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•Brandon Nelson

Personal Thematic •April 9, 2023

Analysis •OGL482
•Kenneth J. Willmott, JD, CPA
This is a self reflective thematic analysis presentation that synthesizes consistencies in
values, beliefs, and personality characteristics identified during the OGL 482 course.
Over the course of three (3) days, I analyzed
data from artifacts and exercises produced
during Modules 1-2 in OGL 482. I coded key
areas that I found of interest in the artifacts
that I produced using Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Once the themes and supporting data were
coded together into groups, I evaluated the
Research Process information for conciseness and redundancy.
and Methods This was a purely subjective process.
Candidly, I narrowed down the themes by
reading them aloud to myself and kept only
what I found to be engaging our interesting
about, well, myself.
My Data Sources
Legend: For conciseness, the data sources described below will
be referenced in this document according the abbreviations in
parenthesis (where appropriate)
• Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)-This reflective exercise
required that I create a substantial narrative of my life story
from birth to the present day. Additionally, throughout the
retelling of my story, we were required to identify major
themes which have persisted throughout our life.
• DISC Personality Test (DISC) - This assessment requires users
to select two answers from a series of statement clusters, one
which they find most accurate to their personality and one
Data Sources which they believe is least accurate as to their personality.
Each statement has a corresponding value which generates a
score for the user in four categories: Dominance, Influence,
Steadiness, and Compliance. 
• Three Questions (3Q) – This reflective exercise presented
questions that required reflection on what values matter the
most to you and why.
• Dreams and Desires Worksheet – An element of 3Q required
that you generate a list that outlines all of your dreams and
desires regardless of the context (professional, personal,
financial) to evaluate what your priorities are.
• Kuder Assessments
• Kuder Career Interests Assessment (KCIA) –
Exam that identifies career interests based
on responses to general questions about
preferences in various scenarios.
• Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (KSCA) –
Exam that identifies skill strengths via
responses to general questions about

Data Sources Cont. preferences in various scenarios.

• Big 5 personality Assessment (B5)
• DiSC Styles Assessment (DiSC) – Personality test
that categorizes personalities based on how
emotions are expressed.
• Meyers-Briggs Personality Exam (HumanMetrics)
– Personality exam that describes personality
traits/types via person’s preference or general
My 7 Themes

• The following information will be presented for each

• Theme Statement
• Data Sources with relevant data (3 sources to earn
• Supporting Data from the data source (6 data
points total for each theme to earn excellent.
For example, two from each of the 3 sources).
This will include direct quotes or a summary of
your findings.
• Contradictory Evidence (if there is none then a
brief explanation why feel this is so)
• Make sure to cite your sources using your
• Reflection of theme including life impact.
• Theme Statement: Building and maintaining close relationships that are
mutually supportive is of high importance to me.

• Supporting Data:
• Growing up with six (6) siblings whom I am indescribably close with
instilled the importance of close connections in my life. (LTPN)
Theme 1: Close • Through the difficult elimination process in the Values Checklist exercise,
close relationships ranked number two (2) of my most highly prioritized
Relationships values. (VC)
• The highest ranked personal goal listed on my Dreams and Desires
worksheet is “maintain existing supportive relationships, and build new
ones” (DD)
• After taking the Meyers-Briggs personality test my results showed
Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging (ENTJ). The extraverted nature of
my personality is one of the primary drivers behind my ability to build
and maintain close relationships.
• Contradictory Evidence
• Based on the provided evidence for this thematic analysis, there is
no data to support contradictory evidence that building and
maintaining close relationships is one of my core values.
• Reflection
• I have experienced many difficult times in my life, and the common
Theme 1: Close theme in advancing beyond those moments was my support
system. I recognize the value in the adage “if you want to go fast, go
Relationships con’t alone. If you want to go far, then go together”. Having six siblings
played a role in subscribing to my belief collective effort and
support. In order for me to fully realize my talents, it will require
ongoing mentorship, thought partnership, and friendship. Like most
things of great value, individuals that fit those requirements are
rare. So, that is why it is of great importance to water the existing
supportive relationships that I have.
• Theme Statement: I recognize the importance of leadership in
personal/professional spaces in shaping outcomes, and seek to be an
effective leader.

