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• Change is something that presses us out of our
comfort zone.

• Change is for the better or for the worst,

depending on where you view it.
“If we do not Change, we do not
Grow. If we do not grow, we are not
really living.”

Gail Sheehy
• Personal growth- you grow and learn new things every
time something change.

•  Flexibility- Frequent changes make you easily adapt

to new situations, new environment, and new people.

• Improvements- We all have things in our lives we’d

like to improved- finances, job, partner, house, etc. All
of as know that nothing will improve by its self.
• Life values- from time to time changes make you re-evaluate
your life and look at certain things from the different

• Strength- Not all changes lead you to pleasant period of life.

• Opportunities- one never knows what each change may bring.

• New beginnings-each change is a turning page.

“If you do not create change,
change will create you.”

Why People Resist
• Comfort Zone- Routine is a very comfort plce to live and when it
is disturbed on purpose or by chance, you get thrown off balance.

• Personal Preference- Some people have personal style

that makes hard for them to accept change.

• Loss of Authority- Those who are threatened with a loss of

authority will frequently oppose the change.

• Fear- They fear will not be develop new skills and or make
behavioral changes that will be required
• Lack of Trust – People also resist change when they do not understand its
implications and perceive that it might cost them much more than they will gain.

• Economic Threats- even if a change will benefit the organization people who would
suffer personal loss of income, benefits, job security or seniority will likely resist it.

• Lack of Communication- Leaders need to communicate and provide information.

Yet often they do not give the right information, at the right time to right people.

• Organizational Politics- They may also resist showing that the person leading the
change is not up to task.
Of Taking on CHANGE
and Transforming
Education System in the
The generation today is being confronted with so many
challenges of globalization. Few years from now, the world may be
different. How do you think will our children respond to such
changes? How do we prepare our children for this? We need to give
them the best quality education they need. We have to transform our
educational system into an excellent structure that is adaptive to
global changes. We need leaders who are empowered to make a
difference in the educational system…Innovative leaders who are
ready to embrace change, adapt change, and even initiate change.
Why not?
• Is this really the answer to the present
handicap of our educational system? Will
adding two years bring more benefits? Or will
it just result to more financial implications,
not only to the parents but also to the
•teachers need to upgrade themselves
in order that they can properly
implement these changes
With these changes in our workplace, we
remain steadfast in our hope that our country
will have competent caretakers – our learners.
We believe this will happen only if we
embrace CHANGE
“Sometimes it is the smallest decisions that
can change your life forever.”

Keri Russell
Thank you for listening!

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