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Driver fatigue detection

system (DFDS)
Team Members:

Tanya Singhal (1900320100178)

Tanisha Garg (1900320100176)
Tanisha Baghel (1900320100175)

Babli Baliyan
Driver fatigue is when a driver’s ability to drive safely is reduced as a result of
being physically or mentally tired or feeling sleepy. Driver fatigue is a
significant problem for the transportation industry. The main causes of
drowsiness while driving is, too little sleep and being awake for very long hours
 A simple and adaptable sleepiness and non-alertness detection device for
drivers that may be installed in many types of cars. The system consists of
modules for detecting faces, eyes, estimating eye openness/close, and
measuring drowsiness/alertness based on the percentage of closed eyes and
facial expression. The primary purpose of drowsiness detection systems is to
monitor and identify the facial expressions and feature points of people in
order to identify their level of sleepiness from such expressions.
Significance of Problem
 Numerous studies have suggested that fatigue may play a role in up to 50% of
certain types of road accidents and up to 20% of all collisions involving
automobiles. Driver fatigue plays a significant role in many traffic accidents.
According to recent statistics, fatigue-related crashes cause 76,000 injuries and
1,200 fatalities annually. The development of technology that can detect or stop
driving while fatigued is an important issue in the field of system of accident
avoidance. Due to risk it presents when driving, strategies for decreasing the
consequences of sleepiness must be devised. Driver inattention and weariness
are both factors that can be exacerbated by distractions.
 Deep learning driver drowsiness detection is one of the most effective ways to
detect drowsiness in real time. One of the most solid procedures for
recognizing sleepiness progressively is to involve profound figuring out how to
distinguish it in drivers. This is a factor in several suggested strategies. An OS-
independent true-time driver inspection engine is created using deep learning.
We incorporate a face monitoring system that is powered by a face expression
descriptor in order to cover the most delicate aspects of sleeping. A
Convolutional neural network is used for image detection, feature extraction,
image classification, and alerting. The CNN uses the available data to identify
facial alignments from a variety of faces and determines their temporal
relationships. An effective method for detecting driver intoxication is presented
in this study. It detects eye-pupil alignment and head posture alignment by
first extracting information from the facial region.
Technology Used
 Open CV : The Open Source Computer Vision Library is referred to as OpenCV.
It is an open-source library that deals with computer vision and machine

 Dlib: Dlib is a general-purpose, open-source software library that can be used

on many different platforms. It is a C++ tool that includes machine learning
algorithms and tools for creating complex software that can be used to solve
real-world problems.
Technology Used
 Eye Aspect Ratio: We use a facial landmark detector-based algorithm to
correctly distinguish between normal eye blinks and eyes that are closed while
drowsy and determine whether the driver's eye is open or closed. The eye
locales' milestones are situated for every video outline, and the eye's level and
width are utilized to decide the Euclidean distance, or eye perspective
proportion (E.A.R). The following is how the EAR can be calculated:
Technology used
 CNN: CNN is a powerful image processing algorithm. These are the best
algorithms for automatically processing photos right now

 HOG: HOG, which stands for Histogram of Oriented Gradients, is a feature

descriptor that is comparable to the Scale Invariant and Feature Transform
(SIFT) Canny Edge Detector. It is utilized for object detection in computer
vision and image processing
Technology Used
 Deep Learning: Deep learning, which is a subset of machine learning, is
basically a three- or more-layered neural network. These neural networks
attempt to "learn" from vast amounts of data by mimicking the human brain's
functions, but they are unable to do so
Process Flow Diagram
 Increased productivity and safe driving
 Lower fatality rates
 Less manual labour
 As the system is automated, it doesn't need as many resources as a handwritten
record of the safety of the driver, but the record is still kept in the database
 In comparison to other biometric systems, the system requires less hardware,
and because it consumes fewer resources, it is less expensive.
 This system makes use of facial recognition technology and has numerous
additional purposes, including surveillance and determining a driver's level of
 Use of spectacles: In case the user uses spectacle then it is difficult to detect
the state of the eye. As it hugely depends on light hence reflection of
spectacles may give the output for a closed eye as opened eye. Hence for
this purpose the closeness of eye to the camera is required to avoid light.

 Multiple face problem: If multiple face arises in the window then the
camera may detect more number of faces undesired output may appear.
Because of different condition of different faces. So, we need to make sure
that only the driver face come within the range of the camera. Also, the
speed of detection reduces because of operation on multiple faces.
Future Scope
 One significant stage in a progression of preventive advances expected to
resolve this issue is to screen the driver's degree of readiness and tiredness and
give criticism on their state so they might make a fitting move. After the
eyeballs have been located, future work may automatically zoom in on them.
 It can be used to create an Internet of Things (IoT) device that can be installed
in a car to detect drowsiness in the driver.
 We intend to continue developing the concept by incorporating a heart rate
sensor to avoid collisions caused by drivers who suffer from sudden heart
 This system judge the driver’s alertness level on the basis of continuous eye
closure and alarms the driver to prevent accidents. The approach used is non-
invasive without any annoyance and interference.

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