• Supporting Data:
• Recognizing the strength of my grandmother during exceedingly
difficult moments. (LTPN)
• One of the goals listed on my Dreams and Desires worksheet is
to create pathways toward careers in technology for those from
marginalized communities. (DD)

Theme 2: • According to the Kudor Skills Confidence Assessment results, my

dominant score in the Holland Code is Enterprising whose

tendencies include “Solves problems by using social influence,
control, and traditional beliefs.” (Kudor).
• ENTJ personality types in the Meyers-Briggs model can “have a
natural tendency to marshall and direct. This may be expressed
with the charm and finesse of a world leader” (Humanmetrics).
• Leadership role among both older and younger siblings(LTSN)
• “I believe that my contribution strengths lie in the areas of
building team coalitions to achieve goals that are difficult to
reach individually.” (3Q)
• Both emotional intelligence and resiliency feed into the skillset
that makes me a strong leader in professional and personal
environments. (3Q)
Theme 2: Leadership con’t
• Contradictory Evidence
• There is little evidence that being an effective leader is not one of the most important roles. However, if there are
moments in which I turn the leadership role off a bit, it is during periods when I’m focused on travel, creative
expression (photography), and/or cultural learning (travel/learning Spanish).
• Reflection
• Being an effective leader is one of the most important roles in which I serve among professional colleagues and
friends. I recognize the importance in having input on how decisions are reached to enhance the possibility of
equitable outcomes which is of great importance to me. I understand that success is partially dependent upon
opportunity and it is my priority to create opportunities for others.
Theme 3: Personal Advancement
• Theme Statement: Personal advancement is one of the key factors in my sense of fulfillment.
• Supporting Data:
• According to the Values Checklist, “living up to the fullest use of my potential” was among my top five (5) values. (VC)
• One of the goals listed on my Dreams and Desires worksheet is to become a more reflective person. The intent behind this is to look honestly look inward for
areas of growth and development. (DD)
• An additional goal in DD is to live in at least three (3) foreign countries. This motivation behind this is explore how other countries tackle cultural issues and
grow from that experience. (DD)
• A third goal in DD is to reach a high visibility role within an organization. I understand that there is leadership value in having a prominent role and seek to
leverage that to deliver on my goals of creating opportunities for others. (DD)
• “While "compelled" may not describe ENTJs as a group, nevertheless the bent to plan creatively and to make those plans reality is a common theme for NJ
types.” (HumanMetrics).
Theme 3: Personal Advancement con’t
• Contradictory Evidence
• There is little evidence that personal advancement is not a core value. I’ve taken on multiple goals without prompt
such as learning Spanish during the pandemic to ensure time was not spent ineffectively and taking on new
leadership roles within my organization when presented the opportunity.
• Reflection
• In short, my motto is push forward in any situation. I often refer to mottos like during difficult moments. This may
come from team sports or mentors along the way. I’ve grown to learn that you can only be an effective leader when
you have knowledge, skills, or perspective. So, it is exceedingly important to me to grow on a personal level,
because it will ultimately help me achieve my goals of effectively supporting others.
Theme 4: Creative Expression
• Theme Statement: To feel fulfilled, I need to have creative outlets.
• Supporting Data:
• On the DD checklist, one of my 15 goals is to Get a photo published in an architecture or travel
publication. (DD)
• Art is one (1) of five (5) values. (VC)
• Experiencing the art scene in Japan to enhance my perspective on how different cultures express
ideas. (LSPN)
• Artistic was among top three (3) skills on the Kuder Skills Confidence test. (Kuder)
Theme 4: Creative Expression con’t
• Contradictory Evidence
• The obvious piece of contradictory evidence that one could point to in arguing against how much I
value creative expression is the fact that I work in the technology sector. A STEM job is generally not
hyper-conducive to creative expression, but I intentionally find space for it outside of my professional
• Reflection
• Although there is not much evidence of my creative passions in the assessments done through this
course, they are expressed heavily in key aspects of my life such as interior design and photography.
Creative expression could be interpreted as an additional element to personal advancement in that it
helps me grow my perspective and feel fulfilled.
• Theme Statement: Being accountable helps shape how I view
the world and how I want to be viewed.
• Supporting Data:
• Honesty easily ranked number one (1) on my values list. I
believe there is a degree of commonality required for
effective relationships (personal/professional), and
honesty is one of the core ingredients to reaching
common ground. (VC)
• Performing repairs and maintenance on my first car and

