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Ramadan is a very important time for Muslims.

It lasts for 29 or 30 days.

Can you count to 30?

Do it! Think about 30 days and nights. Do you think that is a long time?
Followers of Islam are
called Muslims.

Muslims believe that

there is one true god
called Allah.

Photo courtesy of Tim Green aka atoach ( - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Ramadan is in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

Muslims believe the Qur’an was given

in this month.

The Qur’an is the important

holy book for Muslims.

Discuss it! Do you know the names of any other holy books?
What do Muslims Do during Ramadan?

Muslims try to give up bad habits.

Muslims pray and read the Qur’an.

Muslims fast from sunrise to


Do you have any bad habits which you would like to give up? Do you
Discuss it! think it would be easy or difficult? Why?
Fasting is one of the most important things that happens in

Fasting means that Muslims do not eat or drink from

sunrise to sunset.

Young children and very old people do not

have to fast.

Use a clock to show the time of sunrise and sunset at this time of year.
How many hours of daylight are there? Do you think it would be
Discuss it! difficult to fast for these hours? Which times of day would be hardest?
At the end of the day, after sunset, families all eat together.

This special
meal is called

When do you have a special meal with your family? What makes it
Discuss it! special? What do you like to eat together?
Photo courtesy of raasiel ( - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr is the festival at the end of Ramadan.

It celebrates the end of the 29 or 30 days of fasting.

How Do People Celebrate Eid al-Fitr?
There are special services in the mosque.

Muslims dress in their

best clothes.

Muslims have a special

meal with their family.
What have you found out about

Tell your talking partner something you can remember about Ramadan.
Share it! Share your ideas with the class.
The holy month of Ramadan

Tell your talking partner something you can remember about Ramadan.
Share it! Share your ideas with the class.
The holy month of

Carlton J & I School

Ramadan is the fourth of the ‘five
pillars’ of Islam, the five requirements
of being a Muslim. Ramadan is marked
by a fast, which lasts for the ninth
month of the lunar year. It marks the
time when Muslims believe their holy
book,the Quran, was revealed to them
by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
It is during this month that Muslims
fast. They are not allowed to eat or
drink during daylight hours. Muslims are
allowed to eat when the sun goes down
and often Muslims will break the fast by
eating a few dates and drinking water
before they have a large family meal
It is not easy to fast, so young
children, elderly people and people
who are sick don’t have to, until
they are older or are feeling
stronger. Everyone else tries to
make the effort.
Feeling hungry and thirsty helps
Muslims to understand what it is
like for people in the world who do
not have enough to eat or drink all
the time. They set aside money to
give to the poor.
Ramadan is an especially spiritual month.
Muslims attend the mosque more frequently
and read the Quran more often than usual.
Muslims make a special effort to act in the
way Allah wants them to during this month.
They try to create time to reflect on the
way they should lead their lives.
When Ramadan ends it is celebrated for
three days in a holiday called Eid–Ul-Fitr (the
Feast of Fast Breaking). Food is donated to
the poor, this is called Zakat which is the
third pillar of Islam. Friends and family
gather to pray together and for large meals
and gifts are exchanged.
Dear God
Thank you for all that you give to
us. May we find time in our busy
lives to be grateful for them and
to remember those who don’t have
as much as we do.
Quran 2:183

“ O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed to you as it was prescribed
to those before you so that you attain Taqwa (self restraint , God
Some Parting Thoughts
• “Fasting is for Me and I (Allah) only will reward it” (Hadith Qudsi)
• “While fasting , if one does not give up falsehood in words and actions , then
Allah has no need of him giving up food and drink (saying of Prophet


3-D Model = Science Performance at the Intersection
Importance of Character

Both educators and American public believe

character education should be an important part
of schooling

• Educators -- competence in basic

skills, feelings of self-worth, and moral
development should be priorities in
schools (Spears, 1973)

