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Workshop 4 Empire in Southwest ASIA

W: Find someone who:

1. Survey different students from your classroom and find the following information (each
statement should have a different answer from different students)

Find someone who would like to live in the Persian Empire(modern day iran):
Find someone who have a bazaar
Find someone who have heard about Alexander the great
Find someone who would like to visit Asia
Find someone who would like to be a leader
Write on
the board
as many
as you can
Finding synonyms
2. Choose 5 words from the reading material and write 5 synonyms for each

1. Emperor / Ruler
2. Lands/ Territories
3. Classify the following people and places

People places
While reading
- These fighting weakened both sides.
They attacked the byzantine empire and capture
Syria, Palestine and Egypt. As a result, The - The Arabs took advantage and
byzantine fought back for these territories. conquered the disputed land (Syria,
Palestine and Egypt)
The Sassanids

Mu’awiyah was the Caliph or leader Note: They were replaced

Empire in by the Abbasids
He made Damascus his Capital
The Many merchants from around Asia went to The bazaar
they were poor governors and treat non Arab Muslim differently

- The leader was Harun al-Arashid and he admired Charlemagne

The Abbasid - He made Baghdad his capital and made the city filled with magnificent buildings
- There were many advances in medicine (doctors must pass a test), science (invented the Arabic
numerals and they well known because of his calligraphy
Topics for your “evaluacion del primer parcial primer quimestre”

Workshop 1. “The early middle ages” ( mind maps, individual activities, Quiz)

Workshop 2. “the byzantine empire” ( mind map, Quiz)

Workshop 3. “The rise of Islam” (mind maps, individual activities, )

History edition

Think of five questions you would ask to a historical character that we have studied during the our classes
(Charlemagne, Muhammad, Justinian) On student will then pretend to be the celebrity and answer the questions “in

What is your Nationality?

What is your profession?

What was your greatest

Possible questions accomplishment?

Was it (accomplishment) easy or difficult for

you? Why?

Did you enjoy your job? Why?

Note: Each answer must be at least two long sentences

1) Match the title with the correct information

After the fall of Rome in 476, they Were the Most powerful kingdom in
Umayyad caliphate
the word
The Abassid caliphate Baghdad was the capital and they had the world most advanced doctors

Made the capital city of Damascus, many people from Asia paid a visit
Sassanids and the byzantine empire
to the Bazaar
2) Write one or more sentences to answer each question

a) Mention why did Heraclius got angry during the Sassanid invasion of the byzantine empire

b) Mention why the Umayyads were poor governors

c) What were some of the scientific discoveries of the Muslim abassids ?

2) Mark true or false for the following statements

a) Harun Al Rashid made Damascus his capital city ( )
b) The Umayyads were replaced by the Sassanids ( )
c) The sassanids official religion was the Zoroastrianism in Persia ( )

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