivalent forces and torques acting on the object relative to the
current frame.
0.707 0
0.707 2
0 0 15
F T  [10, 0, 5,12, 20, 0] N,
  N.m
 0 
0.707 0 3
Estimated student time0 to complete:
0 20-30 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 4.6.



f  [10, 0, 5]T m  [12, 20, 0]T p  [2, 5,

3]T a  [0,1, 0]T
n [0.707, 0, 0.707]T o  [0.707, 0,
0.707]Ti j k
fp 0 5  i(25)  j(20) 
10 k(50)
(f  p) 2m 5 13i
3 
f  n  f  7.07  3.54  10.61
N  10.61 
B y  o  f  7.07  3.54 
3.53 N  3.53 

and  0 
mf x  an[(f
f 0 p)  m]  9.19  35.35  26.16 Nm F

 26.16 
m y  o [(f  p)  m]  9.19  35.35  Nm  
44.54 0 
m z  a [(f  p)  m] 

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Problem 4.8
In order to assemble two parts together, one part must be pushed into the other with a
force of 10 lb in the x-axis direction, 5 lb in the y-direction, and be turned with a torque
of 5 lb  in along the x-axis direction. The object’s location relative to the base frame of
a robot is described by RT0. Assuming that the two parts must be aligned together for
this purpose, find the necessary forces and moments that the robot must apply to
the part relative to its hand frame.
0 0.707 0.707
1 4
0 6
T 
R 0  0

  

0 to complete:
Estimated student time 0.707 20-30 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required:
0.707 3 Section(s) 4.6.

Solution: 
0 0 0

Since the robot must be aligned with the object for this operation, then R
T H  TO .

Therefore we have:

f  [10, 5, 0]T m  [5, 0, 0]T p  [4, 6,

3]T a  [0.707, 0,
n [0,1, 0] T
o  [0.707, 0, 0.707] T

i j k
f  p  10 5 0  i(15)  j(30)
 k(40) 4 6 3
(f  p)  m  20i  30j  40k
f  n  f  5 units
 5 
f y  o  f  7.07 units
z  a  f  7.07 units  7.07 
H and F 
H f  n [(f  p)  m]  30
m x
 30 
units o [(f  p)  m]  14.14 units
my 14.14 
m z  a [(f  p)  m]  42.42 units 42.42

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Problem 5.1
It is desired to have the first joint of a 6-axis robot go from an initial angle of 50∘ to a
final angle of 80∘ in 3 seconds. Calculate the coefficients for a third-order polynomial
joint-space trajectory. Determine the joint angles, velocities, and accelerations at 1, 2, and
3 seconds. It is assumed that the robot starts from rest, and stops at its destination.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.5.1.


For a 3rd-order polynomial:

 (t)  c0  c1 t  c2 t 2  3c
t3˙(t)  c  2c t  3c t 2
1 2 3

Substitute boundary conditions to get:

i  50  c0  0
˙i  0  1c 

0 f  80  50  9c2 

˙f  0  6c2  27c3

Solve to get:

c0  5 c1  0 c2  c3  2.222
 (t)  50 10t 2  2.222t3
˙(t)  20t  6.666t 2

˙˙(t)  20 13.332t    80 ∘
   57.78 ∘
 ˙  72.22∘ sec
 ∘
  ˙
@t=1 sec ˙ ∘ sec
@t=2 sec    @t=3 sec   0
∘ sec

13.334  ˙  6.668

˙˙  6.664 ∘ ˙˙  20 ∘

sec sec sec

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Problem 5.2
It is desired to have the third joint of a 6-axis robot go from an initial angle of 20∘ to a
final angle of 80∘ in 4 seconds. Calculate the coefficients for a third-order polynomial
joint-space trajectory and plot the joint angles, velocities, and accelerations. The robot
starts from rest, but should have a final velocity of 5∘/sec .

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes (with plotting)

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.5.1.


For a 3rd-order polynomial:

 (t)  c0  c1 t  c2 t 2  3c
t3˙(t)  c  2c t  3c t 2
1 2 3

Substitute boundary conditions to get:

i  20  c0  0
˙i  0  1c 

0 f  80  20 16c2 

˙f  5  8c2  48c3

Solve to get:

c0  20 c1  0 c2  c3  1.5625
 (t)  20 10t 2 1.5625t3
˙(t)  20t  4.6875t 2

The  20  9.375t
is shown:

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Problem 5.3
The second joint of a 6-axis robot is to go from initial angle of 20∘ to an intermediate
angle of 80∘ in 5 seconds and continue to its destination of 25∘ in another 5 seconds.
Calculate the coefficients for third-order polynomials in joint-space. Plot the joint angles,
velocities, and accelerations. Assume the joint stops at intermediate points.

Estimated student time to complete: 30-40 minutes (with plotting)

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.5.1


There are two segments to this motion. Therefore:

Segment 1 Segment 2
 (t)  0c  1c t 2c t 2 3 c t3  (t) 0 b 1 b t 
2 b t 2 3
 ˙  ˙
t3(t)  c1  2c2t  3c3  (t)  b1  2b2 t  3b3
2 2
t t
There are eight unknowns; eight equations are needed. Known initial and final conditions
1i , 2 f , and 1 ˙f  2i˙ . This results in seven equations. The
are:1i , 1 f , 2i , 2 f , ˙
equation can be generated by making assumptions such as a maximum allowable
acceleration or an intermediate velocity.

For this problem we will assume that the joint will come to a stop at the intermediate
point. Therefore,

20  c0  0 c0  20
0  c  0 
1  1   c1  0
80  20  25c2 125c3 c2  7.2

0  10c2  75c3 c3 

080bb1 000 b  0
2   1
25  80  25b2 125b3 bb0  80
 2

0  10b2  b3 

Substitute to get: 0.88

˙(t)3  20  7.2t 2 ˙(t)3  80  6.6t  2

2 2

1 0.96t and 2 0.88t

 (t)  14.4t   (t)  13.2t  2.64t
 ˙˙(t)  13.2 

˙˙(t)  14.4  5.28t

The position, velocities, and accelerations are shown:
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Problem 5.4
A fifth-order polynomial is to be used to control the motions of the joints of a robot in
joint-space. Find the coefficients of a fifth-order polynomial that will allow a joint to go
from an initial angle of 0∘ to a final joint angle of 75∘ in 3 seconds, while the initial and
final velocities are zero and initial acceleration and final decelerations are 10 ∘ / sec2 .

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes (with plotting)

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.5.2


For a 5th-order polynomial:

 (t)  c0  c1 t  c2 t 2  3c t3  4c t 4 5 c
t ˙(t)  1c  2c2 t  3c
3 t 2  4c
4 t3  5c

t ˙˙
 (t)  2c
2  6c3 t 12c4 t 2  20c

Substitute the given initial and final conditions and get:

0  c0
75  3c1  9c2  27c3  81c4  5

0  c1
0  6c2  27c3 108c 4  405c5
10  2c2

10  2c2 18c3 108c4 

Solve to get: c0  0, c1  0, c2  5, c3  24.24, c4  c5  1.85 . Substitute to
13.33, get:

 (t)  5t 2  24.44t3 13.33t 4

˙ 5
2 3 4
 (t)  10t  73.33t  53.33t 
˙˙(t)  10 146.66t 160t 2 
The position, velocity, and acceleration plots are shown:

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Joint 1 of5.5
a 6-axis robot is to go from an initial angle of i  30 to the final angle of

 f  120∘secin 4 seconds with a cruising velocity of 1  30∘ . Find the necessary blending
time for a trajectory with linear segments and parabolic blends and plot the joint
positions, velocities, and accelerations.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-30 minutes (with plotting)

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.5.3


tb  i  f  t f  30 120  30 4  1 sec

 30
For   i to  For    A to B For   B to 

  30  1 30 t2   120  2 30 (4 

2   A  30 t 1 t)
˙  ˙ ˙ 
  30t   30(4  t)
  30
˙˙ 
˙˙  ˙˙  30
 0 
 

40 Velocity
1 44

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Problem 5.6
A robot is to be driven from an initial position through two via points before it reaches its
final destination using a 4-3-4 trajectory. The positions, velocities, and time duration for
the three segments for one of the joints are given below. Determine the trajectory
equations and plot the position, velocity, and acceleration curves for the joint.