Spears, H. (1973, September). Kappans ponder the goals of education. Phi Delta
Kappan, 29-32.
Importance of Character

Both educators and American public believe

character education should be an important part
of schooling

• Public -- competence in basic skills and

instruction in schools that would deal with
morals and moral behavior (Gallup, 1980)

Gallup, G. (1980, September). The twelfth annual Gallup Poll of public attitudes
toward public schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 62, 39.
• Obtain Information
• Ask Questions/Define Problems
• Plan & Carry Out Investigations
• Use Models to Gather Data
• Use Mathematics & Computational

• Evaluate Information
• Analyze Data
• Use Mathematics and Computational
• Construct Explanations/Solve Problems
• Developing Arguments from Evidence
• Use Models to Predict & Develop Evidence

• Communicate Information
• Using Argue from Evidence (written/oral)
(Moulding, 2012) • Use Models to Communicate
Components of Character
Impacting Moral & Character Development

1. What is good character?

• honest and truthful
• autonomous
• responsible
• self-management and self-discipline
• courageous
• integrity
Impacting Moral & Character Development

1. What is good character?

• sociable
• benevolent
• compassionate
• courteous
• trustworthy
Impacting Moral & Character Development

2. What causes or prevents good character?

1. heredity
2. early childhood experience
3. modeling by important adults & older youth
4. peer influence
5. general physical and social environment
6. communications media
7. content taught in the schools, churches, etc.
8. specific situations and roles
Campbell, V., & Bond, R. (1982). Evaluation of a character education curriculum.
In D. McClelland (ed.), Education for values. New York: Irvington Publishers.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Effective communication and shared values

among families, schools, religious
organizations, and communities
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
1. directed by adults who exercise their
authority toward faculty and students in a
firm, sensitive, and imaginative manner, and
who are committed to both academics and
pupil character development;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
2. staffed by dedicated faculty who make
vigorous demands on pupils and each other;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
3. structured so that pupils are surrounded
by a variety of opportunities for them to
practice helping (prosocial) conduct;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
4. managed to provide pupils--both
individually and collectively--with many
forms of recognition for good conduct;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
‫إحصائية فى الواليات المتحدة األمريكية‬
‫‪..‬الطريقة المثلى للكتابة في المحاضرات‬
‫الخرائط الذهنية‬

‫أحسن‬ ‫بيكتب كلمات‬

‫بيكتب جمل‬

‫بيكتب االجزاء‬

‫بيكتب كل حاجة‬

‫أسوأ‬ ‫ال يكتب شيئا ً‬

‫متىت‪mm‬ستخدم‪ m‬ا‪mm‬لخرا‪m‬ئط ا‪mm‬لذهنية؟ ‪4.‬‬
‫كتابة المالحظات‪/‬المحاضرات‪/‬الدروس •‬

‫• في االجتماعات‬
‫• في التقارير ‪/‬االبحاث‬
‫• في التخطيط‬
‫• التفكير االبداعي‪/‬حل المشكالت‬
‫• تحضير وإلقاء المحاضرات‪/‬الدروس‪/‬الخطب‪presentations/‬‬
‫• في التعلم (تلخيص الكتب ‪ -‬التذكر)‬
‫ف ال‬
‫‪ .4‬متى تستخدم الخرائط الذهنية؟‬
‫فى التعــــلم‬

‫في كتابة المحاضرات‬

‫فى إلقاء المحاضرات‬

‫ا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ي‬‫ك‬ ‫ف‬ ‫الت‬ ‫متى‬ ‫فى االجتماعات‬