Theme 5: every car I’ve had since then. (LTPN)

• In regard to ENTJ’s “few other types can equal their

ability to remain resolute in conflict” (HumanMetrics)
• “The various roles influence how I see myself in that the
are several high priority roles that sit at the core of
everything that I do, including how I reflect on my own
actions and behaviors.” (3Q)
• “Through years of supporting family during critical
moments, I hold a leadership role among my siblings and
with others in my family that I cherish deeply. (3Q)
Theme 5: Accountable con’t
• Contradictory Evidence
• Based on the provided evidence for this thematic analysis, there is no data to support
contradictory evidence that accountability is not a core value or that I lack accountability.
• Reflection
• Accountability is a topic that I generally do not discuss, it’s just something that I “do”
instinctively as a leader. I believe there is large amounts of value in leading by example or
showing the way when leading teams. One of the most effective ways to do that is to
demonstrate accountability at all times.
Theme 6: Empathetic
• Theme Statement: I seek to show empathy for others in personal and professional settings.
• Supporting Data:
• My highest category on the Big Five personality test was openness – “Openness describes a person’s tendency to
think in abstract, complex ways. High scorers tend to be creative, adventurous, and experiences” (B5)
• One of the traits associated with the “influencing” characteristic of the DiSC personality test is empathy. (DiSC)
• In relation to my mother as described in my narrative: “seeing how she interacted with her patients and how much
she cared for them really influenced me and instilled in me a sense of empathy and understanding for others.”
• “My roles influence how I see the world because in general they drive my empathy and understanding for others.”
Theme 6: Empathy con’t
• Contradictory Evidence
• Based on the provided evidence for this thematic analysis, there is no data to support
contradictory evidence that empathy is not a core value. It is something that I seek to
demonstrate daily.
• Reflection
• Empathy is extremely important to who I am as a person and can at times be to my detriment.
However, the positives consistently outweigh the negatives in the context of showing empathy
for others and I truly believe that it is essential to navigating the world in a manner that is
positive for my mental health.
Theme 7: Integrated Lifestyle
• Theme Statement: I recognize that time is a scarce resource and seek to integrate all areas of my lifestyle to the extent
that it is possible.
• Supporting Data:
• Traveling to other countries while working. (LSPN)
• Leading projects in the workplace that align with my personal values where possible. (LSPN)
• “My values sit deeply in how I navigate my life roles and are the basis in which I determine the extent of my
involvement in most any scenario.” (3Q)
• Gained key insights to the importance of integrating personal and professional interests. “After many years of
observing strong leaders in various settings, I grew into a leader in my own right with my own perspective on how
to lead groups in my personal life and in organizational environments.” (3Q)
My Personal Vision Statement
“I will continue to grow my creative, professional, and interpersonal skills to drive meaningful change in
all areas of my life.”

Reflection: I’ve learned through developing this personal vision statement and recent professional
experiences that I have a strong skillset in influencing outcomes in team settings. One of my core values
is to reach my full potential and this is one of the methods in which I intend to deliver on that.
My Personal Mission Statement
I’m dedicated to leading with empathy and supporting those that are important to me reach their goals via
mutually supportive relationships

Reflection: During the 3Q exercise, I described how I streamlined my values by focusing only on what was
important. In this context, I believe that supportive relationships are at the core of driving sustainable and
meaningful outcomes. So, it is imperative to maintain a great network of family, friends, and colleagues to
achieve goals. Finally, people should feel good on the journey, so leading with empathy is important.
This reflective thematic analysis further cemented my core beliefs of leading with empathy and challenging myself
to grow. It was a insightful exercise because it required me to reflect in a quantitative way about my behaviors and
beliefs via a qualitative exercise. I plan to continue to use the reflective techniques that I learned in completing this
analysis periodically to verify that what I’m doing is aligning with my stated vision and mission.
Big five personality test. (n.d.). Retrieved from personality-test
Kuder Assessments. Retrieved from
DiSC Personality Test. Retrieved from
Meyers-Briggs Personality Test. Retrieved from

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