2  20
60 1˙  1˙  0  0
1 
0 ∘
 2i  1 2 f 
3  100∘
0 2

 4  40∘ 3i  0 3 f  1
˙4  ˙4 
0 0
Estimated student time to complete: 50-60 minutes (with plotting)
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.5.5


Using Equations 5.19 to 5.32 we get the following equations. The same can be found
using the matrix equation of Equation 5.33:

a0  20
a  0
 1
a2  0
a3  80.95
b0  60 a  40.95
 4
c 0  100 b1  79.05
60  20  a3  a4  b  2.85
 2
3a  4a  b 
 3 4 1
 3  b3  13.34
6a 12a  2b4 2

100  60  2b1  4b2  3 c1  92.4

c  82.875
b  4b 12b3  c1
 3

2 c  202.9
2b 12b  2c  4
2 3 2

40  100  c1  c2  c3  4 c  87.62

0  c1  2c2  3c3  4c4

0  2c2  6c3 12c4

These equations can be solved by elimination or an equation solver. Substituting the
coefficients into each segment we get:

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1 (t)  20  80.95t3  40.95t4

2 (t)  60  79.05t  2.85t2 13.34t
3 (t)  100  92.4t  82.875t  202.9t 
87.62t 2

The results are plotted below.

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Problem 5.7
A 2-DOF planar robot is to follow a straight line in Cartesian-space between the start
(2,6) and the end (12,3) points of the motion segment. Find the joint variables for the
robot if the path is divided into 10 sections. Each link is 9 inches long.

Estimated student time to complete: 60-75 minutes (with plotting)

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.6


The inverse kinematic equations can be found in different ways. We will use a simple
Denavit-Hartenberg representation as follows:

z2 x2
#  d a 
0-1 1 0 9 0
2 1-2 2 0 9 0
z1 x1

1 x0

C1 S1 0 C2 S2

S 9C1  S 9C2 
C 0 9S 02
1 1
2 C 0 9S2 
A1   1
 A2  
 00 0 1 0 
1 

0 1 0 
1 
T2  A1A2 0 0 

0 0 0
Multiplying A1 by A2 and setting px and py equal to the components of position for 0T2, we

 px  9C1C2  9S1S2  9C1  9C12  9C1
 p  9S1 S2  9C1 C2  9S1  9S12  1 (2)
Squaring these equations and adding them together, and then regrouping, we get:

C2  1 y    cos 
p2x  p2 1  px2  py2 1
2  162 
 
Substitute into (1) to get:

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 S1S 2
C1  9 (3)
C2 
1 (3) into
(2) to get:
S 1 C 2 1  S2 px  S1S22  C2 1
9 
 py C2 1  S2 px 
S1   1  sin1  p y C2 1  2 p x 
18C 2 1 S 18C 2 1 

Next, calculate the slope of the straight line motion:

y3 36
  0.3
x 12 12  2

The following table shows the coordinates of the intermediate points and the joint angles
from the above equations. The joint angles are shown on the graph as well:

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Problem 5.8
The 3-DOF robot of Example 5.7, as shown in Figure 5.18, is to move from point (3, 5,
5) to point (3, -5, 5) along a straight line, divided into 10 sections. Find the angles of the
three joints for each intermediate point and plot the results.

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes, depending on programming expertise

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 5.6


Using the inverse kinematic equations of the robot from Example 5.7, the joint angles can
be found as shown. The values are also plotted:
# Px Py Pz Theta 1 Theta 2 Theta 3
1 3 5 5 30.96 48.59 137.27
2 3 4 5 36.87 49.87 142.2
3 3 3 5 45 52.04 146.45
4 3 2 5 56.31 54.87 149.8
5 3 1 5 71.57 57.51 151.98
6 3 0 5 90 99.6 160.82
7 3 -1 5 108.4 122.5 151.98
8 3 -2 5 123.7 125.1 149.8
9 3 -3 5 135 128 146.45
10 3 -4 5 143.1 130.1 142.2
11 3 -5 5 149 131.4 137.27

160 Joint 3
60 Joint 2
Joint 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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Problem 6.1
Derive the inverse Laplace transform of the following equation:

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.5 and 6.6

3 3 a a
F (s)   1  2
 (s  5s  4) s 1s  4 s 1 s 

 3    1
a1  s 1
 s 1s  4  3
 3 
a 2  s  4 3
 s 1s  4   3  1

1 1
F (s) 
 s 1 s 
4 1 1
f (t)  L1  L1 t 4t
s 1 s e e

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Problem 6.2
Derive the inverse Laplace transform of the following equation:
(s  6)
F (s)
 s(s  5s  6)

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.5, 6.6


(s  6) (s  6)
F (s) 
 s(s  5s  6) s(s  5) s  3

a2 a
a1  3
 s  s2 s
 s6 
a1  s  
 61
 s s  2s  3
 s6 
a 2  s  2 
 2  2
 s s  2s  3
 s6 
a 3  s  3  

 s s  2s  3  31
s3 1
2 1
F (s)  s  s  2 s 

3 2 1
f (t)  L1   s  2  s  3  u(t)  e2t  e3t

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Problem 6.3
Derive the inverse Laplace transform of the following equation:
F (s)
 (s 1) (s  2)

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.5, 6.6


1 b2 b
F (s)   1 
 (s 1) (s  2) (s 1) (sa1)
2 2
1 (s 
 2) 2 1 
b2   s 1 
 (s 1) (s  

 s1 1
d  1   1
b1  (s  2)2

 
ds (s  2) s 1
 
 1 
a1  s  2
 (s 1)2 (s  
s2 1
1 2) 1
F (s)   1
 (s 1) 2
(s 1) (s 
2) 1 1 1 
f (t)  L1  (s 1) 2  (s 1)  (s  2)  t 1 e  e
 t 2t

 

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Problem 6.4
Derive the inverse Laplace transform of the following equation:
F (s)
 (s  4)(s  2)3

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.5-6.6


10 b3 b2 b1
F (s)    
(s  4)(s  2) 3
(s  2) 3
(s a1 2) (s  2) (s 

 4) 3 10 
b3   s  5
2  (s  4)(s  3
 2) s2
3 10 10
b2  d  s   
d  10   2 
 2.5
(s  4)(s  3 
ds 2 s2 ds  s  4  s2 s  4 s2 4
b1  1 d 2  10 
 1 d 10  1 20 5
2 ds  s  2 ds s  4 2 (s  4) s2 4

 s2 s2

a1  s  4 10  3  
 (s  4)(s 
5 2) 5 5 5 5
F (s)   
 (s  2)3 2(s  2)2 4(s  2) 4(s 
4) 5 5 5 5
     5 5 5 5
f (t)  L1  (s  2)3 2(s 4 2)2 4(s  2) 4(s  4)   t 2  2 t  e2t  4 e4t
  2 4

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Problem 6.5
Simplify the block diagram of Figure P.6.5.
A G1 G2
+- +- +-



Figure P.6.5

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.8.


