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FD 601

Reconciliation Best Practices

May 12, 2017
Cassandra Balent
Accounting Operations Manager
CLS Fiscal Services
Adapted from Tricia
Cook’s FD601 Training
• Name and where you work on campus?

• What would you like to learn about reconciling

and/or what do you find frustrating or
struggle with?

• Are you a CatBooks user?

Objectives for FD 601
• Understand what
reconciling is and why it’s

• Become familiar with

reconciliation processes
and tools.

• Develop problem solving

strategies and learn about
campus resources.
What Does “Reconcile” mean?
• Compare two sets of
records to ensure they are
in agreement.
– e.g. balancing your
checkbook to your bank
statement is a form of

• At MSU, we will reconcile

our departmental financial
records (checkbook) to
Banner (bank).
Why Do We Reconcile?
• Verify the accuracy of transactions.

• Identify and resolve errors in a timely manner.

• Confirm the accuracy of fund balances.

– Accurately inform decision making.

• Ensure compliance with university, state and federal

regulations, circulars and cost accounting standards.
How Often Should You Reconcile?
• Normally, department funds should be reconciled

• Special circumstances for more frequent

– High volume
– High risk
– Time of year

• Balance effectiveness with efficiency

Who Should Reconcile?
• Reconciling should be performed by someone
in the unit with sufficient knowledge to:

– Compare transactions on financial reports to

departmental records.

– Match all transactions to appropriate backup

Who Should Reconcile? (cont.)
– Identify, investigate, and resolve:
• Unknown or unexpected transactions.
• Coding errors.
• Transactions that should but have not yet occurred.
• Unallowable expenditures.

– Report irregularities to appropriate authorities

and fund balances to stakeholders.
Segregation of Duties
• “Significant transactions” should not be
controlled from start to finish by the same
– High dollar transactions, e.g. procurement
– Risky transactions, e.g. cash handling, pcards

• Separate AP/AR and reconciling as

Department Records
• Accounts Receivable
• Cash receipts
• Invoices for services performed
• Accounts Payable
• BPAs/invoices (itemized invoices, not statements,
reservations or confirmations)
• Pcard reports (itemized invoices, not statements,
reservations or confirmations; payment method shown)
• Campus autobills
• Finance and payroll correction forms
Department Records (cont.)
• Procurement paperwork
• Purchase order and sole source or tab of bids
• Contracted services agreements
• Travel and Hospitality forms
• Student
• OSP Fee Authorization
• Third Party Billing form
• Fellowship form
• Secondary Ledger/Shadow System
• CatBooks, Quicken, QuickBooks, Excel
Documenting Reconciliation
• Maintain a record of:
– When reconciliation was done and by whom.
– Identification and resolution of errors.
– Complete record of AP/AR.
– Proof of review by fund end user
• principal investigator, department head, director, etc.
Who Should Review Reconciliations?
• Someone with sufficient responsibility and
authority to:
– Ensure reconciliations are completed in a timely
manner and errors are satisfactorily resolved.
– Review and evaluate fund activity and balances.

Principal investigators should review grant reports

directly. Department Head/Director is ultimately
responsible for all unit funds.
Banner Finance Reports (BANK)
• SAIS, MSU Switchboard
– Navigate to, click on “Banner Application
• You will be prompted for your NetID credentials
Banner Report s Web -
Re?)l WE; Finance RepcrE I My Group; I I My eferencesI

Su bml R,

0 Encmu

DT, nu re/Non-Ten ur, PayrollfEnc

O.t; J
ACH Vendors
Budg,t elmnary mu rn,ry
Budg,t \,I F\)p and
C.g Budg,t \,I Pom
Capjjal AsseisRe1¢
Changed IDs
Course Fee;
Cours, Fee; {Misc\

My Repoe!



• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

Banner Reports and Fund Types
General Operating Grants Restricted Gift &
(State) Designated
Index Types 41xxxx, 01XXXX, 4Wxxxx 42xxxx, 43xxxx
91xxxx, 4Sxxxx
SAIS Reports • Operating • Inception to • General Ledger
Ledger Summary Date • Operating
Run by Index (or • Operating • Operating Ledger
group type), FY, and Ledger Ledger Transaction
Month Transaction Transaction s
s s • Payroll
• Payroll • Payroll Report
Report Report

My Groups Type Index Index Fund

Run the “Index Listing (by Org)” (SAIS – Finance Reports) to see all indices
currently active in your ORG.
Step 1: Reconcile Transactions
• For all indices use:
– Operating Ledger Transactions
– Payroll Report
• Compare departmental records (source
documents and secondary ledger if one is
• Reconcile to budget or cash, YTD
expenditures, and encumbrances.
'5'1'<\> ( \ " " " ! I ; " "
P t i y m l [ R 1Jort ,fs yr= ft01 6,mo nt 1= OGT ) Page 1

• Payrcll Report
• I m1ex . . - ,
• Fu.rui 4 11201 !111:g ani zat i oo

* t ! o n t OCT

Hun Expens
S upp Da:t.e Nam Doc ft No
- e e
e l\OI' Contract
- Faculty 'F0101243 660 , 00
a 10 7 , 967,67
10/08/14 FOW 1243 5,128.15
- 101 o s 114 10 6,300.00
M 10/ 08/ 14 F0i0i243
F0101243 lO 6,185.31
I'! 10/0B/ i4 F010124J
10 10 5,300.
M Tot al 61123 Cont r act Facu l t y
10/08/ FOt01243 00
14 t0/0 to 31 , 341. 13
H Contract r of essi onal
61124 8/ 14
" 10/ 08/ 14, F0101243 10 2,770.2
N1 10/ 08/ 14, F01012.4 J 8
II Tot al 61124 Contr&ct Profe.aaiona.l 10 4,166.61
6, !336. 9&
Classifisd Employee

11 10/08/14 F0101243 10 2, 9138 .
61126 938 .84
!! -- 10/08/14 F01Q1243 i.O 1,024.3
Mi 10/08/14 F0-1 01243 10 0
10/08/14 F0•10 1 243 t ,.0:24 . aO
"H 10/08/14 10 1, 024 , 3
° Tot a l S1126 1'0101243 10 0
Graduate Teaching Assietant 1 , 0:24 ,
61226 St udent Wor k St udy- Fedra a.l 30
M 4 , 097 .2 0
10/ 08 / l 4 - - - - - - - • FO I01 243 10
Total 61226 Student Work St 11 d :, - F 1:tl 66.6

5 1 311 Communicatian Devi ce Al l wo illlc @

H 10/ 08/1 4 . . . . . . . F0101243 6.0
10 0
Tc t a l 61311 C011111unii:;atiQn Device Allowance 25.
Report Generated in MST R hy MBROWN on Tue Jun 16 15:25:14 2015
Yi E n U M.:otA
paGI.- SCJ ')io.J \l'IJOn"i'
l (LI
s i t \ f f i ovr 0

Total Billif lt a E " r , f ' S Fiiil£- ·1 ltl,.lf'

1b $ " " " ' W \ -, 01

A,,: T l ! ; , . Y
iotal Pera9 l 1 e ,
11,,,\ U, if- 1-4- oo,. --youe...
o i\G- L E U w M M I
l' 1ib1"'" 1"'1--.t'o-\l'"\£L-.
c . E S

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

_..A,!&. STATE
Base Revised
R ule Doc Act\/
Accowt Cod,:, Code Des ,cr i pt i an Code Budget. Expe,.>se Encumbrance
Dat 0-it- ® - !
-lt-€) -t-1
, 611 ,ms23 ,e HGNL 10/09/14 F 0 1 Hit Payroll 2014 4M 10 31 , 341 . 13
61123 HENA1 0 / 1 2 / 1 4 F0 ! 0 1 2 8 8
01243 Encumbrance
O Salaries -63,535.29
61123 !!ENA 10/19/14 F0101381 EnCUlUlrance S a 1 a r i e i ; -4,421.75
To:tal Account 6,11 23 0 . 00 31,341.13 -67,957.04

61124 HGNL 10 / 09/ 14 F0101243 IIR Payr-,o l 2014 4M 10 0 6,936.95

61124 HE!iA 10/ 12/ 14 F0101288 En.cumbrance S a l a r i e s - 6 , 9, 3 6 9.5
To t a l Account 61124 0 .00 6 , 936 . 9 '5 - 6 , :936 . :95

61125 HCNL 1 0/ 09/ 14 f'o, 101:243 BR P a p o l l 2014 4M 10 O 2,938.84

6 1 125 BENA 1 0/ 12/ 14 F0101286 Encumbrance S a l a r i e s ( -2,729 .19
(;1125 HDIA 1 0/ 26/ 14 F0101487 Encumbrance S a l a r i e s ( 1,8
429 .69
Total Accou,it 61125 0 . 00 2, 9,38 ,. 84 15,700.50

