Kinetics of Particle

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Lecture on Kinetics of Particles

Kinetics of Particles
High swing velocities can
We must analyze all of the forces
result in large forces on a
acting on the wheelchair in order
swing chain or rope, causing
to design a good ramp
it to break.

F  ma
• Newton’s Second Law of Motion

• If the resultant force acting on a particle is

not zero, the particle will have an acceleration
proportional to the magnitude of resultant
and in the direction of the resultant.

• Must be expressed with respect to a Newtonian (or inertial)

frame of reference, i.e., one that is not accelerating or rotating.
• This form of the equation is for a constant mass system

12 - 3
Linear• Momentum of a Particle
Replacing the acceleration by the derivative of the velocity
yields 
 dv
F  m

d  dL
 m v  
dt dt

L  linear momentum of the particle

• Linear Momentum Conservation Principle:

If the resultant force on a particle is zero, the linear momentum
of the particle remains constant in both magnitude and direction.
12 - 4
Systems of Units• Of the units for the four primary dimensions (force,
mass, length, and time), three may be chosen arbitrarily.
The fourth must be compatible with Newton’s 2nd Law.

• International System of Units (SI Units): base units are

the units of length (m), mass (kg), and time (second).
The unit of force is derived,
 m kg  m
1 N  1 kg 1 2   1 2
 s  s

• U.S. Customary Units: base units are the units of force

(lb), length (m), and time (second). The unit of mass is
1lb 1lb lb  s 2
1lbm  2
1slug  2
32.2 ft s 1 ft s ft
12 - 5
Equations of Motion  
• Newton’s second law  F  ma
• Can use scalar component equations, e.g., for
rectangular components,

     
   
Fx i  Fy j  Fz k  m a x i  a y j  a z k
 Fx  ma x  Fy  ma y  Fz  ma z
 Fx  mx  Fy  my  Fz  mz

12 - 6
Dynamic Equilibrium
• Alternate expression of Newton’s second law,
 
 F  m a 0

 ma  inertial vector
• With the inclusion of the inertial vector, the system
of forces acting on the particle is equivalent to
zero. The particle is in dynamic equilibrium.
• Methods developed for particles in static
equilibrium may be applied, e.g., coplanar forces
may be represented with a closed vector polygon.
• Inertia vectors are often called inertial forces as
they measure the resistance that particles offer to
changes in motion, i.e., changes in speed or
• Inertial forces may be conceptually useful but are
not like the contact and gravitational forces found
in statics. 12 - 7
D’Alembert’s principle, alternative form of Newton’s second law Because unknown forces are more easily determined on bodies
of motion, stated by the 18th-century French polymath Jean le in equilibrium than on moving bodies, the force and stress
Rond d’Alembert. In effect, the principle reduces a problem in analysis of machine components can usually be simplified by
dynamics to a problem in statics. The second law states that the using inertial forces. When developing the formulas for the
force F acting on a body is equal to the product of the mass m stresses in a rotating disk, for example, it is convenient to
and acceleration a of the body, or F = ma; in d’Alembert’s form, assume that a representative element in the disk is in
the force F plus the negative of the mass m times acceleration a equilibrium under the action of a system of radial and
of the body is equal to zero: F - ma = 0. In other words, the tangential forces produced by the stresses and an outward-
body is in equilibrium under the action of the real force F and acting inertial (centrifugal) force.
the fictitious force -ma. The fictitious force is also called an
inertial force and a reversed effective force.
Free Body Diagrams and Kinetic Diagrams
The free body diagram is the same as you have done in statics; we
will add the kinetic diagram in our dynamic analysis.
1. Isolate the body of interest (free body)
2. Draw your axis system (e.g., Cartesian, polar, path)
3. Add in applied forces (e.g., weight, 225 lb pulling force)
4. Replace supports with forces (e.g., normal force)
5. Draw appropriate dimensions (usually angles for particles)
x y
225 N


mg 12 - 9
Free Body Diagrams and Kinetic Diagrams
Put the inertial terms for the body of interest on the kinetic diagram.
1. Isolate the body of interest (free body)
2. Draw in the mass times acceleration of the particle; if unknown,
do this in the positive direction according to your chosen axes
x y may
225 N

25o 

F  ma
12 - 10
Free Body Diagrams and Kinetic Diagrams
Draw the FBD and KD for block A (note that the
massless, frictionless pulleys are attached to block A
and should be included in the system).