The following sequence is used to simplify the block diagram:

H2 /G1
A G1 G2
+- +- +-



H2 /G1
G1 B
A G2
+- +- 1 G1H1


H2 /G1
G1G2 B
+- +- 1 G1H1


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G1G2 B
+- 1 G1 H1  G2 2


G1G2 B
1 G1H1  G2 H2  G1G2 H3

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Problem 6.6
Simplify the block diagram of Figure P.6.6.
G1 G2 B
+- +- +-

H1 H2


Figure P.6.6

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.8.


The following sequence is used to simplify the block diagram:

A G1 G2
+- B
1 G1H1 1 G2 H2


A G1G2 B
1 G 1H 1 1 G 2H 2 


+- K

where K is calculated as follows:

1 G H 1 G
1 1 2 H2  G1G2
K 
G1G2 H3 1 G H 1 G H 2   G 1G 2 H 3
1 1 1 2

1 G H 1 G
1 1 2 H2 

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Problem 6.7
Simplify the block diagram of Figure P.6.7.
G1 G2 G3 +-
+- +-



Figure P.6.7

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.8.


The following sequence is used to simplify the block diagram:

A G1G2 B
G3  G4
+- 1 G1G2 H1


A G1G2 B
G3  G4
+- 1 G1G2 H1


+- K

G 1G 2 G 3  G 4 
1 G1G2 H1 G1G2 G3  G4 
where K  
G1G2 G3  G4  H3 1 G1G2 H1  G1G2 G3  G4  H3
1 1 G1G2 H1
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Problem 6.8
Write an equation that describes the output of the system of Figure P.6.8.
U1 Y
+- G1 G2


Figure P.6.8

Estimated student time to complete: 10-15

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text
Section(s) 6.8.


U1  YH1 G1  U2 G2  Y

U1G1  YG1H1  U2 G2  Y
U1G1G2  YG1G2 H1  U2G2 
U1G1G2  U2G2  Y 1 G1G2 H1 
U1G1G2  U2G2
1 G1G2 H1

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Problem 6.9
Write the equations that describe the input-output relationships for Figure P.6.9.
U1 U2
G1 +

H1 H2

U3 Y2
++ G2

Figure P.6.9

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text
Section(s) 6.8.


U 3  U 1G 1H 1G 2 Y 2
U1G1  U2  Y2 H2  Y1
U G  U  Y H  Y
 1 1 2 2 2 1

U3G2  U1G1G2 H1 
Substitute Y2 into Y1 to get:

Y1  U1G1  U2  U3G2 H2  U1G1G2 H1H2

Y2  U3G2  U1G1G2
H1 U 1 
Y1   G1  G 1G 2H 1H 2 G 2 H 2 
Y2   G1 G2 H1 0 G2   U2 
  U 3 

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Problem 6.10
Sketch the root locus for the following:
GH 
s(s 1)(s  3)(s 
Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.13.


Poles are at p  0, p  1, p  3, p  4

Number of asymptotes:   4  0  4 , angles of asymptotes: 45, 135, 225,
Asymptotic center:  A  p   Z 0 1 3  4  0
   4  2

The root locus, as drawn by MATLAB, is shown:

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Problem 6.11
Sketch the root locus for the following:
K (s  6)
GH 
s(s  4)

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.13.


Roots are at z  6, p  0, p  4

Number of asymptotes:   2 1  1 , angles of asymptote:

The root locus, as drawn by MATLAB, is shown:

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Problem 6.12
Sketch the root locus for the following:

K (s 
GH 
6) 10  j10)(s
s(s 10  j10)(s
Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.13.


Roots are at z  6, p  0, p  10  j10, p  12

Number of asymptotes:   4 1  3 , angles of asymptotes: 60, 180,
Asymptotic center:  A  p   Z 0 10 10 12  (6)
   4  6.5

The root locus, as drawn by MATLAB, is shown:

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Problem 6.13
For the system of Problem 6.10, assume that two of the roots are chosen at
s  5  2.55 j . Find the system’s gain, damping ratio, and natural frequency. Show that
the angle criterion is met. Can you determine from the root locus whether or not the
system is stable?

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.13, 6.14.


 Mzii  52  2.552 42  2.552 22  2.552 12  2.552 

1  180  1  2.55   180  27 
tan  5  153

2  180  1
 2.55   180  32.52 
tan  4  147.48
1  2.55 
3  180     180  51.9 
tan  2  128.1

4  180  1
 2.55   180  68.59 
tan  1  111.4

 total  153 147.48 128.1111.4  540 3180

It meets the criterion.

  cos  cos  tan 1 2.55   0.891

 5 
s  n  n 1  j  0.891   1 0.891 j
2 2
n n

 5  2.55 j
n  5.61 rad / sec

The root have to potential to fall on the right side, and therefore, may
become unstable..

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Problem 6.14
For the system of Problem 6.10, assume that two of the roots are chosen at
s  4 1.24 j . Find the system’s gain, damping ratio, and natural frequency.

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.13,6.14


 Mzii 
42 1.242 32 1.242 12 1.242 1.242 

  cos  cos  tan 1 1.24   0.955
 4 
sj  n  n 1  j  0.891   1 0.955

 4 1.24 j
n  4.19 rad / sec

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Problem 6.15
For the system of Problem 6.11, assume that the roots are chosen at s  3 1.73 j . Find
the system’s gain, damping ratio, and natural frequency. Show that the angle criterion is
met. Can you determine whether or not the system may become unstable as the gain

Estimated student time to complete: 30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.13, 6.14.


 Mp i
32 1.732 12 1.732

M z i 32 1.732

  cos  cos  tan 1 1.73   0.866
 3 
s  n  n 1  j  0.866  
n n 1 0.8662 j
 3 1.73 j
n  3.46 rad / sec

 p  180  1
 1.73   180  30 
 3  150
1  1.73 
  180     60
 1 

 z  tan1  1.73   30
 3 

 total  150  60  30  180

It meets the criterion.

The roots are always on the left side, and therefore, the system is always stable.

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Problem 6.16
For the system of Problem 6.11, find the roots, the gain, and the steady-state error for a
settling time of less that 1 second and overshoot of 4% or less.

Estimated student time to complete: 30-40 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.14


K (s  6)
GH 
s(s  4)

By trial and error,

  cos1   44.4∘

The chosen roots must be below this value, therefore choose s  4  2.83 j
n (approximate)  41  4
System type: 1  Ess 
 M pi 42  2.832 2.832  4.92.83  4
 M zi  22  2.832 3.465

  tan1 2.83
4  35.28

 actual  cos  0.816

The root locus, as drawn by MATLAB is shown:

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Problem 6.17
For the following system, find the roots, the gain, and steady-state error for the fastest
response and a settling time of less than 2 seconds and an overshoot of less than 4%.
GH 
(s 1)(s 
Estimated student time to complete: 30-40 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.14

For root locus:  A  1 3  2 and A 
2 90∘
For overshoot of 4%: %OS  e / 1 100%  4%    0.72

  cos1   44∘ and Ts   24  2
The root locus and the limitations are shown:

Choose poles for fastest response: tan 44∘   l
2 1.93
Therefore: s  2 1.93 j

 Mp i
(3  2)2 1.932 (1 2)2 1.932
 4.72

 Mz i
System type: 0  KP  lim G(s)   1.57
s0 s0 s 1s  3
Ess   0.39
1 1.57

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Problem 6.18
For the system of problem 6.17, select the locations and the proportional and integral
gains to change it to a proportional-plus-integral system with zero steady-state error.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.15


We add s  0 at the origin and a zero near it (location to be found). Therefore,

K s  z  K s  0.1
GH  
s(s 1)(s  3) s s 1s  3
Assume   0.73 for 4% OS even though the system is not second-order (this is close
enough). Therefore,

  43∘ approximately at s  2 1.87 j .