61126 llGNL 10/09/14, f 01( 11243 HR P a y r o U 2024 4H 10 0 4,097.20

61.126 HENA 10/12/14 f,0101288 Encumbranc@ Sdari;,s -4, 09 1' .2 0
Total Account 61 12 6 0 .00 4 ,097.20 -4,09'7.20

61226 BGMl. 1 0/ 09/ 14 f\01012'¼3 ffll. P a y r o l l 2041 4M 10 0 56.65

Tota.1 Accoun , t s t 226 0 . 00 56 - 65 .-00,

61311 BGNL 10/09/14 F0 1 01243 ilR· pa yr ol l 2014 4M 10 0 25. 00

To t a l AeCOWILt 51311 (I . 00 2 .00 .00

62134 00 11 10/ 2:1/ 14 I n . 3 2 6 3 7 ll.ya.11, Timothy It. 100.00

Total. .,\,;;,;;0 1.111,t 62 134 0 . 00 100.00 .Q
o o E : : r -p..=1,,qL.. oF ·r
1 \ > wl t : : , Acc:r cQDt?> 1, 3 1-,'1-.1->
R e p o r t Gene!"at ed in M S T R by M B R O W N 011 'I\u); Jl,]Jl 16 15 : 25:20 2015

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

Jsyr .!.!0 '15m
, on th= OCT) Page 3

62371 JiRC l!0/21114 BT000155 SEP PROVOST TELEPliON:E CHARGES 202.47

To t a l A,;,;o\!l!'.1: 6237:1 0 .00 202.47

6231l4 .me 1 0/2 1/ 14 BT00.0155 SEP PIWVIJST TEL,El'Hm!E CHARGES 20.89

f ,c,t alA,;c;ow t . 62 3M 0 .oo 22.88 . OQ

62408 I P I I I 10'127/14 S1389771 PC$illl-lST WESTERN K'ilATAijllUK !IE 113 . 39

, T01:al Account 624<lll 0 .00 11 3 . 3 9 .o
76 2 .2 8
62415 IP!fl 10 / 2 7 /1 4 S1385570 PC$UNits) cm37501577361
0 .00 762.28
T,ot -'1!1 A ,;, ;o -t 62415
'62498 ZM1 1 0 / 2 8 / 1 4 f01'01Sl$ Wayns S t e i n Re im.b. -822.10
!ot:a.l Acco&lt 62498 0 .00 - 622. 1 0

, 6 2528 JRC 1 0 / 2 3 / 1 4 BF000181 Oct OFS $ t o r s g . , 32.56

Tatal Account 82628 0 .00 32.56
6 2809' Il?NI 10/2 7/ 14 81390346 PCITO\IN it COUNTRY FOODS - 33 . 13
Total! 62809 0 . oo, 33 . 13 .00

62815 IlftfI 1 0 / 1 6 / 1 4 Stencla l l v e r b u l l , G<lldie & \ t h , 189. 98

Toi:all Acccount 62815 0 .00 189.98 .00
628$9E .me 10t,01/14 Bl\001872 SEP E-Scrap Charge . 65
62817Totill kI P,c!oi Illllt
62669E PC$PAYJ>At •AJ.IBRICANml' 0 .00 95.00
.6 .0
95.00 0
f o . t a l Ac,o mmt 6;2817 0 .00
62999 lNNI 1 0 / 0 2 / 1 4 11129317 Roughton, R o b e n D. 175 . 00
To t a l Account 62999 I) .00 7 .00 .o
Grand To t a l 0 .00 49,393.72 o,

1\-\IS -a. w,......_ '-0'
( ) " l \ t ' " ! \ ' \ • T
S E " ,
Report Generated iD M S T R b y M B R O W N o n Tu e Jun 1 6 1 5 2 5 : 2 0 2,

