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Information Resource Management

Contents included;
 Definition of data, information and IM.
 Concept of MIS
 Components of MIS
 Importance
 Phase of information mgt & information system
 Approaches to MIS
 Challenges to information mgt.
Group members
1. Estifanos Robi
2. Eyasu Nigatu
3. Zebiba Oumer year, 2018
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Information Management
 Information is defined as a processed form of data ready to
support us in any form of decision making.
 Information; can be both electronic and physical.
 Management; means the organization of and control over the
structure, process and delivery.
 Information management (IM); is the collection and
handling of information from one or more sources and the
distribution of that information to one or more audience
(decision making users).
 The focus of IM is the ability of organizations to capture,
manage, preserve, store and deliver the right information to
the right people at the right time.
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Guiding principles to Information
Information assets are organizational intangible assets.

Information must be made available and shared.

Information as organization needs to keep is managed and

retained centrally.

Therefore, Information management is an organizational

responsibility that needs to be addressed and followed
from the upper most senior levels of management to the
front line junior workers.
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The Concept of Management Information
System (MIS)
MIS is “A communication process in which information
(input) is recorded, stored and retrieved (processed) for
decision (output) on planning, operating and controlling.”

Provides the major linkage between education system and

its environment.

Properly functioning MIS of an education system is capable

of feedings external environmental and internal
performance information to decision makers to matches the
shifting demands of the society.
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Desirable characteristics of MIS
Systems designers need to try to design management information systems
which have the following characteristics
 Useful at every level of an organization. Operational systems level or senior
manager is likely to need information.
 Flexible allowing for many different ways of analyzing data and evaluating
 Capable of supporting a range of skills and knowledge, MIS are familiar to
support managers in skill.
 Designed to support managers in many functions as possible, at different
 Help managers get things done through interpersonal communication with
other members of the organization.
 EDMIS makes an easy communication with responsible bodies
 Informs the manager about performances of subordinates and other
 MIS tells others how the organization operates systematically. For example,
organizational chart as a tool explains these all….
 Protect a manager, as far as possible, from information overload.
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Components of management information system (mis)
 Hardware; nowadays all companies use computer device. This device has its
own physical components which input, process and display data as an
output called hardware.
 Software; System software; programs used to manage the computer system’s
resources and simplify programming. Application software; like
spreadsheets or word processors, directly help the user to do his or her work.
 Databases; is a collection of interrelated data, such as an organization’s
human resource or product. Databases are managed by software systems
known as database management systems.
 Telecommunications; are the means by which information is transmitted
electronically over long distances. Internet, the ‘network of networks’, links
up an immense variety of networks from diverse fields worldwide.
 Human resources; Information systems specialists include systems
analysts, programmers and operators and End users are the people who use
the information system or the output generated, i.e. organizational
 Procedures; are the policies and methods that must be followed when
using, operating and maintaining an information system.

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The importance of MIS to management
 MIS is generally thought of as an integrated system providing information
to support operations, management and decision-making.
 Smallest organizations management rarely observe operations directly and
attempt to make decisions, prepare plans and control activities.
 Managements are faced with an accelerating rate of change and an ever
more complex environment.
 Managers increases their knowledge and reduces their uncertainty by using
 “Management get things done through people,” by using relevant
information retrieved from MIS.
 Management information systems can do to management in organizational
evaluation performance information.
 Sometimes low performance and support can be indicated by high staff
turnover rate monitored by the MIS.
 Provides information about the effectiveness of services and operations;
users and non-users; and other relevant factors.
 Enable management to have an overview of performance and to set in
motion, when necessary for improved and efficient services to users.
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Phases of the information management cycle

Reading phase; the first phase that occurs when a person reads and acquires
relevant data.

Recognition phase; Information is then converted into subjective
knowledge, to match the user’s concepts.

Reinterpretation phase; occurs when subjective knowledge is transcribed to
another document, becoming publicly presented.

Reviewing phase; validation or evaluation of what was transcribed by an
individual, by creating links with other same subject documents.

Release Phase; information becomes widely available/relevant to any person
of that community/organization.

Restructuring Phase; occurs when information is made adaptive to what is
currently being changed conceptually or philosophically.

Retrieval Phase; relevant knowledge available to each user may be carried
out by retrieval tools, focusing the real needs of the users,

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Phases of information system development
Planning phase; developing detailed steps or work plan
for the organization’s task.
Analysis phase; description of current systems and where
problems or opportunities are with a general
Designing phases; detailed description of all system
elements, programs, files, networks and system software
with acquisition for new technology.
Implementation phase; coding, documenting/ operating
with training & supporting capability of users.
Maintenance phase; release of adaptive/ new versions or
software associated with updates to documentation,
training and support.
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Approaches to management Information system
Structured approach sometimes called the traditional
approach and modern approach also called object-
oriented- approach.
The Traditional Predictive Approach;
activities in this approach
Planning, analysis, design, implementation, support
Assumes phases can be sequentially executed
The approach drops over the “waterfall” into the next
recognizing phase overlap.
Informs many current systems

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The Newer Adaptive Approaches
Activities radiate from center starting point
Models are pieces of each phase
Iterative problem solving: repeats activities
Several approaches to structuring iterations
Define and implement the key system functions
Focus on one subsystem at a time
Define by complexity or risk of certain
Complete parts incrementally

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Overview of modern/Object-Oriented Concepts
views system as a collection of objects
Object: entity capable of responding to messages
Defines additional types of communication objects
Shows how the objects interact to complete tasks
Refines definition of objects for implementation

Benefits of OO Development
Original application of object-oriented approach;
Computer simulations

Graphical user interfaces

Benefits of naturalness


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Challenges to information management
Several barriers made it difficult to use and share data and
information effectively.
Some of the barriers include:
 Lack of staff: Educational institutions do not
have enough qualified staff to provide proper
analysis of raw data.
 No uniform data Collection : different units or
departments use different forms, software,
definitions and other means to collect and
organize data.
 Lack of leadership: Many educational institutions
face high turnover rates among managers and
 Lack of integration of technology: Many
teaching and management staff members of
educational institutions adopt a “hands-off”
approach to technology.
 Unclear Priorities: information collection and
analysis is not isolated and clearly related to the
mission of the organization.
 Distrust of data use: Teaching staff members,
who have witnessed the manipulation of data may
have lost their confidence in the reliability of the data.

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 MIS must be useable to function as an interacting, interrelated and
interdependent feedback tool.
 The five elements of a useable MIS system are;
1. Timeliness; MIS should be capable of providing and distributing
current information to appropriate users.
2. Accuracy: Information should receive appropriate editing, balancing
and internal control checks.
3. Consistency: To be reliable, data should be processed and compiled
consistently and uniformly.
 Variations in how data is collected and reported can distort information and trend
4. Completeness: Decision makers need complete and applicable
information in a summarized form free from disorganization and
voluminous detail.
5. Relevance: Information provided to management must be relevant.
Information that is inappropriate, unnecessary or too detailed for
effective decision making has no value.
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Cyber attack, hacking

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