‫فى التقارير‬

‫فى التخطيط‬

‫هل حصلت على ذلك الشكل أو حتى إقتربت منه ‪...‬‬

‫ك‪m‬يفت‪mm‬ستخدم‪ m‬ا‪mm‬لخرا‪m‬ئط ا‪mm‬لذهنية؟ ‪3.‬‬
‫أألفكار‬ ‫الثانوية‬


‫أبدأالفكرة الرئيسة فى‬

‫بدون سطور‬ ‫الورق بالعرض‬
Importance of Fasting;
Sayings of Holy Prophet (s. a.w.s)
• Abdullah ibn `Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw), said: "The
fast and the Qur'an are two intercessors for the servant of Allah on the Day
of Resurrection. The fast will say: 'O Lord, I prevented him from his food
and desires during the day. Let me intercede for him.' The Qur'an will say:
'I prevented him from sleeping at night. Let me intercede for him.' And
their intercession will be accepted." [Imam Ahmad]
Importance of Fasting; Sayings of Holy Prophet(s.a.w.s)

Eid al-Fitr is the festival at the end of Ramadan.

It celebrates the end of the 29 or 30 days of fasting.

Mind Mapping
Importance of Fasting; Sayings of Holy Prophet(s.a.w.s)

in dle





ie n
ol Fr
h o

Spring Friends



Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

The fast starts before The fast breaks at

sunrise: in May/June sunset: in May/June
this will be around this will be around
3.00am 9.30pm
•Muslims are NOT
allowed to eat any food
or drink, THIS
•Smoking is a disgusting
habit and nobody should
smoke – however during
Ramadan its is
forbidden to smoke
during the fast.
•You can’t take any
The fast starts before The fast breaks at medicines – that’s why
sunrise: in May/June sunset: in May/June sick people are not
this will be around this will be around allowed to fast.
3.00am 9.30pm
Young children
When you ill/sick

Pregnant women

Travelling (holiday out

Babies of your country)

Who is NOT
allowed to fast?
Old people
Remember: it’s a
normal school day!
can I do
instead of
Please remember: that you
don’t have to be Muslim or
fasting to be kind,
considerate and respectful
to one another.
We can all try to be better
citizens in our community
and be a positive role
model for others.
Mind Mapping

in dle





ie n
ol Fr
h o

Spring Friends



The Penalty (moral) Whoever breaks
fast intentionally (un-necessarily)
‫ق‬ ‫غ خ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ق ق‬
‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ض‬
‫عن أبي ھریرۃ ال ال رسول ہللا من ا طر یوما من رم ان من ی ر ر صۃ و ال مرض لم ض ع ہ صوم الدھر کلہ وان‬
‫و اب و داود و اب ن ٘ماج ہ‬،‫ صامہ ۔ رواہ احمد والت رمذی‬،
Hazrat abu huraira narrated that the one who broke his fast without any reason or
any disease and then keep fast for the whole life will not be compensated
‫وا بل خ اری۔‬،‫والدارمی‬
True or False?
• All Muslims have to fast during Ramadan
• Fasting is a difficult thing to do
• During Ramadan Muslims cannot eat or drink at all
• Ramadan falls at a different time in the western calendar each year
• Ramadan is followed by the festival of Id-ul-Fitr
‫أ‪m‬ينن‪mm‬عملا‪mm‬لخرا‪m‬ئط ا‪mm‬لذهنية؟ ‪5.‬‬

‫على الورق‬

‫في عقلك‬

‫على الحائط ‪!!..‬‬

‫‪:‬أمثلة للخرائط الذهنية‬
‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫قسم الميكانيكا‬ ‫قسم العمارة‬ ‫قسم المدني‬ ‫قسم الكهرباء‬


‫االنتاج‬ ‫االتصاالت‬
‫الخرسانة‬ ‫القوي‬

‫تحكم‬ ‫برمجة‬
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
5. oriented toward maintaining systems of
symbols, slogans, ceremonies, and songs that
heighten pupils' collective identities;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
6. dedicated to maintaining pupil discipline,
via clear, widely disseminated discipline codes
that are vigorously enforced and backed up
with vital consequences;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
7. committed to academic instruction and
assigned pupils significant homework and
otherwise stressed appropriate academic

