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What is Elderly abuse?
It is a type of violence that constitutes a violation of human
rights. It can be sexual, physical, psychological or emotional.
This type of abuse also includes abandonment, neglect and
gross disregard for dignity and respect.

Elder abuse is a major public health problem. According to a one-

year review of 52 studies in 28 countries in various regions
conducted in 2017, one in six people aged 60 and over (15.7% of
this age group) experienced some form of abuse. [1]
Consequences of elder abuse

Elder abuse can have serious physical, mental, economic, and

social consequences, including bodily injury, premature death,
depression, cognitive decline, financial ruin, and the need for
nursing home placement. For the elderly, the consequences of
abuse can be especially severe and recovery may take longer than
for other age groups. [1]
According with Colombia Medica (2019) “the 15.1% of the elderly
in Colombia reported some type of abuse, and over 50% reported
more than one form of abuse. Abuse proportion is greater in people
who are aged 60-69, in women, people with lower levels of
education, people who belong to lower socioeconomic status,
people who live alone, people who live with children, and people in
urban areas. The most frequent abuse form is psychological,
followed by neglect and physical abuse. Dependence on basic and
instrumental daily living activities increases the probabilities of
suffering abuse”
Archstone Foundation
Archstone Foundation was formed in 1985.
For nearly 25 years, Archstone Foundation has provided support for
innovative work in the field of elder abuse and neglect.This
Foundation has been focused on improving the health and well-
being of older and their caregivers.
Fundations In Colombia
Hogar del Desvalido
It was found in 1976
It is a foundation that help elder people. It has various headquarters
in La Estrella, Bello and El Poblado.
The social labor consists of taking people in, feeding and caring for
elder people.
Pan y Amor por Colombia
The Foundation Pan y Amor por Colombia is a social institution
that give comprehensive assistance (housing, feed, clothing, health
care, physical and occupational therapy,...) to 50 elderly people in a
state of abandonment, with an interdisciplinary team that guarantees
beneficiaries so that have a dignified old age
Poor physical health

Risk Cognitive impairment

Economic dependence
factors Solitude
Reporting Path
Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar ICBF, línea gratuita nacional 01 8000
91 80 80.
Fiscalía General de la Nación- Centro de Atención Integral a Víctimas de
Violencia Sexual (CAIVAS). Correo:
Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses (INMLCF), líneas
gratuitas 01 8000- 914 860 y 01 8000- 914 862.
Policía Judicial Bogotá 515- 91- 11/ 91-12 y resto del país: 01 8000- 910- 112.
Casas de Justicia y Convivencia Ciudadana, línea nacional 123, que corresponde
al número único de seguridad y emergencias.
Comisarías de familia.
[1] Maltrato de las personas mayores (no date) World Health Organization. World Health
Organization. Available at:
%20respeto. (Accessed: March 16, 2023).
[2] Elder abuse and neglect - archstone (no date) Archstone Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: March 18, 2023).

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