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Physical Recreation and Play

What is leisure time?

What affects whether people use their leisure time in an active way?
What are the characteristics and objectives of physical recreation and
Leisure time Play, physical recreation and sport
 ‘Spare time’ during which you choose what to do- Personal Choice
 Available once all other commitments are completed
 E.g. Going to school ,part-time job, homework etc
 Various ways to spend it
 Some choose to relax Encourage
 Some look for excitement and danger s
Objectives n / reduces
 Benefits to individual Benefits crime
 Relaxation, Socialising and improved fitness of
 Benefits to society leisure
 Social and racial mixing, civilises society Social
and encourages conformity (reducing crime) and racial
 Difficult to separate as improved fitness level
of an individual will reduce demands on NHS Improves
Leisure time cont. Play, Physical recreation and sport

Factors affecting participation in leisure activities

 Socioeconomic status
 Disposable income and free time
 Stereotyping
 Traditional view limiting participation e.g. Female bodybuilder or male dancer
 Disability
 Availability of specialised facilities and coaching
 Age
 Activities seen as being suitable for certain people e.g. Only young people go
 Ethnicity
 Less emphasis placed on leisure than educational achievement or religious
 Lack of facilities
 Poor quality of facilities despite necessary income and free time
Physical recreation
Recreation is defined as the active aspect of leisure time
 Voluntarily entered into during free time- Personal Choice
 Focus on participation- not results
 Flexible
 Rules, duration and space used
 Available to all

 To society
 To individual
 Community integration
 Stress relief
 Relax and unwind  Less strain on NHS

 Meet new people  Crime reduction

 Do something you are proud of- self fulfilment  Employment opportunities
 Improved health and fitness  Economic benefits
 Fun- designed for enjoyment
 Spontaneous- spur of the moment decision
 Simple and childlike
 Flexible
 Self administered- participants in control
 Simple equipment- ‘Jumpers for goalposts’

For a Child For an Adult
 Mastering Reality • Escaping from
 Social skills- making friends reality
 Physical skills- co-ordination • Relaxation
 Emotional skills- accepting defeat
 Environmental skills- safety awareness
 Cognitive skills- decision making
 Moral skills- fair play

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