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• “ building a bridge between engineering and the humanities” is an article written by Julio
Ottino and Gary Morson, which analyzes the need to bring these two cultures together.
The authors argue that the two have different approaches when it comes to problem-
solving, and by uniting them, functional solutions can be acquired.
• The tone of the authors in the text is open minded. They tend to find a common ground
between the two fields while still setting boundaries in the sense of different approaches.
• The purpose of this text is to show how the two booming fields, engineering and
humanities, should work together in order to address real world issues.

• Humanity students who are interested in engaging more with technology and believe that
engineering can open up new paths for the humanities domain.
• Engineers who are interested in discovering the humanistic side of their studies.
• Educators who want to combine the two cultures in order to open a new path for students
and prepare them to accept different opinions and approaches.

• The importance of combining humanities into engineering in terms of education

• The author argues that Engineering studies nowadays are mostly based on scientific
skills, lacking an understanding of human values, which might be why engineering has
not reached its full potential yet.
• Engineering can also interest humanities, research can help with the understanding of
many issues in society with the help of technology.

The author achieves credibility and authenticity by using several approaches.

• Using experts' opinions in order to backup an idea that was mentioned. For example “ the
Russian formalist critic victor shklovsky”
• Giving examples. The author gives examples of how teaching in the engineering field has
evolved, from new programs to better courses that pass on knowledge smoothly.
• Writes with clarity. The author is very clear with the point he is trying to deliver, and is
precise with his word choice, avoiding terms that might be unfamiliar to the reader.

• Unsupported points. The author did not provide evidence such as real examples to
support his points, which could leave the audience unconvinced.

• The author engaged with the counterargument. The author addressed potential criticism
and did not avoid important points. For example, the author mentioned that engineering
and humanities differ in subject and in ways of thinking, and suggested that each should
look at the world in a new way, and not only think of ways other cultures could benefit
them. This shows the audience that the author is aware of different perspectives and will
accept different opinions.

• It is essential to build a bridge that does not separate these two areas but show how they
are essential to one another in order to grow. Thus, combining these two and opening
opportunities for them to learn from each other and adopt new approaches will lead to a
better understanding of problems and solutions in society and the academic field.

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