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• This assessment seeks to analyse the employability mapping from
before my work related activity as well as the mapping after the work
related activity.

• This will help facilitate an understanding of the changes in

perception of skills and knowledge development as they have
evolved through the entire stretch of the module.

• The work-related activity helped me engage in relevant and

purposeful professional practice environments from multiple
perspectives, test and stretch my skills and knowledge and prepare
my professional career plan after my scholarly experience.
Employability Mapping- Before

 Employability map before work related

Employability Mapping- After

 Employability map after work related activity

Analysis of Shifts and Changes
Innovation Dimension

• Before the work-related activity, innovation was a significant part of my work style and
experience. I particularly enjoyed thinking innovatively to find new solutions that meet

customers' demands. This was evidently demonstrated by my employability mapping.

• However, the work-related activity gave me reasons to improve. It enhanced my know-how

about how to use innovation models and theories as well as my skillset in using analytical

trends and techniques in assessing the qualities of a proposed innovation.

• Whilst I already had tendencies with being innovative as a work ethic, the work activity
helped me become more critical about these innovative approaches and this was why the

innovation dimensions improved after the work-related activity.

• Furthermore, the work-related activity helped me understand how to shape my innovative

work style for professional success in today’s business environment.
Analysis of Shifts and Changes
Ethical Decision Making

• Ethical standards was no new terrain for me as I had developed some approaches
at the company I set up. We usually ensured that imported vehicles comply with
local laws and regulations (Ruedy and Schweitzer, 2010).

• Before the work-related activity, therefore, I already had some skillset with fostering
ethical attitudes and behaviors amidst my subordinates. It was not far-fetched that
my mapping before the work-related activity showed strong ethical traits.

• However, one area where the work related activity helped me improve was in
understanding how obstacles can sometimes becloud my sense of judgment. This
helped me honed better skillsets towards thorough ethical business decisions and
this was the reason for the shifts in perception for this dimension.
Analysis of Shifts and Changes
Cultural Sensitivity

• In running a business, it is crucial to consider these cultural norms by respecting hierarchy,

building trust through personal relationships, and valuing punctuality (Zhao et al., 2021).

• Whilst I understood the concept of cultural diversity, my expertise in this regard was majorly
theoretical and this was revealed for my cultural sensitivity parameters in the mapping before the
work-related activity.

• I knew how to understand and learn about people whose cultural background is not the same as
mine but my knowledge was limited.

• However, the work-related activity exposed me to understanding the implications of working in

homogenous and heterogeneous groups and how I can apply intercultural sensitivity using
theories and models in work related settings.

• The activity helped me see that for organisations that seek internalisation, cultural sensitivity is
one dimension that can be crucial for their success.
Analysis of Shifts and Changes

Wheelan (2019) explains that a successful collaborative leader can

ascertain the need for team members’ opinions whilst ensuring that they are
in an environment where everyone can air their opinions.

Whilst I understood what it means to be a leader and the principles of

collaborative leadership, some of my other leadership tendencies revealed a
great need for improvement.

The work-related activity helped me understand how to adapt my leadership

style according to different situations in the workplace. Furthermore, it also
helped me realise and imbibe the practices to listen on different levels
particularly with a strong attention to emotional soundtracks.
Analysis of Shifts and Changes
Entrepreneurial Mindset

In helping people understand how to ascertain opportunities and make

informed decisions, entrepreneurial mindset gives direction that helps
channel people towards success (Cantner and Kalthaus, 2022).

The employability mapping before and after the work-related activity

revealed similar tendencies in this dimension and this was because of
my thorough background in the entrepreneurial phase.

As a co-founder of a family-owned automobile importation business, I

have shown different entrepreneurial dimensions of understanding
customer needs and delivering better value with great customer service.
Next Steps in Professional
Practice and Development
• I have realized the need to uphold professional values and to carve a strong professional identity.
Loughran (2017) explains that one’s professional identity is the benchmark to reveal one’s

principles and beliefs as a professional. Consequently, to achieve a better professional practice, I

intend to commit myself to development by engaging in reflective techniques such as journaling

and self-reflection to establish my identity just as suggested by Cavanagh et al. (2016).

• Furthermore, I intend to expand my company WAMZY LIMITED to other locations in Africa. I will
therefore look towards leadership training activities as well as mentoring from well renowned

company executives to help me better my leadership skills and prepare for this expansion as

advised by Cavanagh et al. (2016).

• I also intend to enhance my leadership, communication, and business management abilities

through a Business Administration program, attending professional development seminars, and

engaging in ongoing learning.

Closing Remarks
Running a business helped exposed me to some
fundamental elements in having an established
professional practice. However, there were still
different indications for improvements. The work-
related activity has helped me see what the
improvements were and helped me further
develop know-how and skillsets in this regard.
• Cantner, U., and Kalthaus, M. (2022). Entrepreneurial mindset: A research agenda. Journal of
Business Research, 143, 570-580

• Cavanagh, M., Grant, A., and Kemp, T. (2016). Evidence-Based Coaching Volume 1: Theory,
Research and Practice from the Behavioural Sciences. London: Routledge.

• Loughran, J. (2017). Developing a professional identity. European Journal of Teacher

Education, 40(3), 293-307.

• Ruedy, N.E. and Schweitzer, M.E. (2010). In the moment: The effect of mindfulness on ethical
decision making. Journal of Business Ethics, 95, pp.73-87.

• Wheelan, S. A. (2019). Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders. Sage

• Zhao, Y., Grosse, R., & Inkpen, A. (2021). Cultural intelligence and expatriate success in
Japanese multinationals: The importance of cultural fit, cultural learning and cultural
metacognition. International Business Review, 30(5), 1-14.

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