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

Clearing Transactions in CatBooks
• CatBooks Menu >Tools > Reconcile

• Select index from drop down menu

• Click “Begin Reconcile” or hit “enter” key

• Toggle transactions that appear on the SAIS

Operating Ledger Transactions and Payroll Reports.
– “Checked Total” field will show balance of all checked
Cat Books Menu Reconcile CLS Acc:ount ing
FY: 12017 I iii Month:E] I ndex: _ _ Seleot: @ All _ _ , '!' D Incl ude Encumi>ra , e i n 'Checked TDt I Begin Reco11cilel
Transactionsor O Transactions Between: 10110112016 I Clear
Checked hecked Tota l: 349_25
andlo511012011I 48 T ransa.cbions

10005 Transfer Course Buy-out 61100 ($6,000.00) 08/23/2016 $0.00

D 9987 Salary Pay4 61199 $168,253.02 04/11/2017 $0.00

9988 Salary Pay 5 61199 $168,692.37 05/11/2017 $0.00
D 9989 Salary Pay 6 61199 $168,692.37 06/11/ 2017 $0.00

9990 Salary Pay 7 61199 $12,106.08 07/11/2017 $0.00
□ 10008 Transfer - Hl 236Q 62000 ($100.,00) 08/ 23/2016 $0.00

26140 Transfer - - ,, 62000 ($1,

62134 soo.oo)04/06/
$200.00 1112s12016 $0.00
2017 $0.00
1 .,D 13612 n orarium, Guest l ecturer 1
Banner Ex t ernal Feeds Apr 4 Univ Print CC00998
62198 $55.00 04/04/2017 $0.00
[i] , 5966 MSU - University Catening-RL UFS Refreshments, Malone Lecture Series, 4/ 62198 $276.25 04/ 25/2017 $0.00

I, 6940 Banner Ext emall Feeds Pay Lot Parking March 17 62198 $a.oo 04127;2017 $0.00 I
16941 Banner Ext emall Feeds APR 27 Sa1les ITC ITC Systems Adm
l 46172 Banner Ext emall P>TEAR IT UP LL Dept - Shredding 106 lbs 3.23.17 #
$10.00 04/ 27/2017 $0.00
$39.20 04/ 25/2017 $0.00

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

Clearing Transactions in CatBooks
• Click “Clear Checked”
– This will enter the “month cleared” on the selected
– Be sure to manage this feature.
Clearing Transactions in CatBooks
• Run “detail by month report” in CatBooks to
double check
Step 2: Balance the Index
(Based on Fund Type)
General Operating/State Grants Restricted Gift and
SAIS report Operating Ledger Summary Inception to Date General Ledger

How to SAIS: Sum of the SAIS: Sum of the SAIS: “1104 Cash in
Balance “encumbered” and “encumbrance” column Treasury” or “Total
“available” columns and “free balance” Fund Balance”

**should match** **should match** **should match**

Departmental Departmental Departmental

encumbrances and available encumbrances and encumbrances and
balance available balance available balance

(CatBooks: sum of (CatBooks: sum of (CatBooks: sum of

“outstanding” and “outstanding” and “outstanding” and
“remaining” columns – “remaining” columns – “remaining” columns –
Summary Report) Summary Report) Summary Report)
CatBooks Dropdown Menu > Reports > Summary

• O p e r a t m g Ledger
-, " I U W ' ( . l"l,vr, t'O'S<T"1oi'l g,up(i-f;Y" A - m v s ,
Imi...-.: - e,,f\"'l'r MQil1\-1
Fund 41120.1 1Dr ganiz"1: o:a

l -, .,

* (J.l1.ri1._... 'P.Prff" Of ,e'fa&--r

. OC.1"@ ID 'f£A'12-1'0 0 )
Bend> OCT
j..i,,, ( "5 £ '
• f i 5
. .

t Ei,,..,.b= A..,,,,J.l abl e

6 U23 C ontract Fa.Gulty . 3 1 5

i:1:20,315 31 , 34 1 . 13 7 1 , 25 7 . 26
Hi, 493 . Sl
::i .ea _ 37
, 193 . 4!!1
- 7 ,!l T.4
l7 -2.4-t¾
61.124 Contra.Gt P r o f e a " i o 79,383 !l, 8 . 9 . 5
61126 Cl sif_ed Bnployee 57,7'37 2 2,938.8 l 0·,-"94 . 17 4::1.733 . !IT 1,304.10 6.08';1;
6t12G Gradnat:e Teachi11g 57,n.7 4 8,19.440 12,291.6 3, SCl9 .$ w .oo,
Asaista 61126AGTA AdditiODa.l 0 4¢ ,!l r.:! 4, 007-20 .OD 0 20,18'6.0D :
P CD 17 654 0 .o 9,190.00 . 00· .00 .QOX
61.130 CQQ t !LCt F a
To t a l Sa1ari.Bll 6 1 6, 05 0