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
8. sensitive to the need to develop collective
pupil loyalties to particular classes, clubs,
athletic groups, and other subentities in the

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
9. sympathetic to the values of the external
adult society, and perceive it as largely
supportive and concerned with the problems
of the young;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
10. always able to use more money to improve
their programs, but rarely regard lack of
money as an excuse for serious program

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
11. open to enlisting the help, counsel, and
support of parents and other external adults,
but willing to propose important constructive
changes in the face of (sometimes) ill-
informed parent resistance;

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Impacting Moral & Character Development

4. How can good character best be developed?

Schools effectively impacting morals and
character are:
12. disposed to define "good character" in
relatively immediate and traditional terms.

Wynne, E. (1989). Transmitting traditional values in contemporary schools. In

L. Nucci, Moral development and character education: A dialogue (pp. 19-36).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
• Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar.
• The Islamic calendar is based on the moon rather
than the sun although it has 12 months like the
Western calendar.

• During Ramadan Muslims fast between dawn and dusk.

• When you fast you cannot eat or drink anything.
• Fasting id one of the Five Pillars or duties of Islam.
What happens during

• In the month of Ramadan families get

up early to eat before dawn and then
have a meal together after the sun has

• Often Muslims will break the fast by

eating a few dates and drinking water
before they have a large family meal

• You are also not allowed to watch

television during Ramadan unless it is a
religious programme.
Question time
• How long does Ramadan last for ?
• In which month does Ramadan take place?
• During Ramadan when do Muslims have to fast?
• What is the name of the Islamic Holy book?
• What is the importance of fasting for Muslims?
• The ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

• Muslims are required to fast from dawn to sunset.

“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed

for you as it was prescribed for those
before you, that you might achieve piety.”
(Qur’an 2:183)
The Requirements
Abstaining from

• Food
• Drink
• Intimate Intercourse

“Fasting is not only to restrain from food and drink,

fasting is to refrain from obscene acts.”

Hadith (Prophetic Tradition)

The Four Dimensions of Ramadan
1. The behavioral dimension
2. The religious dimension
3. The social dimension
4. The spiritual dimension
The behavioral dimension.
• Fasting in
Ramadan is a
means of
learning self-
The religious dimension.
• Fasting is a way of experiencing
hunger and thus learning sincere
thankfulness and appreciation for
all of God's bounties.
The social dimension.

• Ramadan is a time for developing empathy/sympathy for the less

fortunate and generosity

• People are more generous, more cordial, and more ready than at other
times of the year to do good and charitable work.
The spiritual
• Fasting during Ramadan is an act of obedience.
• It leads to sincere thankfulness, which is the heart of worship.
• It also empowers our spiritual side over our physical tendencies.


Ramadan is about…
• Ramadan is a time of
• intensive worship and devotion
to God,
• of reading The Qur`an and
Reflecting on its teachings,
• of comprehensive thanksgiving,
• giving to charity,
• practicing self-control and
• of training oneself to be a better
person spiritually and
• improving relationship with



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General Recommendations
It is strongly recommended by Prophet Muhammad
(s.a.w.) to observe these practices during Ramadan:
• To
have a light meal before the break of the dawn,
known as Suhoor.
•To eat three dates and have a drink of water right after
sunset, saying this prayer: “O God! For Your sake we
have fasted and now we break the fast with the food
You have given us”.
•To make your meals as light as possible because, as the
Prophet put it, “The worst thing man can fill is his
stomach”. (Al-Tirmidhi, no. 2380)
General Recommendations

•To exchange social visits & intensify humanitarian


•To observe the supererogatory prayers known as


•To increase study & recitation of the Quran.

