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we ask
YES or No:

1. Research is merely an
information gathering.
2. Research is transportation of
facts from one place to another.
3. Research is rummaging of
4. Research gathers data from
secondary sources only.
5. Research attempts to solve a
What is
•“From a French word “CERCHIER”
meaning “to seek or to search”.
• An attempt to solve or gain a solution to
a problem.

What is
““ careful, critical and disciplined
inquiry, varying in technique and
method according to the nature and
conditions of the problem
identified, directed toward the
clarification or resolution of a
problem.” ( Good,p. 464) 5
What is Research?
“Formulated in a more comprehensive
“ form, research may
purposive, systematic and
be defined as a
process of gathering, analyzing,
classifying, organizing, presenting and
interpreting data for the solution of a problem,
for prediction, for invention, for the discovery
of truth, or for expansion or
verification of existing knowledge, all for
the preservation and improvement of the
quality of human life. (Calderon &
Gonzales, 1993)
⊹ “ research is simply, the systematic search for pertinent
“ information on a specific topic or problem.” ( Aquino,

⊹ “ research in its broadest sense is an attempt to gain

solutions to problems. More precisely, it is the
collection of data in a rigorously controlled situation for
the purpose of prediction or explanation.” ( Treece and
Treece; 2000,p.3) 7



. 1.Reliability is a subjective term
which can not be measured precisely
but today there are instruments which
can estimate the reliability of any
Reliability is the repeatability of any
research, research instrument, tool or
procedure 10

2.Validity determines the applicability
of research . Validity of the research
instrument can be defined as the
suitability of the research instrument
to the research problem or how
accurately the instrument measures
the problem.

3.Accuracy is also the degree to which each
research process, instrument and tool is related to
each other. Accuracy also measures whether
research tools have been selected in best possible
manner and research procedures suits the research
problem or not.
4.Credibility comes with the use of best source of
information and best procedures in research.

5.Generalizability is the extent to which a research
findings can be applied to larger population. When a
researcher conducts a study he/she chooses a target
population and from this population he takes a small
sample to conduct the research. This sample is
representative of the whole population so the findings
should also be. If research findings can be applied to
any sample from the population, the results of the
research are said to be generalizable 13

6.Empirical nature of research means that the
research has been conducted following rigorous
scientific methods and procedures. Each step in the
research has been tested for accuracy and is based
on real life experiences.
7.Systematic approach is the only approach for
research. No research can be conducted
haphazardly. Each step must follow other.

8. Controlled-in real life experience there are
many factors that effect an outcome. A single
event is often result of several factors. When
similar event is tested in research, due to the
broader nature of factors that effect that
event, some factors are taken as controlled
factors while others are tested for possible
effect. 15

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