45, 314._O(J
1. 2 11 5, 5 2 9 .
. 00
31 ' 7, 10 3 . 1 9
23,;s.i"( - 1
4 .
14 5 ::lX
61225 Stu<i!mt , 0 -00 1, 496 . 00 . -1,4915.00
(;1.2:26 Won: S1;Qdy- o 0 66- 1$.GS oo, -5 6 . 6!
J>ed"ra 0 61> .o 5
0 0 56. 65 1,55 . 65 o.0 -1,SS2. .
h 0 (l5 oo,;
J 61 34 f i : \ 111 , 1 , i (j (I , y- Oil. 0 0 ,0
735. 0(I ,OD
-735.00 .o@l
lla zs.oo
0 - . oo-
----- - - - - - --·-
61311 Coilllt1m <>ati .oD. Devfoe .ill.l o 0 0 7l L O O
z. 00, :
t Qt<tl
,:01.a.ll Othfil: Coiopensllioo
To t a l :Sca l !!7
l'11t'cwim.• l S e n · ·"
516 , 060
51. 6, 060
0 0

5 l6 , 00 0
i 45,395.
tr - - -- -------.
810 . 00
1 1 7 , 9 901 . 7 90
117, 991 .79
- e:1.0 . 00
20 , 964 . 86
2 0, 9 6 4. 8 6
4'. 0ll)(

J 62102 Oon:sult:ant I P r o f

5:2134 l l -i l ! I L ; ;; / Sp . . . . i . . . ,;,
1>216(] Far, oyee l ! M . o u n d Cb.e:
1, 0 00

4!i . 00
,00 7 , 1 0 3 . 1- 00
. 00
. 00
. 00 ):
6:2Hl1 l ' d D t i l i g 0 SOO 6,1. 00 .00 , !;QoO.QO 100 . 0
62 1 92 Graphic Art services 900 0 .00 l U -68 '00 - H L6 ; B Q"A,
500 . 00 . 00 . 0 0"
R e p o r t Generated. in M S T R by M B R O l V N ,;,u 'l\l.e Jun lG Ui,21S:l4 Wl5

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

OperG-Ci"'9 Swnmll-!:1! ( fl f"'= Jl015 1m.q fl1h.,= QC TJ P e2
62196 HSU ID:1' bsesamenJ. -(J 2, 000 2, 000 34 . 00 l ,Oll3. 5i0 .00 !126 .so 46.33t

Tot.11 C..irtra t•d S•n-i • \1, 4.00 4:, 4¢0 ! .O(I 1., -1 8 .,oo ::!,9i.3.82 66.2:2l{

62204 Edncatianal Su,ppl:Les 500 000 . 00 24.08 .00 476 . 97 9& , l !l

62210 H m r Eqw.pne:nt 3, 260 3,'2!50 .oo 1 30. 96 .00 s, 19 . . 98
62212 Pl:iot<:I o d l i l . C t i O l ' . i Slll)f>l:i. 1, 8,01) 1. o 444.9S 464.SO .o $4 1{,19t
:225 Jo.o,k:e i: llefor "'"' ih1.t: 11 , :2 , 10 0 2,411'.lO 2:11.81 2l'i. S 6 o 1,335. 78. 06)'.
6::!245 Collplltff Eqicl_p- <tS,00 S,435 3,435 1,23. 1,262. .00 50 63. 23!:
62249 lti:nor !lo:ltw,nse <:$100,000 300 300 700 98 .0() 1,8,73.- 100.00):
, 5 0 5 0 0 .. 00
00 .00
69.!l7 ..00
00 420.03
14 Sil. ,OH,
0 6,044 l , 02 7 . 4 7 3,914.82 .00 2,129.ti.a
'2,172.02 35. 24i
tl,0 162.67 74.971
60 60 . 11:1 .00 M:17
300 ..33
l C Supp:is To6 22t a99l 5uppli11<5 52290 O f : f i . .

g 16,6S, Q
87!l' 18,879 12, J23. 31 (N).25A,
62-304 "'ni,gc .t 'ing - 400 2,al91..\ll
;,, o!al .00
.oo as,. 02- 21. 51'&
400, 313-98
62316 Emplaym.em; . ld.s---Ont of Sta 0 0 . 00 .00 ,00 ,00 . oot

