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Geometry job project

Ayden Arbaugh
• Mathematician
• Construction worker
• Teacher
• Animator
• Fashion designer

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Description of
• A mathematician is a person who
uses mathematics to solve many
economic and scientific problems.

• A builder builds homes and

building for people.
• A Teacher is a person who
educates the next generation.
• An animator creates 3d or 2d
images on the computer.
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• A fashion designer creates

outfits and clothes for people
to wear.

• An average mathematician makes 110,044 per year
• A construction worker makes 32,907 per year
• A teacher makes about 23,027 a year
• An animator makes 41,672 a year
• A fashion designer makes 44,743 a year

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How it uses geometry
• A mathematician uses all kinds of math  including geometry
to solve complex math problems
• A construction Worker uses geometry to help make
• A teacher uses geometry to teach students
• An animator uses geometry to render and create 3d and 2d
• A fashion designer uses geometry to measure and create

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Job requirements
• A mathematician requires a master's degree.
• A Constuction worker requires Earn a secondary education. Candidates often need a high school diploma or GED
before applying to be a construction worker, Complete an apprenticeship, Take the OSHA certification, Finish
specialty certification, Improve their resume .
• A teacher requires a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, pass the required Praxis
assessments and a complete a background check.
• An animator requires a bachelor's degree in computer graphics or other.
• A fashion designer requires a bachelor's degree in a fine arts class.

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