•To exert the utmost in patience & humbleness.
•To be extraordinarily cautious in using the senses, the
mind and, especially, the tongue; to abstain from careless
& gossipy chats & avoid all suspicious motions.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said, that Allah Subhanahu-wa-Ta’ala said:

“All the deeds of man are for himself,

except for fasting, which is for Me and I
shall reward it MYSELF”.
(Al-Bukhaari, Al-Fath, no. 1904)
Virtues and Benefits of Fasting
• Fasting will intercede for a person on the Day of Judgement, and will say, “O Lord!
I prevented him from his food and physical desires during the day, so let me
intercede for him.”

(Reported by Ahmad, 2/174)

• The smell that comes from the mouth of a fasting person is preferred by Allah than the
scent of musk.

(Muslim, 2/807)

• Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allah, Allah will remove him a distance of
seventy years’ from the Hell-fire.

(Muslim, 2/808)
Virtues and Benefits of Fasting
• Whoever fasts one day, seeking the pleasure of Allah, if that is the last day of his
life, he will enter Paradise.

(Reported by Ahmad, 5/391)

• Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said, “Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and with
the hope of reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.”

(Al-Bukhari, Fath, no. 37)

• In Paradise there is a gate called al-Rayyaan, through which those who fast will
enter, and no one will enter it except them; when they have entered, it will be locked,
and no-one else will enter through it.

(Al-Bukhari, Fath, no. 1797)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Verily, We have sent it (this Quran) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree).

And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is?

The night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months (i.e, worshipping Allah in that
night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, which is 83 years & 4

Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [ Jibrael (Gabrial)] by Allah’s Permission
with all Decrees.

(All that night), there is Peace (and Goodness from Allah to his believing slaves) until
the appearance of dawn.
(Chapter: 97)
What to do in the Night of Glory or Power
Narrated Aisha (r.a.a.), Allah’s messenger (s.a.w.) said,
“Search for the night of Qadr in the odd nights of the
last ten nights of Ramadan”.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol: 3, Hadith no: 234)

Aisha (r.a.a.) narrated, “I asked Allah’s Messenger

(s.a.w.) what should I do if I find the night of Qadr”.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) replied, “Pray to Allah: O
our Lord! You are the most Forgiving, You love to
forgive, so forgive us”.
(Al-Bukhari & Muslim)
• Give us the strength & patience to fast during the whole month of Ramadan.

• Accept all our fasts in this holy month.

• Give us the opportunity to worship in the night of Qadr & accept our worshipping.

• Help us to continue all the good deeds we do in this holy month.

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Traffic Safety in Ramadan
Protection from the Risks of Food Poisoning
 Please check the validity of canned, frozen or preserved foodstuff
and also make sure that there aren’t any changes in the foodstuff’s
smell, color or texture.

For this reason, please make sure that:

 The foodstuff has been kept in a clean and closed place or in the
refrigerator if it is needed.

 The place and the food is clean and neat whenever you dine out and
please be keen to ensure the quality of the food you will take it.
Protection from the Fire in the Kitchen
 When fire breaks out in the oil pan:

 Avoid pouring water into an oil pan as it ignites the fire.

 Cover the burning pan by placing the nearest thick lid on the
pan or cover it with fire blanket.

When fire breaks out in the trash bin:

 Cover the burning trash bin immediately with a damp cloth in

order to prevent oxygen from igniting the fire.
 Begging is a reprehensible behavior. If you see begging, please report
Anti-Begging Section on 2347444/ 2347483.

 The really needy people can approach authorized charity

organizations in the country.
Traffic Safety in Ramadan
Presentation design

You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you
as a design guide if you need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the
presentation in PowerPoint®
SlidesCarnival icons are
editable shapes.

This means that you can:

●Resize them without losing
●Change fill color and opacity.
●Change line color, width and

Isn’t that nice? :)

� Now you can use any emoji as an icon!
And of course it resizes without losing quality

and you can change the color.

How? Follow Google instructions
01 Enter first heading

03 04

02 Enter second heading

02 Enter third heading

04 Enter fourth heading

01 06

05 Enter fifth heading

06 Enter sixth heading

04 Enter first title here

02 05

01 06

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