 Mp i
22 1.872 12 1.872 12 1.872
 4.6

Mz i 1.92 1.872

The gain can be calculated as:

K P  s KI 
KP s  I   K P  4.6 s  0.1
K  
K s s
KP  4.6 and KI  0.46
Since this is Type-1, Ess = 0.

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Problem 6.19
For the system of Problem 6.17, we would like to improve the settling time to 1 second
by adding a zero to the system, therefore a proportional-plus-derivative system. Find a
proper location for the zero and the loop gain.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.16


Although not accurate, assume that   1  4 . Therefore, we arbitrarily choose the poles
to be at s  4  3.85

Angle deficiency:

1  180  tan1 3.85

3 
3  180  tan1 3.85 
z  127.9 104.61180  52.5
104.6 ∘

tan 52.5  z  4  z  6.95
The loop gain is:

 Mp i
32  3.852 12  3.852

M z i 42.95  3.85
2 2

4  z  6.95
GH 
s 1s  3

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Problem 6.20
For the system of problem 6.19, add an integrator to the system to make it into a PID
system in order to achieve a zero steady-state error. Find the location of an additional
zero and proportional, derivative, and integral gains.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 6.17


K s  6.95s  z 
Assume: GH 
s s 1s  3
Magnitude criterion:

 Mp i
42  3.852 32  3.852 12  3.852
 4.06

Mz i 2.952  3.852 3.92  3.852

K D  s2  KP s  K I 
V K  KD KD 
G  a  KP  I  KD s
 E s s
4.06(s  6.95)(s  0.1) 4.06(s2  7.05s  0.695)
 
K D  4.06
KD  4.06
 KP 
 D  7.05  K P  28.6
K I  2.82
 K  0.695

 KD

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Problem 7.1
A motor with a rotor inertia of 0.030 Kgm2 and maximum torque of 12 Nm is connected
to a uniformly distributed arm with a concentrated mass at its end, as shown in Figure
P.7.1. Ignoring the inertia of a pair of reduction gears and viscous friction in the system,
calculate the total inertia felt by the motor and the maximum angular acceleration it can
develop if the gear ratio is a) 5, b) 50, c) 100. Compare the results.


0.5 m

x m=3Kg


Figure P.7.1.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)
1 1
I load  3 marm l 2  m
Solution: mass l 2 
3 (3)(0.5)  (3)(0.5)  1
2 2

 I  12   0.03  =0.07 Kgm2
I total 
motor N
  load 25
a) For N = 5,
I 12
˙  Tmax   171 r/
 max I total 0.07 s2
  1 
I total  I motor  N 2  load  0.03 2500 =0.0304 Kgm

  
b) For N = 50, 
I 12
˙  Tmax   395 r /
 max I total 0.0304 s2
  1 
I total  I motor  N 2  load  0.03 10000 =0.0301 Kgm

  
c) For N = 100, 
I 12
˙  Tmax   399 r /
 max I total 0.0301 s2
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Problem 7.2
Repeat Problem 1, but assume that the two gears have 0.002 Kgm2 and 0.005 Kgm2
inertias respectively.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 7.2


1 1
I load  3 marm l 2  mmass l 2 
3 (3)(0.5)  (3)(0.5)  1
2 2

I gears  0.002  2
 1
  N2
 Iload 0.005 1.005
Itotal  Imotor  Igears    0.03  0.002  2  2  0.032 
N N N2

I 1.005
 0.032  25 =0.0722 Kgm2
a) For N = 5, 
T 12
˙max  max   166 r /
 I total 0.0722 s2

I 1.005
total  0.032  2500  0.0324 Kgm2
b) For N = 50,  T 12
˙  370 r/
  I total  0.0324 s2
max max

I 1.005
total  0.032  10, =0.0321 Kgm2
c) For N = 100,  000
T 12
˙max  Imax  0.0321  374 r/
 total s2

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Problem 7.3
The three-axis robot shown in Figure P.7.3. is powered by geared servomotors attached to
the joints by worm gears. Each link is 22 cm long, made of hollow aluminum bars, each
weighing 0.5 Kg. The center of mass of the second motor is 20 cm from the center of
rotation. The gear ratio is 1/3 in the servomotor and 1/5 in the worm gear set. The worst
case scenario for the elbow joint is when the arm is fully extended, as shown. Calculate
the torque needed to accelerate both arms together, fully extended, at a rate of 90 rad/s2.
Assume the inertias of the worm gears are negligible.

Worm gear

m4=0.5 Kg

m2=0.5 Kg
I1=0.01 Kgm2
N=3 m3=0.5 Kg


Figure P.7.3.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)

Total gear ratio N  5 3 

 I

 N12
I 1 2 2 
 0.01  2m 2l 
 motor l motor 
 3 arm
m 
  1
1   0.01038
 0.01

10.44  0.50.2
2 2

3 
T  I˙˙  0.01038 90 


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Problem 7.4
Repeat Problem 3, but suppose the maximum torque this motor can provide is 0.9 Nm.
Therefore, a new motor must be picked. Two other motors are available, one with the
inertia of 0.009 Kgm2 and torque of 0.85 Nm, one with inertia of 0.012 Kgm2 and torque
of 1 Nm. Which one would you use?

Estimated student time to complete:15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 7.2.


For N  5 3  15 ,

For case 1:

 I

 N12
I 1 2 2 
 0.009 
 3 2m arm
2l  motor l motor 

  1
1   0.00938
 0.009 

10.44  0.50.2
2 2

3 
T  I˙˙  0.00938 90  0.844
Nm case 2:

 I

 N12
I 1 2 2 
 0.012 
 3 2m arm
2l  motor l motor 

  1
1   0.01238
 0.009 
10.44  0.50.2
2 2

T  I˙˙  0.01238 90  1.114
Nm smaller motor is better.

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Problem 7.5
Estimate how much the torque/inertia ratio of a disk motor might be if it can go from zero
to 2000 rpm in one millisecond, and compare it to the motor of Problem 1.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 7.2


 2
˙2  2000
60  209.44 rad /
 ˙ 209.44   209440 rad / 2
˙  t 2 t 1 
˙2 0 1 sec
The torque/inertia ratio is:

T  I˙˙  I  ˙ 
For the motor of Problem 1:

T 12
T  I˙˙  I  0.03  400 rad /

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Problem 7.6
Using a timer circuit, design a pulse generating circuit that will deliver a range of 5-500
pulses per second to a stepper motor driver.

Estimated student time to complete:15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 7.6.7.


We will pick a 50% duty cycle for each signal. Therefore:

tlow  thigh  t total

ttotal ranges between 0.002 and 0.2 seconds. Therefore tlow  0.001sec or tlow  0.1 sec.

Pick C2  0.1  F . Therefore:

tlow  0.693C2 (R2 )

0.001  0.6930.1106 R2  R2  14, 430 

 6 R2
0.1  0.6930.110  R2  1, 443, 000 
Therefore, apotentiometer with R2  1.5 M  enables us to achieve the desired
values. For 50% duty cycle, as shown above,

tlow  thigh
0.693C2 (R2 )  0.693C2 (RH  R2 )  RH  R1  R3  R4  0

Pick R1  R3  R4  1 K . Therefore:

R 0.1 K F

C2  1

R2  1.5 M

R 3  1 K

R4  1 K

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Problem 7.7
Calculate the gear ratio for a Harmonic drive if NL=100, NF=95, N2=90, N3=95.