6 23 17 Ellployamrt .Ads - In S t a t e 0 0 ,00 200.00 .00 - 200. .oot
- 1)2$ 1 r..:i.. ,,l>t>,,..
l " ' " " " ' t · 11<>.. --0 :::,ooo 2 , 000 2'02-47 4-97 ,OQ 00 l , 7Q ,:i!f.'&
!'l23B4 ITSD LoJis; !lista.i,.e.e 400 400 22.8B !l6.63 .0 0 4Q& . CIS e.:s ,a4t
3 4 3. 3 7
To t a l Cormruni,eat i ons 2,soo, 2,800 2'4:1. 75 1 ,165 . 5 fl .00 1,fiM.42 S 8 . 3 7'.t
0 Q .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .001
'/.. \ 62401 I.u· st "' " pgn ond , Car l'li l
2 , 800 2,800 ,00 .00 .00 2,800,00 100 .
62400 In S u t e Tr a ve 1 -ot he r 0 0'.t
-..,J 0 0 113.3 :2:96 . 97 .00 - 296,IH
624CIB lll - Sta,ta Lodging
0 Q ,00 330 . l2 . 00 -3 1' 0. 12
62400 h!- Slt,it ,: C&r !\iilnt.u t
0 0 .00 ..00 , 00 .o
62410 In - St at e K e a l a O.en,:!.gb1t
762 .oot
62415 Out; of S i . a t e ' T r a v e l [lt h eT
3 , 450
6 , 925
0 .28
. 2!1
. 00
,00 o .oo-,
62418 Out: of S t : a t e 0 , 00 ,00
io, lf,:l. 7 2 88.9!1'.,1;
0 ,00
6:2419 O\lts M' St.I.t oe Car & f l a l 0 ,00 . . 00,:
0 .0 , 00
62426 F.. T-,-a,el 0 0 0 . 00 .OD
DO .o
62430 Out: of S t ; a . t e Mea li , 0 0 .00 .00 .00 .DO . ooi:
$2498lk>n-mploy.,., In Sta
H<>n• E"Apla y,ee f n v<>e lL.od 0 0 -an .00
.10 • . 3. 00
0 .eo - 1 , 234.DO
. 30 -0
. 00 ):
. 0 () .00):.
Tot:a1 TraYel 6,250 , 9, 1:25 -&1 2,tl2ll .67 . 00 .00
7, 1' 0 1. 33 78. 027;

Raporl: Ge n er at e d in M S T R by M B l t O W N <HI Tue Jun 16 U : 2 ; ; , u 2015

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

. c=BD1ll,m.o O C T Pii.¢3

G2!iOS l!oJt O:Ui<ill Eguip,o ;i - - t 0 0 . IIO .o . l) Q, ,

- ----71.0&l
06 ):.
G:2529 lt!mia ,;ill. ll <>J le ll lld1li.ill 4S(I 4!iD
!::!.. 190 . 2'11.
o-00 s1g . 1s
J o u . l Bert 450 450 230. . 00 31S . r

OVOl ll'u.l.Jd1:np I: 0
0 . 00
1 , M! l , 11 9
- .oot
. 00 - 1 , 449. 99
Tiota.l llt : I K I > 0 0 .0 0 l,+l-9-99 ' OQlll
.00 - l , M l'J . 00
6:2110t,! Suooc:riptJ;c;,gj J50 1M . 00 .00 . 00 154l . 10 0. Ill
6 2 8 ( ),9 M11 t-i<>n R Cons 2,00 33 . 624 . _ OO l,4T! 1"3 , 7
Of) 6X
fJ&5h=uiU 2, 800 0 L H .11!
H 83 -- 1
621'1l1 h • ia,,glli t Co!IJ,n,,oa 'l Ca.■ 0 0 ;s,oo nf,l.l . 00 so.o -
it .-00
l;MJ l 0 .OO't,
628:111 l : D r . l l ! f t ; a t .'! ;;oo - (ilCl o OCI
.oo HJQ _,

