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SCHOOL: Colegio de educacion profesional


NAME: Maria Guadalupe Cruz Avila

CARRER: Techinique professional in tourist hospitality


SUBJECT: # 1. Adverbs – conceptual map

TEACHER: LIC. Orestes rauda catalan

• INSTRUCTIONS: Investigate about adverbs in English, answer the questions and add the
requested information.
• What is an adverb?
An adverb ir a of speech that complements a verb, an adjective, other adverbs, and even sentences.

• In what part of the sentences are placed the adverbs?

Adverb placement is usually at the end of a sentence or phrase.

• A) Write a short concept and add some examples of the following types of adverbs.

• Adverbs of Manner: They are invariable words that modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, they indicate how an
action occurs or develops.
He swims well. He ran quickly. She spoke softly.
James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
• Adverbs of Place: They express movement and situation at the same time.
Here, there, up.
• Adverbs of Time: Placed at the beginning of the sentence, they serve to emphasize the time element.
Before, after, soon, later.
• Adverbs of Frequency:
It is used to indicate how often action indicated by the verbs is performed.
I always go to school by bus
• B) Elaborate a Conceptual Map with the previews information about Adverbs and
add the picture on this page.

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