Estimated student time to complete: 10-15 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 7.11


From Equation 7.25:

L  N2 NL  NF N3  90100  9595   1
A N 2 NL 90100 360

The gear ratio between the Arm and the Last gear (with Arm as input) is:

L  360

The minus sign indicates that the input (Arm) and the output (Last) gears rotate in
opposite directions.

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Problem 7.8
Write a program to generate a variable pulse stream to drive a motor with pulse-width-
modulated voltages of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 volts for a 5 volt input.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise.

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 7.7.


The accuracy with which this program will work depends on the processing speed of the
microprocessor. It also depends on the level of programming language and how
efficiently it is written. We assume that the processor can accept and run a compiled “C”
program, and that it is fast enough such that the execution of commands will not
negatively affect the accuracy of the output timing. Since only five distinct output
voltages of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 volts are desired, we only need to generate 5 variations in the
timing loops. We assume the output level will be indicated by an input port. Therefore, if
input port 1 is high, the desired output level is 1 volts, etc.

The following program is written in “C” language for execution by a Mini-Board™

microprocessor. It is the essentials of the program that are important here, not the actual
program and the way it is written. This program must be modified for use for any other
specific microprocessor with its own unique programming syntax and requirements.

In this program, the command “motor(1,n)” indicates that the output port 1 is turned on
at n
VCC . If the input voltage is 5 volts, for n=15, the output is 5 volts, etc. The command
“msleep(m)” indicates a stop in execution for m milliseconds. “Off(1)” means output port
1 is turned off.

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Problem 7.9
Write a program to generate a sinusoidal pulse-width-modulated output for a constant
input voltage.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise.

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 7.7.


The accuracy with which this program will work depends on the processing speed of the
microprocessor. It also depends on the level of programming language and how
efficiently it is written. We assume that the processor can accept and run a compiled “C”
program, and that it is fast enough such that the execution of commands will not
negatively affect the accuracy of the output timing. Since a sinusoidal out put is desired
for a 5 volt input voltage, we need to generate a variable control timing for the pulse
width modulation. We calculate the sine value for each degree between zero and 90
degrees. This allows for approximately 10 pulses per second.

The following program is written in “C” language for execution by a Mini-Board™

microprocessor. It is the essentials of the program that are important here, not the actual
program and the way it is written. This program must be modified for use for any other
specific microprocessor with its own unique programming syntax and requirements.

Since Mini-Board can generate voltages in both polarities, the program can generate a
full sine wave. The program must be modified accordingly if the microprocessor cannot
do this.

In this program, the command “motor(1,n)” indicates that the output port 1 is turned on
at n
VCC . If the input voltage is 5 volts, for n=15, the output is 5 volts, etc. The command
“msleep(m)” indicates a stop in execution for m milliseconds. “Off(1)” means output port
1 is turned off.

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Problem 7.10
If you have access to a microprocessor and electronic components such as transistors,
make an H-bridge and write a control program to drive a motor in either direction or to
brake it. Be mindful of the problems associated with an H-bridge’s transistors turning on
and off at inappropriate times.

Estimated student time to complete:

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)


The following program is written in “C” language for execution by a Mini-Board™

microprocessor. It is the essentials of the program that are important here, not the actual
program and the way it is written. This program must be modified for use for any other
specific microprocessor with its own unique programming syntax and requirements.

In this program, the command “motor(1,n)” indicates that the output port 1 is turned on
at n
VCC . If the input voltage is 5 volts, for n=15, the output is 5 volts, etc. The command
“msleep(m)” indicates a stop in execution for m milliseconds. “Off(1)” means output port
1 is turned off.
It is assumed that an input to the microprocessor equal to 1 indicates rotation in the CCW
direction, 2 indicates CW rotation, and a 0 means the motor should be braked.

/* H-Bridge Controller */
main( )
int direction
{direction = digital(0); /* motor rotation direction input */
if (direction = = 1) {msleep (1); /* CCW rotation */
motor (1,15); motor (4,15);}
off (2); off (3);

if (direction = = 2) {msleep (1); /* CW rotation */

motor (2,15); motor (3,15);}
off (1); off (4);

if (direction = = 0) {msleep (1); /* brake the motor */

motor (3,15); motor (4,15);}
off (1); off (2); }}

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There are no problems in Chapter 8.

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Problem 9.1
Calculate the necessary memory requirement for a still color image from a camera with
10 megapixels at:
 8-bits per pixel (256 levels)
 16-bits per pixel (65536 levels)

Estimated student time to complete: 5 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.5


For an 8-bit per pixel system, each pixel requires 1 byte. The total memory needed is 10

For a 16-bit per channel system, each pixel requires 2 bytes. The total memory needed is
20 megabytes.

The assumption here is that the pixel count given is the total number for all three colors.
The actual memory is greatly influenced by the format in which the image is saved. A
bitmap image needs much more memory than JPEG.

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Problem 9.2
Consider the pixels of an image, with values as shown in Figure P.9.2, as well as a
convolution mask with the given values. Calculate the new values for the given pixels.

4 7 1 8
3 2 6 6 1 0 1
5 3 2 3 1 1 1
8 6 5 9 1 0 1

Figure P.9.2

Estimated student time to complete: 5-10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:

4 7 1 8
3 3.3 5 6
5 4.6 4.4 3
8 6 5 9

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Problem 9.3
Consider the pixels of an image, with values as shown in Figure P.9.3, as well as a
convolution mask with the given values. Calculate the new values for the given pixels.
Substitute 0 for negative grey levels. What conclusion can you make from the result?

5 5 5 7 7 8
5 5 5 8 8 9 1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 0 -4 0
5 5 5 9 9 8 1 0 1
8 8 8 9 9 10

Figure P.9.3

Estimated student time to complete: 5-10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10.


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:
5 5 5 7 7 8
5 10 12 0 3 9
10 0 0 0 0 10
5 16 17 1 3 8
8 8 8 9 9 10

This can be an indication of an edge.

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Problem 9.4
Repeat Problem 9.3, but substitute the absolute value of negative grey levels. What
conclusion can you make from the result?

Estimated student time to complete: 5 -10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:
5 5 5 7 7 8
5 10 12 0 3 9
10 20 13 13 6 10
5 16 17 1 3 8
8 8 8 9 9 10

When absolute values of negative pixels are shown, edges are no longer discernable.

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Problem 9.5
Repeat Problem 9.3, but apply the mask of Figure P.9.5 and compare your results with
Problem 9.3. Which one is better?

-1 0 -1
0 4 0
-1 0 -1
Figure P.9.5

Estimated student time to complete: 5 -10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:

5 5 5 7 7 8
5 0 0 0 0 9
10 20 13 13 6 10
5 0 0 0 0 8
8 8 8 9 9 10

This mask also shows the edge, but unlike the one in problem 9.3., the pixels are brighter
than the neighboring pixels.

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Problem 9.6
Repeat Problem 9.3, but apply the mask of Figure P.9.6 and compare your results with
Problem 9.3. Which one is better?

0 1 0
1 -4 1
0 1 0
Figure P.9.6

Estimated student time to complete: 5 -10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)9.10


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:

5 5 5 7 7 8
5 5 8 0 2 9
10 0 0 0 0 10
5 8 12 0 0 8
8 8 8 9 9 10

At least for this image, the effect is similar to the mask in problem 9.3.

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Problem 9.7
Repeat Problem 9.3, but apply the mask of Figure P.9.7 and compare your results with
Problem 9.3. Which one is better?

1 1 1
1 -8 1
1 1 1
Figure P.9.7

Estimated student time to complete: 5 -10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:

5 5 5 7 7 8
5 15 20 0 5 9
10 0 0 0 0 10
5 24 29 0 3 8
8 8 8 9 9 10

At least for this image, the effect is similar to Problem 9.3, but darker.

