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Topic vs. idea

Point of view- From which perspective did the
author write the text?

First person point of view- the author retells or

recounts his/her experience. The pronoun I used to tell
the story.

Second person point of view- the author

is telling the story to you, the readers. Pronoun
YOU is used in the text.

Third person point of view- the author narrates

the story but is not part of it.
Third person point of

Limited-shows Omniscient-able to
insights from one describe the feelings
character in the and thoughts of all
story. the characters in the
Instructions: Read the questions carefully.
Choose the correct answer in the given
choices. Write your answers in a 1/4sheet of
paper. Answer directly.
1. Which among the following elements will you first look for in
determining the main idea of a text?
a. Point of view
b. Purpose of the author
c. Tone
d. Topic
2. "Immigration contributes to the over all health of the American economy.
Despite recent concerns expressed about illegal and some legal immigration
to the United States, this country has largely benefited from the skills, talents,
and ambition that immigrants bring with them. "What is the author's purpose
in writing the text?
a. To entertain
b. To persuade
c. To explain
d. To inform
3. What word best describes the tone of these sentences?
"Today is the last day of school!" said Sue as she jumped from
bed. She dashed downstairs to eat and ran out the door. "I can't
wait!" she said.
a. excitement
b. gloom
c. nervousness
d. lonely
4. Why knowing the main idea of the passage is important?
a. Finding the main idea is critical to understanding what you
are reading.
b. Helps the details make sense and have relevance.
c. It provides a framework for remembering the content.
d. All of the above.
5. You shouldn't argue with people on the Internet. It is a waste of time and energy. Do
you want to spend your precious life energy trying to type sense into some delusional
fool who will only hate you for your efforts? No, you don't. The next time some one
makes some outlandish claim that infuriates you, you should either ignore them,
unfriend them, or blockthem. You will find these actions to be more satisfying than
casting pearls of wisdom before the likes of swine. What point of view is used by the
author in these statements?
a. First person
b. Second person
c. Third person
d. Omniscient
6. Basketball was invented  in 1891 by a physical education instructor in Springfield,
Massachusetts, by the name of  James Naismith. Because of the terrible weather in
 winter, his physical education students  were indoors rather than outdoors. They really
did not like the idea of boring, repetitive exercises and preferred the excitement and
challenge of a game. Naismith figured out a team sport that could be played indoors on a
gymnasium floor, that involved a lot of running, that kep tall team members involved, and
that did not allow the tackling and physical contact of American-style football. What is the
main idea of the passage?
a. The life of James Naismith
b. The history of sports
c. Physical education and exercise
d. The origin of basketball
7. This author's purpose is to teach or give facts about a topic.
a. To entertain
b. To persuade
c. To explain
d. To inform
8. This type of element help to validate or expand on the main idea.
a. Point of view
b. Purpose of the author
c. Supporting details
d. Topic
9. The best way to survive baby sitting a set of triplets is to come armed with plenty
of energy, lots of patience, and a first-aid kit. What is the author's purpose in writing
this sentence?
a. To entertain
b. To persuade
c. To explain
d. To inform
10.This able to describe the feelings and thoughts of all the characters in the
a. Omniscient
b. Limited
c. Supporting details
d. Topic
Directions: Make a one paragraph essay about the most significan topic in your
life (it can be about your personal life, your community, our country, and etc.).
Then try to fill out the table below Do it in a one whole sheet of paper.
Most significant topic:

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