2 - 11
Free Body Diagrams and Kinetic Diagrams
1. Isolate body
2. Axes
3. Applied forces
4. Replace supports with forces
5. Dimensions (already drawn)
6. Kinetic diagram

T may = 0

= max

N1 Ff-1 2 - 12
Sample Problem 12.1 SOLUTION:
• Resolve the equation of motion for the
block into two rectangular component

• Unknowns consist of the applied force

P and the normal reaction N from the
plane. The two equations may be
solved for these unknowns.

A 200-lb block rests on a horizontal

plane. Find the magnitude of the force
P required to give the block an
acceleration of 10 ft/s2 to the right. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and plane is mk = 0.25.

12 - 13
Sample Problem 12.1
• Resolve the equation of motion for the block
into two rectangular component equations.
 Fx  ma :
 
P cos 30  0.25N  6.21lb  s 2 ft 10 ft s 2 
 62.1lb
x  Fy  0 :
W 200 lb N  P sin 30  200 lb  0
m 
g 32.2 ft s 2 • Unknowns consist of the applied force P and
the normal reaction N from the plane. The two
lb  s 2
 6.21 equations may be solved for these unknowns.
N  P sin 30  200 lb
F  k N
P cos 30  0.25P sin 30  200 lb  62.1 lb
 0.25N
P  151lb
12 - 14
Sample Problem 12.3 SOLUTION:
• Write the kinematic relationships for the
dependent motions and accelerations of
the blocks.
• Write the equations of motion for the
blocks and pulley.
• Combine the kinematic relationships
with the equations of motion to solve for
the accelerations and cord tension.
The two blocks shown start from rest.
The horizontal plane and the pulley
are frictionless, and the pulley is
assumed to be of negligible mass.
Determine the acceleration of each
block and the tension in the cord.
12 - 15
Sample Problem 12.3
• Write the kinematic relationships for the dependent
motions and accelerations of the blocks.
y B  12 x A a B  12 a A
• Write equations of motion for blocks and pulley.
 Fx  m A a A :
T1  100 kg a A
 Fy  mB a B :
m B g  T2  m B a B
300 kg 9.81m s 2  T2  300 kg a B
T2  2940N - 300 kg a B
 Fy  mC aC  0 :
T2  2T1  0
12 - 16
Sample Problem 12.3
• Combine kinematic relationships with equations of
motion to solve for accelerations and cord tension.
x y B  12 x A a B  12 a A

y T1  100 kg a A
T2  2940N - 300 kg a B

 2940N - 300 kg  12 a A 
T2  2T1  0
2940 N  150 kg a A  2100 kg a A  0

a A  8.40 m s 2
a B  12 a A  4.20 m s 2
T1  100 kg a A  840 N
T2  2T1  1680 N
12 - 17
Sample Problem 12.4 SOLUTION:
• The block is constrained to slide down
the wedge. Therefore, their motions are
dependent. Express the acceleration of
block as the acceleration of wedge plus
the acceleration of the block relative to
the wedge.

• Write the equations of motion for the

wedge and block.
The 12-lb block B starts from rest and
slides on the 30-lb wedge A, which is • Solve for the accelerations.
supported by a horizontal surface.
Neglecting friction, determine (a) the
acceleration of the wedge, and (b) the
acceleration of the block relative to the
12 - 18
Sample Problem 12.4
• The block is constrained to slide down the
wedge. Therefore,
 their motions are dependent.
aB  a A  aB A
• Write equations of motion for wedge and block.
 Fx  m A a A :
y N1 sin 30  m A a A
0.5 N1  W A g a A
 Fx  mB a x  mB a A cos 30  a B A :

 WB sin 30  WB g  a A cos 30  a B A 
aB A  a A cos 30  g sin 30

 Fy  mB a y  mB  a A sin 30 :
N1  WB cos 30  WB g a A sin 30
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Sample Problem 12.4• Solve for the accelerations.
0.5 N1  W A g a A

N1  WB cos 30  WB g a A sin 30

2W A g a A  WB cos 30  WB g a A sin 30
gWB cos 30
aA 
2W A  WB sin 30

aA 
32.2 ft s 2 12 lbcos 30
230 lb  12 lbsin 30
a A  5.07 ft s 2

aB A  a A cos 30  g sin 30

aB A    
 5.07 ft s 2 cos 30  32.2 ft s 2 sin 30
aB A  20.5 ft s 2
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