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Mehran University Of Engineering And Technology, Jamshoro

Institute of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Optimization of Gas Injection Parameters in Low

Permeable Reservoirs

Initial Seminar
B.E (Petroleum and Gas Engineering)

Presented By:
Kamran Ali (19PG29)
Imtiaz Rasool Dal (19PG25)

Supervised By:
Dr. Muhammad Khan Memon

• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Problem Statement
• Objectives
• Scope of study
• Methodology
• Gantt Chart
• References
• Oil placement during production can refer to the movement
of oil within a reservoir during the extraction process.
• This can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes
in pressure and fluid flow, and can lead to reduced production
efficiency and decreased recovery of oil.
• Some techniques that can be used to mitigate this problem
include water flooding, enhanced oil recovery, and reservoir
monitoring. However, oil placement also can refer to the
unwanted movement of oil during production in certain cases,
such as oil spills, which can have severe environmental
consequences. (Kevin M. Brown & William E. Holman Jr.)
• Pressure instability during oil production can have
several causes, including:

1. Reservoir depletion
2. Poor water and gas injection techniques
3. Failure of Equipment

• To address pressure instability during oil production, it

may be necessary to adjust the water or gas injection
rate, implement proper maintenance protocols, or replace
or repair equipment. Additionally, monitoring and
analyzing production data can help to identify the cause
of the instability and inform solutions.
• Gas Breakthrough is a process through which gas starts to
flow through the sample and displace water from the pore
• The heterogeneity and the density difference between gas and
liquid are significant, gas breakthrough appears during gas
injection, which apparently impacts the development effects.
• The gas breakthrough characteristics are affected by many
factors, such as
• geological features, gas reservoir properties, fluid properties,
perforation relations between injectors and producers, and
operation parameters.
• gas breakthroughs can be problematic if they are not
properly controlled and managed.
• They can have negative impacts on safety, the
environment, and the economy.
• Therefore, it is important to have proper monitoring
and management in place to detect and address any
issues that may arise from a gas breakthrough.
• There are several ways to optimize injection
parameters in low permeable reservoirs to address
gas breakthrough
1. Increasing the injection rate
2. Changing the injection pressure
3. Modifying the injection fluid
4. Implementing a multi-well pattern
5. Monitoring the reservoir pressure
6. Optimizing the Injection strategy
Literature Review
Sr. No# Author Year Research Work

01 Zhou, L., 2020 This papers focuses on the optimization of CO2 injection
Wang, C., parameters for enhancing oil recovery in low-permeability
Liu, T., & reservoirs. The authors review various factors that affect
Fan, X. CO2 injection efficiency, such as injection rate, injection
pressure, CO2 concentration, and well spacing. The paper
also discusses the challenges associated with CO2 injection
in low-permeability reservoirs and presents some solutions
to overcome these challenges.

02 Zhang, J., 2020 This paper reviews the optimization of gas injection
Huang, parameters for tight oil reservoirs, which are characterized
S., Liu, by low permeability and porosity. The authors discuss the
X., & impact of injection injection pressure, injection rate, and
Zhang, J.
gas composition on the performance of gas injection
techniques. The paper also provides a critical analysis of the
existing literature and identifies some research gaps that
need to be addressed in the future.
Sr. No# Author Year Research Work

03 Li, Y., 2019 This paper presents a case study that demonstrates the
Guo, Q., effectiveness of gas injection in a Low-permeability
Li, J., & reservoir. The authors optimize the injection pressure,
Li, H. injection rate, and gas composition to improve oil
recovery. The paper also discusses the challenges
associated with gas in low permeability reservoirs and
proposes some solutions to overcome these challenges.

04 Li, Y., Li, 2019 This paper presents another case study that focuses on the
J., Li, H., optimization of CO2 injection parameters for enhanced oil
& Guo, Q. recovery in low permeability reservoirs. The authors
optimize the injection pressure, injection rate, and CO2
concentration to improve the sweep efficiency of the
injected gas. The paper also provides some insights into
the mechanisms underlying CO2 injection in low
permeability reservoirs.
Problem statement
• During the oil and gas production, a gas breakthrough can
cause problems because of gas is not properly controlled and
managed. If the gas is not properly vented or flared, it can
cause safety hazards and contribute to air pollution.
• Gas breakthrough is a phenomenon that occurs when the
pressure of a gas that is being trapped in a subsurface
formation exceeds the pressure of the confining rock layer
and begins to flow into a wellbore. This can result in a loss
of production efficiency, as well as potential health and
safety hazards.
• Proper monitoring the performance of the injection well and
adjusting the key parameters such as injection pressure and
flow rate can help to prolong the life of the reservoir and
increase the amount of recoverable oil
• Main objectives of this research are: 

1. To improve entry profile for maintaining the

pressure stability.
2. To slowdown gas breakthrough for improving oil
displacement efficiency.
Scope Of Study
This study is focusing on optimization process
involves evaluating and adjusting various parameters
such as injection rate, pressure, and distribution
pattern to ensure that the gas is efficiently distributed
throughout the reservoir, thus reducing the chances of
gas breakthrough and maximizing the production
efficiency. Continuously monitoring and analysis of
injection parameters are essential to improve the oil
recovery from low permeable reservoirs. This is
beneficial for the improving oil production.
Intermittent gas (IG) injection
• Intermittent gas injection is a method of injecting gas into an
oil reservoir in a periodic or non-continuous manner, instead of
continuous injection.
• This approach is used to optimize production and increase the
recovery of oil from the reservoir.
• The goal is to maintain a balance between gas and oil
production, which can lead to improved efficiency and reduced
• Intermittent gas injection can be done through various
methods, such as alternating injection of gas and fluid, or
injecting gas in cycles of specified time intervals.
• One way to approach this problem is to use a reservoir
simulation software such as PROSPER.
• Optimizing gas injection parameters in a low permeable
reservoir on the Prosper platform would likely involve
adjusting the injection rate and pressure to increase the
amount of gas that is able to enter the reservoir and increase
production. Other factors that may be considered include the
size and location of the injection wells, the properties of the
gas being injected (such as its viscosity and density), and the
geology of the reservoir. Computer simulation may be used to
model the effects of different injection scenarios and help to
determine the optimal parameters for maximum production.
Research Methodology Flow Chart

Literature Review

Data input -> Simulation -> Prosper

Data Analysis



Gantt Chart
Activities Dec, Jan, Feb March April May June, July Aug, Sept, Oct,
2022 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023



Data analysis                      

write up

• Chen, Z., Yang, D., & Chen, G. (2019). Optimal Injection Strategy for
low-Permeability Reservoir Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter.
• Xu, Z., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, S. (2019). Optimization of water Injection
parameters in Low permeability Reservoirs based on a numerical Model.
• Zhang, X., & Bai, B. (2019). Optimization of gas injection parameters
for low-permeability sandstone reservoirs using a coupled flow and
geomechanics simulators. Journal of Petroleum Science and
Engineering, 180, 939-951.
• Wang, Z., Lu, Y., & Zhang, H. (2019). Optimization of gas injection
parameters for low-permeability shale gas reservoirs using a fully
coupled flow and geomechanics simulator. Fuel, 241, 59-72.
• Al-Bahadly, I. H. (2020). Optimization of gas injection Parameters for
enhanced oil recovery in low-permeability reservoirs: A review. Journal
of petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 10(3), 1427-1446.

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