.. Clll' i! ! ll. , , . t Cari!J l!
300 2'?'0. . 00 . 00
6:28iW<J,:. - h s i.i.nn 30 0 .5!$ 00 . 00 99 . 35 .oox
62Bi!!9 un u EllQIC11.11H-c.:iivu
0 . 00 .00 ,0 0 , 1 8T.LOO 19Q ;3Sl
00 . Qill,
0 .00
4,672 ,. 72 316 . 7! 1 01 6..'119 . 00 3 , l>SG . n..2f/X
OO G:'5 0 :1
; i!■a 1m, F l < ! i , a l , O I - . G c n t ! l,0
1:1 175 . 00 17 15.. 00
. 00 - l 71i. OO . 00,:

hrtaal ----
Tci: ILI. c..,,t, of Gl>cda Sold. 0 Ci 1 76 . 00 17 6 - 00 -
37 . 15 l -W.'26 3 ,991. 14 ,'602. 34 .I» 175 ,Q &;, . ,!2';
o..tal !2:1:pt:is• S'li3. S i l • L 56'6,9'a6 , U .1"J;2, !i94 . 1S • :ll, 7. Hl3 . 1 91 O
oo a.
1 1!/&:•
1 - .Le&& Expeu - - 556, 986 :3. - 1.3.2, 94,1,3 2i; , m .
i 'Rlih hl e Bil.liir.UI 55'3,GU 72 1,i; <11lli (IOX
4 7 , 288 .

e 0

-tMJrL-. ' r l 1 Q n . . ' - n , • u,C 1 '1S-:r+

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• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

Inception To Date (in<b: . f s yr 20 17 ,month M A Y ) Pagel

Fu.nd I nception to ITD Amou.nts to MAY FY 10-MAY-2017 03:28

Date 20 17 PM
Grant/Fund, Ti t l e : . -
- -, , - -- -
-:- ---r ► -·......
- -
• -- -
S-ca.tu:s, Ac-c i PI : Spou
ve Start: 01-AUG- OSP 'ID:
2016 Budget End: 31- FM:
llollUp: No Sponsor
JUL-2017 Proj End: F&A IDC': ( 41/.) MTDC Base
Max Funds : 1,800,000 HAY-FY17 136 ,062.36
Period Total
[ Incept To Dai:el \ &J.c wnb r rui.ce [
Amount Commit
Casb. 360.0QQ_QQ 1,s::w.00 196,851.0
Receipt:. 0 ?<>vi ( vt..,f-1/l'\ P'"-i(;'1)f\ rep .-+J
Salaries 90 , 00, 0 0. 3 , 4 00 . 04 /
I ;flClcule:; I CZ, 3,!:>00 ,. 0 93 , 795 .
Benefits 0 90 , 295 ., 0 60
Co n t ra c t e d S,re vi ces 33,000.00 o.oo 60 1.27$.. 23,421! ,
Supplies 0. 22,143.6 20 87
COIIWIU11ica.tio11 00 o.o 7 o.o 5 0 0. 6 2
Travsl 110 ,05 6. 00 o 50 0. 62 o 13,065.81
A,,,arde o.oo
10,000.00 0.0.0
0 0 173 ,,143
0 6 5 . 835
1 o,.
0.00 7,143.35
253, 056..0
10,000 00 0 143,205 14.OJ
.7 1 oo20 147,983.91
Tot a l IDir eGt Cost 4, 321. 69 4 , 778.
0 o. 10,0 q.o
F&;A IDC' (44%) 106,944.00 oo
0 . 00 42.66
57 , 966 .0 0 o
0 . 00 57,966 .00

Total 3 60 , 000 .00 01 ,171.71 @ 00'JJJ
t,,,'UB 205,949.91
Cash Bal a.ii.ce : - 4 ,320 . F.-ee Balam::e: 154,0bO.O
71 rJ-
Bill TotalGB Total GB Tot al GB On !{o , Tot al G end i t ur es
Format/Frsq Billed Unbilled 196,85.0
LOG/!fo!lti:i 196, 850 .0 0 . 00 02
A.11 Purchasing Encumbrance,s2 are
[.1A.,yevd· e1'-pE'nJii-

Closed YV\1'V\."WI

R e p o r t Generat@d in M S T R b y C B A L E 1 T o n W e d lVlay 10 1 5: 2 8: 37 20 1 7

