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My Story at the University of

Rhode Island
By Noah Figliola
Table of Contents

1. First steps
2. Apart of Me
3. Student Teaching
4. Group Development
5. Preparing for the Future
6. My Most Valuable Learning from Leadership Studies
7. Resume
8. References
First Steps

When I first arrived at school I was unsure whether or not I would like or even want to stay at the
University of Rhode Island. Before anything, I made sure to use my decision making skills specifically
trusting myself and taking a chance in order to decide if I wanted to stay.

- Leadership Institute

Outcome 102 (Critical Thinking)

Apart of Me
Understanding my own cultural anthropology allows me to separate myself from others

- We are all uniquely different

- This perspective requires "individuals to reorganize their thinking, and institutions and individuals to look
for solutions in the redesign of spaces, materials, technology and thought"

Outcome 69: (Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its

Application to Leadership)
Student Teaching
The breakdown of the characteristics below are essential for an educator to inspire others to realize their
potential and strengths.

● Continually Learning: Learn from their experiences

● Service Oriented: Life is a mission
● Positive Energy: Cheerful and optimistic
● Believe in others: See the potential in others and help to achieve
● Lead Balanced Lives: Stay current with social events
● See Life as an Adventure: Savor life
● Synergistic: Creative change agents
● Exercise Self-Renewal: Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual

Outcome 29 (Leadership Theories)

Group Development
As a future educator, understanding how to work with others is vital for my career.

Opportunities: Student teaching and being president of a Fraternity for two years

Outcome 132: (Interpersonal and

Organizational Concepts & Skills)
Preparing for the Future

Relationship building is key when working with anyone. In particular with my:

ESFJ Personality Trait: Outgoing, loyal, and organized environment

Outcome 18(Self-Leadership)
My Most Valuable Learning from Leadership Studies
As someone who student taught through the program here at URI, the Principle Centered Leadership is vital from an
educational perspective

- As a student teacher, I am a role model for my students. It's my goal to empower and help them realize what their
full potential can be.
- I must constantly learn and grow from my experiences while at the same time being open and honest with my
- I must be prepared to have difficult conversations with students and be ready to answer questions they have or
support them when needed.
- I must be aware of when I take on too much to handle and find a coping mechanism to help me with all of the
“Always walk through
emotions lifebe
I may asdealing
if you have
something new to learn and you will.” -
Vernon Howard

Noah Figliola's Resume


Patrick. Principle Centered Leadership, January 1. 1970

Education and Leadership: Principle Centered Leadership (

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