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Problem 9.8
An image is represented by values shown below.
a) Find the value of pixel 2c when mask 1 is applied.
b) Find the value of pixel 3b when mask 2 is applied.
c) Find the values of pixels 2b and 3c when a 3 3
d) median filter is applied.
Find the area of the major object that results when a threshold of 4.5 is applied
based on a +4-connectivity (start at the first on-pixel).
a b c d e
1 4 9 6 2 6 1 1 1 0 1 0
2 4 3 7 4 6 1 1 1 1 -4 1
3 6 2 6 5 3 1 1 1 0 1 0
4 1 6 5 9 2 Mask 1 Mask 2
5 2 8 4 4 7

Figure P.9.8.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 -15 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10 and 9.17.


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:

a) For 2c:
R = (9  1 + 6 1 +2  1 +3  1 +7 1 +4  1 +2  1 +6  1 +5  1) / 9 = 4.9 (or 5)

b) For 3b:
R = (4  0 + 3 1 +7  0 +6  1 +2-4 +6 1 +1  0 +6  1 +5  0) = 13

c) For 2b: 2,3,4,4,6,6,6,7,9. The median is 6.

For 3c: 2,3,4,5,5,6,6,7,9. The median is 5.

d) The resulting image after the application of

the threshold is:

b X X
c X X X
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Applying the +4 connectivity rule starting at the first on-pixel results in: 1b, 1c, 2c, 3c,
3d, 4c, 4d, 4b, 5b, for a total of 9 pixels.

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Problem 9.9
An image is represented by values shown below.
a. Find the value of pixel 3b when mask 1 is applied.
b. Find the values of pixels 2b, 2c, 2d when mask 2 is applied.
c. Find the value of pixel 3c when a 5 5 median filter is
d. applied.
Find the area of the major object that results when a threshold of 4.5 is applied
based on a  4-connectivity (start at the first on-pixel).
a b c d e
1 8 9 6 2 5 0 1 0 1 1 1
2 4 6 2 4 6 1 4 1 -2 -2 -2
3 6 7 5 6 5 0 1 0 1 1 1
4 1 10 5 9 4 Mask 1 Mask 2
5 2 8 4 3 2

Figure P.9.9.

Estimated student time to complete: 10 -15 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10 and 9.17.


The mask will only affect the middle pixels. The remaining pixels on the perimeter will
not be affected. Depending on how a new image is formatted, the pixels on the perimeter
may be set to zero or the current values.

The new values for the image, assuming that the old file is copied into a new file, are:

a) For 3b:
R = (4  0 + 6 1 +2  0 +6  1 +7 4 +5  1 +1  0 +10 1 +5  0)/8 = 6.875 (or 7)

b) For 2b:
R = (8  1 + 9 1 +6  1 +4 -2 +6 -2 +2-2 +6  1 +7  1 +5  1) = 17

For 2c:
R = (9  1 + 6 1 +2  1 +6 -2 +2 -2 +4-2 +7  1 +5  1 +6  1) = 11

For 2d:
R = (6  1 + 2 1 +5  1 +2 -2 +4 -2 +6-2 +5  1 +6  1 +5  1) = 5

c) For 3c: 1,2,2,2,2,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,7,8,8,9,9,10. The median is 5.

d) The resulting image after the application of the threshold is:

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a b c d e
1 X X X X
2 X X
3 X X X X X
4 X X X
5 X

Applying the  4 connectivity rule starting at the first on-pixel results in: 1a, 2b, 3c, 1c,
3a, 4d, 4b, 3e, for a total of 8 pixels.

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Problem 9.10
Write a computer program for the application of a 3 3 averaging convolution mask unto
a 15  15 image. Refer to the note on page 415 for more information.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on the expertise

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The following program is written in “C” language. It is the essentials of the programming
that are important here, not the syntax. You may use the proper syntax for the program
you are using. This program may be written in countless other languages, both graphical
and scientific.

In this program, the assumption is that the image input file is read from a data file or it is
entered after initializing the array.

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Problem 9.11
Write a computer program for the application of a 5 5 averaging convolution mask unto
a 15  15 image. Refer to the note on page 415 for more information.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on the expertise

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The following program is written in “C” language. It is the essentials of the programming
that are important here, not the syntax. You may use the proper syntax for the program
you are using. This program may be written in countless other languages, both graphical
and scientific.

In this program, the assumption is that the image input file is read from a data file or it is
entered after initializing the array.

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Problem 9.12
Write a computer program for the application of a 3 3 high pass convolution mask unto
a 15  15 image for edge detection. Refer to the note on page 415 for more information.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The following program is written in “C” language. It is the essentials of the programming
that are important here, not the syntax. You may use the proper syntax for the program
you are using. This program may be written in countless other languages, both graphical
and scientific.

In this program, the assumption is that the image input file is read from a data file or it is
entered after initializing the array.

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Problem 9.13
Write a computer program for the application of an nn convolution mask unto a kk
image. Refer to the note on page 415 for more information. You should write the routine
such that the user can choose the size of the mask and the values of each mask cell

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.10


The following program is written in “C” language. It is the essentials of the programming
that are important here, not the syntax. You may use the proper syntax for the program
you are using. This program may be written in countless other languages, both graphical
and scientific.

In this program, the assumption is that the image input file is read from a data file or it is
entered after initializing the array.

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Problem 9.14
Write a computer program that will perform the Left-Right search routine for a 15 15
image. Refer to the note on page 415 for more information.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.13


The following program is written in “C” language. It is the essentials of the programming
that are important here, not the syntax. You may use the proper syntax for the program
you are using. This program may be written in countless other languages, both graphical
and scientific.

In this program, the assumption is that the image input file is read from a data file or it is
entered after initializing the array.

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Problem 9.15
Using the Left-Right search technique, find the outer edge of the object in Figure P.9.15:
a b c d e f g h i j k l
Figure P.9.15

Estimated student time to complete: 5-10

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)
a b c d e f g h i j k l
Solution: m
The edge consists of: 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g, 2h, 2i, 2j, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5j, 6j, 7k, 7j, 8i, 9h, 10h,
11h, 12h, 12g, 12f, 11f, 10g, 9g, 8f, 8e, 7e, 7d, 7c, 6b, 5b, 4b, 4c, 3c.

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Problem 9.16
The x and y coordinates of 5 points are given as (2.5, 0), (4,2), (5,4), (7,6), and (8.5,8).
Using the Hough transform, determine which of these points form a line and find its slope
and intercept.

Estimated student time to complete: 20-25 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.15.


y x x,y m,c
0 2.5 0=2.5m+c c= -2.5m+0
2 4 2=4m+c c= -4m+2
4 5 4=5m+c c= -5m+4
6 7 6=7m+c c= -7m+6
8 8.5 8=8.5m+c c= -8.5m+8
The following graph shows the lines and where they intersect. Line 3 (for point 5,4) does
not intersect the remaining lines.

The approximate slope and intercept of the line on which the other four points lay are 1.4
and -3.5.

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Problem 9.17
Write a computer program that will perform a region growing operation based on +4
connectivity. The routine should start at the 1,1 corner pixel, search for a nucleus, grow a
region with a chosen index number, and after finishing that region, must continue
searching for another nuclei until all object pixels have been checked. Refer to the note
on page 415 for more information.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise.

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.17


The following program is written in “C” language. It is the essentials of the programming
that are important here, not the syntax. You may use the proper syntax for the program
you are using. This program may be written in countless other languages, both graphical
and scientific.

In this program, the assumption is that the image input file is read from a data file or it is
entered after initializing the array.

