Research On Human-Computer Interaction Intention Recognition Based On EEG and Eye Movement

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SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication

Department:- Information Technology

Seminar presentation
“Research on Human-Computer
Interaction Intention Recognition
Based on EEG and Eye Movement”

Prepared By

Mr. Jadhav Shubham Dipak

Guided by
Prof. S.S. Divekar

Academic Year 2022-23
SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

 Contents
 Introduction
 Problem Statement
 Objectives
 Architecture
 Methods/Different Methodologies
 Result Analysis
 Project Overview/ Contribution of article
 Student’s Observation
 Conclusion
 Future Scope
 References

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

 Technology has developed so well even to the point where machines
can recognize our body through eye movement.
 There many APIs and algorithms out there that can recognize human
body through eye movement These APIs or algorithms is called
Artificial Intelligence or AI
 HCI is known for human-computer interaction.
 It is the study of how people interact with computers and to what extent
computers are or are not developed for successful interaction with
human beings.

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Problem Statement:

“Research on Human-Computer
Interaction Intention Recognition
Based on EEG and Eye Movement”

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering


 The goal of HCI is to create a user-friendly system that is also functional

and safe.
 By using EEG and eye movement recognition, we can make human-
computer interaction.
 Develop tools and techniques to enable best practices on building a
sufficient system.
 Provide additional channel of control in computer games.
 Develop intelligent relaxation devices.

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering


Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Methods for Measuring Eye Movements.

There are Two methods for measuring eye movement this method are as

 Electronic
 Mechanical
SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Electronic Method:
 The most used method is to place skin electrodes around
the eyes and measure the potential differences in eye.
 Wide range and poor accuracy.
 Better for relative than absolute eye.
 movements Mainly used in neurological diagnosis.
SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Mechanical Method:
 Based on contact lenses with mirror planes.
 Mechanical method very accurate.
 Very uncomfortable for users who are not used to wear

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Result Analysis:

 HCI (Human Computer Interaction) studies the interaction between

humans, computer users and computers as well as the major
phenomena surrounding them.
 The program that we use for eye recognition is that we use eye++ API,
and for eye detection software, we use Affective API.
 We use Raspberry Pi as the computer to support the algorithm test and
for the real-time use.

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Project Overview:
 The objective of this special introductory seminar is to provide
newcomers to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with an introduction
and overview of the field.
 The material will begin with a brief history of the field, followed by
presentation and discussion of how good application development
methods pull on the interdisciplinary technologies of HCI.
 The topics will include the psychology of human-computer interaction,
usability engineering, psychologically-based design methods and tools,
user interface media and tools, and introduction to user interface

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Students Observation:

 The most accurate recognition rate can be achieved though combination

of two or more technique.
 HCI is to detect and quantify features of signals that indicate the user's
intentions and to translate these features in real time into device
commands that accomplish the user's intent.
 I have studied that, In this present a novel method to intention
recognition, based on EEG and eye movement in HCI.
 The fusion of EEG and eye movement will allow the atmost of the
advantages of the two physiological signals.

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering


 This program is still a long way to go and will need a lot of

development process . However, detecting human by using EEG signal
and eye movement it help to make interaction Between human and
computer more clearly

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Future Scope:

 Human-computer interaction allows companies to make technological

products accessible to individuals with disabilities.
 It helps UX designers and other professionals understand every user's
needs relating to technology.
 It shows that not all users interact with technology in the same way.
 It will record brain signals and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
to deliver information noninvasively to the brain.

Academic Year 2022-23

SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

References :

[1] A.-V. L. María and M.-G. V. Rodrigo, ‘‘Enrichment of human-computer

interaction in brain-computer interfaces via virtual environments,’’ Comput. Intell.
Neurosci., vol. 2017, pp. 1–12, Jan. 2017.

[2] R. Aya, B. Mihaly, S. Piotr, G. Felix, S. Abdul, and V. Ivan, ‘‘Brain–

computer interface spellers: A review,’’ Brain Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 57–64,

[3] P. J. Benson, ‘‘Decoding brain-computer interfaces,’’ Science, vol. 360,

no. 6389, pp. 615–616, 2018.

[4] K. Belwafi, O. Romain, S. Gannouni, F. Ghaffari, R. Djemal, and B. Ouni,

‘‘An embedded implementation based on adaptive filter bank for brain–
computer interface systems,’’ J. Neurosci. Methods, vol. 305, pp. 1–16,
Jul. 2018.
Academic Year 2022-23
SUBJECT- Seminar and Technical Communication
Department:- Computer Engineering

Thank You

Academic Year 2022-23

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