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

Pa el

• C en era l Ledge r
* · - ++• ••*••*•·· · • PRODUCTIOII•

• F=d -
• M,mth JUL
• Fi sc al Yea.r 20 l 7

Doc Nor Beginning Endi 11.g

Account Dat Nwnbe1c m B alance Debh Credit Balance
Description e Bal

Tottl Cash in Ireaeury D 13,647.6 9 ,,991. 207.06

8 25
1803 Budgeted Encllll!brances

Tot a l Budgeted Encu.'Obrances D .oo 91,639.05 . 9 1 , 6 39 . 0 5

2403 En<:UCJbrazice Res er ve

Total Encumbrance C .00 .00 9 1 , 639 . 9 1 , 639. 0 5

Reserve 05

t 26 05 Compens a t ed Abs eoc ej

6,775.41 . 00 . 0,VV\?tVlSI'\
Tota Compens at ed Absences C
l oo, f\v;&eVI Cl 5
"'101 Net P o s i t i o n - Unr es er ved

To t a l N,et Positio11 - Unre;::erv<id C 6 , 8 7.2 .00 . 6,872.. 27

7 00
4910 Budgeted R e enue C o n tr o l

To t a l Budgeted Re,,euue C o n t r ol D .00 180,000.00 .oo 180 ,000 ,.

4 9 11 R8v@nu" Co.ntr ol

To't a.l Revenue Control C .00 .00 9,991.25 9,991.25

R eport Generated in M S T R by C BAL ENT on Wed Ma,y 10 15:42:04 2017

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

G e n e r a l Ledger ( fufld yr 2017,month JUL} Page 2
4920 Budg,n:ed Personal Services Control

T'ot al Budgeted Personal S er v ic e s Con C .oo . oo 98,788.44 98,788-44

4.930 Budg@ted Expendi·t:ure Contr,ol

Total Budgeted Expend:i:t:11re Contr ,ol C .00 00 87,957.31 87,957.31

4931 Expenditure Control

Total Expenditure Control D .oo 207.06 .00 207.06

4990 Bu<ig,eted Change to Net Pos i t i on

Tot al Budgeted Cbazi_ge to Net !'oi; itio I) .oo 186,745.75 180,000.00 6,745,75

Tohl Debit 468,583.11

Total C r e d H 46B 5B3 . 11
Total Fund 16,656.46
-r-v \I
-r--)" D

R e p o r t G e n e r a t e d i n M S T R b y C E A. L E N T on \Ved M.ay 1.0 l.5:42 :04 2017

• MONTANA Mount a ins & Minds

Balancing Fund Type Review
General Operating Grants Designated and
Restricted Gift
SAIS Reports (use Operating Ledger Inception to Date General Ledger
for reconciling) Summary • Balance sum of • Balance either
• Balance sum of “encumbrance” “cash” or “fund”
“encumbrance” and column and “free to dept.
“available” columns to balance” to records.
dept. records. dept. records.


screens (shows FGITBSR
ongoing activity –
helpful for
• Research and Resolve
• Don’t just make entries so that
the index balances.
• Track down mystery
• Follow up on unpaid
• Check index
• SAIS Operating Ledger
Transaction by FY or by month
show activity to date)
• Operating Ledger Summary (use
for checking account code
Troubleshooting! (cont.)
• Check budget and cash entries.
• SAIS Operating Ledger Summary, Inception to Date
Report, General Ledger
• Budget transfers will appear on SAIS Operating
Ledger Transaction report.
• Remember, SAIS rounds budget entries! Check MSTR
(FGIBDST/FGITRND) for exact amount.
• Position Budget Adjustments appear on Budget by
Position report in SAIS.
CatBooks Troubleshooting
• Check imports by index and account code
– CatBooks dropdown menu > data entry >

– CatBooks dropdown menu > data entry > account

CatBooks Troubleshooting (cont.)
• Reconciling Sub-Accounts
1. Balance “main” index to
2. Sub-account all
(recommended, based on
3. Balance “subs” to “main”
index in CatBooks
Helpful SAIS Reports
Helpful Banner MSTR Screens
Campus Resources
• Salary, benefits, payroll encumbrances
– HR Payroll Tech
• AP/AR (pcard tx, BPAs), account codes, finance
• JD1 issues
• Autobills
– Campus office/department making the charge, UBS can
help you look this up (by doc code)
Campus Resources (cont.)
• General operating budget, budget transfers, position
budget adjustments
– Budget Office
• Grant budgets, sub-awards, no-cost extensions,
allowable costs
– OSP Fiscal Manager
• Transfers in 436/7/8xxx indices
• CatBooks questions
• Me!
–, x5022

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