In this program, when a nucleus is found, all the pixels connected to it based on a +4-
connectivity that are “on” (have a value in them and therefore, are part of the image not
the background) are placed in a stack by changing the value of the cell form zero to 1 in
an array of 256x256. The cell’s value is later checked until all are found and the cell’s are
all zero. Each corresponding pixel’s value is changed from 1 to the region number. At the
end of execution, the original image is changed to as many regions as necessary. Since
there will be no cells (pixels) left with a value of 1, execution ends. All segments will be
2 and larger in value.

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Problem 9.18
Write a computer program that will perform a region growing operation based on  4
connectivity. The routine should start at the 1,1 corner pixel, search for a nucleus, grow a
region with a chosen index number, and after finishing that region, must continue
searching for another nuclei until all object pixels have been checked. Refer to the note
on page 415 for more information.

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise.

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.17


Please see the solution for Problem 9.17. The program for growing a region based on  4
connectivity is very similar to that program, except that the search will follow the  4
sequence given in Equation 9.7.

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Problem 9.19
Using +4 connectivity logic and starting from 1a pixel, write the sequence of pixels in
correct order that will be detected by a region growing routine for the object in Figure
a b c d e f g h
4 1 2
7 3
8 +4-connectivity

Figure P.9.19

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.17


The sequence of pixels detected is: 2d, 3d, 3e, 3f, 4e, 3g, 4f, 5e, 5f, 5d, 5g, 6d, 6c, 7c, 7b,

The remaining pixels are not connected to this region and will not be detected.

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Problem 9.20
Using  4 connectivity logic and starting from 1a pixel, write the sequence of pixels in
correct order that will be detected by a region growing routine for the object in Figure
a b c d e f g h

2 1 4
6 3 2
7 x4-connectivity
Figure P.9.20

Estimated student time to complete: 10 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.17


The sequence of pixels detected is: 2c, 3d, 4e, 4c, 5f, 5d, 3f, 4b, 6g, 6c, 7b.

The remaining pixels are not connected to this region and will not be detected.

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Problem 9.21
Find the union between the two objects in Figure P.9.21.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure P.9.21

Estimated student time to complete: 10-15

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)


The union is shown:

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Problem 9.22
Apply a single-pixel erosion based on 8-connectivity on the image of Figure P.9.22.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m

Figure P.9.22

Estimated student time to complete: 10-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.18


The result is shown:

a b c d e f g h i j k l

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 9.23
Apply a one-pixel dilation to the result of Problem 9.22 and compare your result to
Figure P.9.22.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-25 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)9.18


The result is shown. As you notice, the image is different from the original.

a b c d e f g h i j k l

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 9.24
Apply an open operation to Figure P.9.24.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m

Figure P.9.24

Estimated student time to complete: 10-20

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)

a b c d e f g h i j k l a b c d e f g h i j k l
The1 result
m is shown: 1 m
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 9.25
Apply a close operation to Figure P.9.24.

Estimated student time to complete: 10-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.18


The result is shown:

a b c d e f g h i j k l a b c d e f g h i j k l
1 m 1 m
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 9.26
Apply a skeletonization operation to Figure P.9.26.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m

Figure P.9.26

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)


The result is shown:

a b c d e f g h i j k l

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 9.27
Write a computer program in which different moments of an object in an image can be
calculated. The program should ask you for moment indices. The results may be reported
to you in a new file, or may be stored in memory. Refer to the note on page 415 for more

Estimated student time to complete: Variable depending on expertise

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.21.


The following program is written in “C” language. It is the essentials of the programming
that are important here, not the syntax. You may use the proper syntax for the program
you are using. This program may be written in countless other languages, both graphical
and scientific.

In this program, the assumption is that the image input file is read from a data file or it is
entered after initializing the array.

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Problem 9.28
Calculate the M 0,2 moment for the result of Problem 9.8d based on +4-connectivity.

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.21.


The resulting image after the application of the threshold is:

a b c d e

Applying the +4 connectivity rule starting at the first on-pixel results in the following

a b c d e
1 X X x
2 X
3 X X
4 X X X
5 X

The moment, calculated relative to the first row and column of pixels with whole-number
distances is:
M 0,2   x y   y  1(1)  2(2)  3(3) 1(4)  52
0 2 2 2 2 2 2

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Problem 9.29
For the binary image of a key in Figure P.9.29, calculate the following:
 Perimeter, based on the Left-Right search technique.
 Thinness, based on P2 .
 Center of gravity
 Moment M 0,1 about the origin (pixel 1,1) and about the lowest pixel of a rectangular
box around the key (2,2).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x

Figure P.9.29

Estimated student time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 9.13, 9.21.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x

The left-right search result is shown. The perimeter based on the pixels on the search line
is P = 23.

The area may be calculated by M 0,0 , by region growing or by counting.

Thinness:  
Area 17 31
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The 1st moments are:

M 1,00,1   xx1 y0  
 yx  2(1)
2(1)  4(2)
3(2)  4(3)  5(4)
4(4)  5(5)  4(6)
5(6)  4(7)
5(7)  3(8) 
150 0 1

M 31
150 M 31
Center of gravity is: x  M 1,00,0   4.84 and y  M 0,1
0,0   4.61
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x
2 x'


M 0,1
0,1 @(2, xx0 yy1 4(1)  4(2)  5(3)  5(4)  4(5)  4(6)  3(7) 
143 0 1

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Problem 9.30
Using moment equations, calculate M 0,2 and M 2,0 about the centroidal axes of the part in
Figure P.9.30.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x

Figure P.9.30

Estimated student time to complete: 20-30

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)


The0,0moment0 values for the image are:

M   x y0  16(1)
M 0,1   x
x1 y0   yx  3(2)
1(2)  2(3)
3(3)  4(4)
3(4)  3(5)
4(5)  3(6)
2(6) 1(7)
 3(7)
76 0 1

M1,0 76 M 0,1 68
x  16  4.75 and y 16  4.25
M 0,0 M 0,0

M 2,0 
0,2   xx2y 0   yx  3(2)
1(2)2  2(3)
3(3)2  4(4)
3(4)2  3(5)
4(5)2  3(6)
2(6)2 1(7)
 3(7)2 
398 0 2 2
2 2 2 2 2

The second moments about the centroids can be calculates as follows:

M 2,0 @ x  M 2,0  M 0,0  x  2 398 16(4.75)  37

M 0,2 @ y  M 0,2  M 0,0 ( y )  326 16(4.25)  37

2 2

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Problem 9.31
Using moment equations, calculate M 0,2 and M 2,0 about the centroidal axes of the part in
Figure P.9.31.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x

Figure P.9.31

Estimated student time to complete:20 -30

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s)


The0,0moment0 values for the image are:

M   x y0  18(1)
M 1,00,1   xx1 y 0  
 yx  4(2)
3(2)  5(3)
2(3)  5(4)
4(4)  4(5)
4(5)  2(6)  3(7)
81 0 1

M1,0 81 M 0,1 63
x  18  4.5 and y 18  3.5
M 0,0 M 0,0

M 2,0 
0,2   xx02 y20   yx  4(2)
3(2)2  5(3)
2(3)2  5(4)
4(4)2  4(5) 2 241
 2(6)2  3(7)2 
2 2 2 2 2

The second moments about the centroids can be calculates as follows:

M 2,0 @ x  M 2,0  M 0,0  x  2  413 18(4.5)  48.5

M 0,2 @ y  M 0,2  M 0,0 ( y )  24118(3.5)  20.5

2 2

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Problem 10.1
Develop a fuzzy inference system for a robot, where the force exerted at the hand and the
velocity of the hand are the inputs and the % power to the actuators is the output.

