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Question 1

What do you think when people live in a crowded,

dirty, and unsafe comnity?

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Question 2

Why is it important to segregate the trash?

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Question 3

Give 3 examples of recycled materials you use in your house and how do
you use it.

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Question 4

What are the three common waste segregation and give one example.

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Question 5

Give a short reaction of our activity this morning.

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At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

 Discuss contemporary social issues;

 Demonstrate healthy patriotism and

 Adopt democratic principles.

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Citizenship attitude building

● Being a citizen involves understanding one's role as a member of the community or

nation and acting with responsibility. Education is accountable to society to produce good

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Good citizenship built upon the following
attitudes anywhere in the world.
1. Patriotism
 is the ground on which citizenship and democracy are based. A person is obliged to
perform his duties because of his love for the community and country.In general,
willingness to co-operate with the nation's effort for advancement.

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 is the degree of contribution a citizen makes towards the development
of one's society. A good citizen does not want to be a burden on his
people. He or she thinks in terms of "What can I give to the country?"
not in terms of "What can I get from the country?"

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3. Civic responsibility
 is the consciousness of one's duties towards the society in day- to-day
life as well in long-term perspective, eg being informed about the
current political and other issues, abstaining from disturbing the peace
of the neighborhood, protection of public property, participation in
community building activities.

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4. Interest in contemporary community, national and global issues
 A citizen takes interest to information on the issues affecting his seek
or her society at every level. Today there is a global tendency
developing towards individualism. seeming dysfunctions of this
tendency is One of the selfishness, which drives people to pay less
care or no care to social issues and duties. Elders often criticize the
youth as being increasingly disinterested in the problems of their

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5.Active participation in community building
 a citizen is bound by duty to participate actively in community building according to
his or her best capacities. The Convention on the Rights of the Child lays great stress
on the need of recognizing children's right to participate in community life and
development through seeking information, expressing views and opinions through
equal access to opportunity for personal development and cultural activities and

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6. Cultural enrichment
 A good citizen is a cultured person in that he is disciplined by the rich qualities of his
culture as well as the global culture.

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7. Obedience to law
 A citizen is necessarily one who abides by the law of his country. Here
by law we mean the established code of law. Justice is the source of
rightful law.

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8. National coherence
 A citizen living in a multicultural society preserves the national unity
by respecting and giving due recognition and rights to all the sectors of
people in spite of their differences of ethnicity, language, religion and

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9. Simple living
 The need for simple living has never been felt in such a degree before
as it is now. All the commercial forces press us to buy their products.
They create new needs. In us through their strong machinery of

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10. Democrac
 is interpreted in different forms in different countries. However the basic
features in democracy are freedom of speech, public participation in governance
through representatives, tolerance of differences and respect for human rights. In
addition, a democracy can be evaluated by the degree of public confidence,
voluntary compliance politica with the law, party activism, voluntary organization,
activism, and way discussion.

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