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Creation of Serial Killers: How Do We Prevent Them

Madisyn Morris

What makes a serial killer? Solution 2: Neurological Analysis Pictures and Visual Argument
Serial killers, normally Caucasian males around 18-32 years of age. Genetics, environment, and biology collectively play a role in the
There has been a debate over the years whether serial killers are born development of insensitive, unemotional characteristics in youth.
Sharman, S. (2021). Forensics and DNA: how genetics

or developed. Whittington-Egan (2008) states that serial killers display According to Josh Fischman, Adrian Raine, chair of the criminology can help solve crimes – HudsonAlpha Institute for

characteristics such as difficulty with maintaining relationships, lack department at the University of Pennsylvania, has developed the Biotechnology. In Hudson Alpha.

empathy, remorse, struggle with substance use, and many more science of neurodevelopmental criminology. This suggests that

characteristics which contribute to their violent actions. biological markers can predict antisocial behavior. how-genetics-can-help-solve-crimes/

● Damasio's theory (Antonio R. Damasio, professor of neuroscience)-

Studies show that: Damage to parts of the brain is tied to antisocial actions,
● Neurodevelopmental problems can result in negative outcomes such suggesting that the amygdala and prefrontal cortex normally link
as violence. up to prevent people from harming others. This damage to the
○ head injuries area of the brain used for decision making, could turn patients Dorine W. (2017). Figure 2. Brain scan of a normal orbital
○ ASD into destructive individuals who seem to be robbed “of a "brake" cortex and a psychopath... In ResearchGate.
● Low levels of monoamine oxidase a gene (MAOA) can lead to higher on their impulses.” (Fischman, 2011) Murderers from good
rates of aggression. homes had lower activity in the prefrontal cortex, suggesting that
● Nature and nurture play a large role in childhood development. For genetics and anatomy were more influential on their
example, individuals who did not have the best childhood development than the way they grew up. Damasio called this
experiences, such as Jeffrey Dahmer, grew up to become a serial “acquired sociopathy” (Fischman, 2011). cortex_fig1_331432641

killer. This could be due to lack of moral understanding, or simply ● Raine believes that protective factors such as omega-3 fatty acids,
lack of empathy. cognitive-behavioral therapy, and physical reactivity can help
prevent trouble in children.
If a parent notices early on that their child demonstrates aggressive
Solution 1: Therapy behavior, they should have brain scans conducted on their child.
Though serial killers are seen as awful human beings, there
should be options for therapy open to them. Most serial Solution 3: Profiling Algorithms
killers are motivated by sex, power, and control. As explained
A lack of systems for profiling allows more serial murders
in The Mind Of A Serial Killer; A majority of serial killers are
to go undetected.
men who suffer from sexual sadism and psychopathy, author
Janarthan Reddy states that sexual sadism is “a type of sexual
● As discussed in the interview with Thomas Hargrove SOURCES
perversion and is also called paraphilias.” (Reddy, 2007)An from All Things Considered, hosted by Ailsa Chang, due
individual with paraphilias has strong sexual fantasies, to 51 unsolved deaths on Chicago's South and West Allely, C. S., Minnis, H., Thompson, L., Wilson, P., & Gillberg, C. (2014). Neurodevelopmental and psychosocial risk factors in serial killers and mass

desires, or behavior involving nonhuman objects; one enjoys Sides, the FBI is looking into the potential of a serial murderers. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19(3), 288–301.

murderer. The Murder Accountability Project's founder,

Fischman, J. (2011). Can This Man Predict Whether Your Child Will Become a Criminal? Adrian Raine thinks brain scans can identify children who may become
the agony of individuals, whether it being themselves, their killers. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 57(39).
partner, children, or other non consenting participants. Sexual Tom Hargrove, developed a computer program to u=coa_main&sid=summon&xid=d679c114
sadism gives sexual pleasure from giving the victim identify trends in killings throughout the country. Highsmith, J., Mercado, M., Hernandez, J., & Madrigal, S. (2013). Nature (MAOA) and Nurture in a Criminal. UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal.
psychological or bodily agony and humiliation. These acts ● According to the article The serial killer phenomenon
indicate this need “to dominate over victims” (Reddy, 2007). written by Richard Whittington-Egan, scientists have %20predicted%20that%20nature,necessary%20in%20understanding%20criminal%20behavior.
● Therapy- done 'geographic profiling' on bees to help with serial Ramsland, Katherine,PhD., C.M.I.-V. (2013). The Man WHO ENTERS THE MINDS OF Serial Killers: AN INTERVIEW with ANTHONY MEOLI. Forensic

Serial killers cannot control themselves. They lack the killers, and DNA fingerprinting has been a positive Examiner, 22(3), 64-68.

ability to tell right from wrong. Individuals who present

discovery in cold cases. interview/docview/1439533544/se-2

high levels of violent behavior should reach out for help Reddy, J. (2007, Jan 22). The Mind Of A Serial Killer; A majority of serial killers are men who suffer from sexual sadism and psychopathy. India Today, , 66.

to avoid this behavior growing to murder. This will allow

more opportunities for studies on what makes individuals

● Developing new forms of profiling would stop serial Whittington-Egan, R. (2008, Autumn). The serial killer phenomenon. Contemporary Review, 290(1690), 323+.

violent or what drives them to kill. murders from going unnoticed, and eventually in the

future, prevented.

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