Estimated student time to complete:--------

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 10.3-10.9


As in any other design problem, the solution is not unique. For example, different inputs
and outputs may be selected, different fuzzy sets may be chosen, the ranges selected may
be different, and alternate rules may be assigned. Therefore, not only the solution is not
unique, the result will also differ. This suggested solution may only be used as a guide.

This solution is implemented on the MATLAB Fuzzy Toolbox. You may use this or any
other available system.

In this solution, the inputs, outputs, the sets, and the rules are as follows:

Inputs: Force; Small, Average, Large

Velocity; Slow, Fast, Fast, Very-Fast

Outputs: Power; Low, Medium, High, Very-High

The fuzzy sets are (arbitrary numbers):

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The rules are:

The resulting output is:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Changing the rules or the membership functions will change this result.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 10.2
Develop a fuzzy inference system for a washing machine. The inputs are how dirty the
fabrics are and how much clothes are being washed, and the output is the wash time.

Estimated student time to complete:--------

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 10.3-10.9


As in any other design problem, the solution is not unique. For example, different inputs
and outputs may be selected, different fuzzy sets may be chosen, the ranges selected may
be different, and alternate rules may be assigned. Therefore, not only the solution is not
unique, the result will also differ. This suggested solution may only be used as a guide.

This solution is implemented on the MATLAB Fuzzy Toolbox. You may use this or any
other available system.

In this solution, the inputs, outputs, the sets, and the rules are as follows:

Inputs: Dirty; Not-Much, Some, Very.

Clothes; Small, Med, Much, A-Lot.

Outputs: Wash-Time; Five, Ten, Twenty, Thirty

The fuzzy sets are:

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The rules are:

The resulting output is:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Changing the rules or the membership functions will change this result.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 10.3
Develop a fuzzy inference system for a barbecue. The inputs may be the thickness of the
steak and how cooked or rare it is desired to be. The output may be the temperature of the
flame and/or the time of cooking.

Estimated student time to complete:

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 10.3-10.9


As in any other design problem, the solution is not unique. For example, different inputs
and outputs may be selected, different fuzzy sets may be chosen, the ranges selected may
be different, and alternate rules may be assigned. Therefore, not only the solution is not
unique, the result will also differ. This suggested solution may only be used as a guide.

This solution is implemented on the MATLAB Fuzzy Toolbox. You may use this or any
other available system.

In this solution, the inputs, outputs, the sets, and the rules are as follows:

Inputs: Thickness; See-Through, Average, Hefty

How Cooked; Rare, Medium-Rare, Medium, Well-Done

Outputs: Temp; Low, Medium, High

Time; Three, Five, Eight, Ten

The fuzzy sets are:

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The rules are:

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The resulting out puts are:


Changing the rules or the membership functions will change this result.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 10.4
Develop a fuzzy inference system for an automatic gearbox. The inputs are the speed of
the car and the load on the engine, and the output is the gear ratio of the transmission.

Estimated student time to complete:

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 10.3-10.9


As in any other design problem, the solution is not unique. For example, different inputs
and outputs may be selected, different fuzzy sets may be chosen, the ranges selected may
be different, and alternate rules may be assigned. Therefore, not only the solution is not
unique, the result will also differ. This suggested solution may only be used as a guide.

This solution is implemented on the MATLAB Fuzzy Toolbox. You may use this or any
other available system.

In this solution, the inputs, outputs, the sets, and the rules are as follows:

Inputs: Speed; Slow, Medium, Cruise, Fast, Maximum

Load; Low, Average, High

Outputs: Gear-Ratio; Fourth, Third, Second, First

The fuzzy sets are:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

The rules are:

The resulting out put is:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Changing the rules or the membership functions will change this result.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 10.5
Develop a fuzzy logic system for a vision system in which the inputs are the intensities of
the three colors of red, green, and blue (RGB) in a color image and the output is the
relationship of the combination to the colors of the rainbow.

Estimated student time to complete:

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 10.3-10.9


As in any other design problem, the solution is not unique. For example, different inputs
and outputs may be selected, different fuzzy sets may be chosen, the ranges selected may
be different, and alternate rules may be assigned. Therefore, not only the solution is not
unique, the result will also differ. This suggested solution may only be used as a guide.

This solution is implemented on the MATLAB Fuzzy Toolbox. You may use this or any
other available system.

In this solution, the inputs, outputs, the sets, and the rules are as follows:

Inputs: Color-Red; Red-Off, Red-Medium, Red-High

Color-Green; Green-Off, Green-Medium, Green-High
Color-Blue; Blue-Off, Blue-Medium, Blue-High

Outputs: Color; Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Violet, White

The fuzzy sets are:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

The rules are:

The resulting out put is:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Changing the rules or the membership functions will change this result.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem 10.6
Develop a fuzzy inference system for grading a robotics course. The inputs are your
effort level in the course and your exam grade, and the output is your letter grade.

Estimated student time to complete:

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) 10.3-10.9


As in any other design problem, the solution is not unique. For example, different inputs
and outputs may be selected, different fuzzy sets may be chosen, the ranges selected may
be different, and alternate rules may be assigned. Therefore, not only the solution is not
unique, the result will also differ. This suggested solution may only be used as a guide.

This solution is implemented on the MATLAB Fuzzy Toolbox. You may use this or any
other available system.

In this solution, the inputs, outputs, the sets, and the rules are as follows:

Inputs: Effort; Low, Medium, High

Exam-Grade; eA, eB, eC, eD, eF

Outputs: Course-Grade; A, B, C, D, F

The fuzzy sets are:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

The rules are:

The resulting out put is:

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Changing the rules or the membership functions will change this result.

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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem A.1
Show that the determinant of a matrix can be calculated by picking any row or column.

Estimated student time to complete: 10-15 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) A.1


For an arbitrary matrix:

 b
A  d e
a  f

 g h
det A  a ei  fh  b di  fg   c dh  eg 
 aei  afh  bdi  bfg  cdh  ceg
det A  d bi  ch  e ai  cg   f ah  bg 
 dbi  dch  eai  ecg  fah  fbg
det A  b di  fg   e ai  cg   h af  cd 
 bdi  bfg  eai  ecg  haf  hcd

They are all the same.

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Problem A.2
Calculate the determinant of the following (4  4) matrix.

1 1 0 0
 0
A  0 1 2

3 0 1 11 

1 0 time
Estimated student 0 to complete: 5 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) A.1.


det A  111 0  0  0 10  2 3 1  0  0  0  1


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electronic media system or the Internet without prior expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Problem A.3
Calculate the inverse of the following matrix using method 1:

1 1 2
B  0 0 
1 2 0
Estimated student time to complete: 5-10 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) A.1.


det B  1(3  0)  0  2(2)  3  4  1

BT  1 1 
1 2
 0
2 0
3 2
3 
adjB  0 1 0

B1   0 0

1 

3 3


 1

 2 2


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Problem A.4
Calculate the inverse of the following matrix using method 2:

1 0 1
C  0 1 
2  3 1
Estimated student time to complete: 10-15 minutes
Prerequisite knowledge required: Text Section(s) A.1.


1 0 1  x11 x12 x13  1 0
0  x x 23 0 1 0
2 1   x21 22
3 1 0  0 0 1
 x33
x11  x31  1 x32 x11  1/ 7
 21  6/7
2x  x  031
 x 31
 3x 11  x 21  0 x 21  3 /
x12  x32  0 x12  1/ 7
 22 x  3 /
2x  x32  1  22
3x 12  x 22  0 x 32 7
 1/ 7
x31  x33  0 x13  2 / 7
 23  23  1/ 7
2x  x 33  0 xx
3x 13  x 23   33  2 /
1 1 1 2 

7 7 
7 
1 
C 1
 
7 7 
6  2 



 7
7 
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