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To Slowdown Gas breakthrough through the

Optimization of gas injection parameters.
Group Members

Group Leader # Kamran Ali (19PG29)

Group Member # Imtiaz Rasool Dal (19PG25)

Dr. Muhammad Khan Memon
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Objectives
• Problem statement
• Scope
• Methodology
• gas breakthrough is a process through which gas starts to
flow through the sample and displace water from the pore
• the heterogeneity and the density difference between gas and
liquid are significant, gas breakthrough appears during gas
injection, which apparently impacts the development effects.
• The gas breakthrough characteristics are affected by many
factors, such as
• geological features, gas reservoir properties, fluid properties,
perforation relations between injectors and producers, and
operation parameters
• gas breakthroughs can be problematic if they are not
properly controlled and managed.
• They can have negative impacts on safety, the
environment, and the economy.
• Therefore it is important to have proper monitoring
and management in place to detect and address any
issues that may arise from a gas breakthrough.
• There are several ways to optimize injection
parameters in low permeable reservoirs to address
gas breakthrough
1. Increasing the injection rate
2. Changing the injection pressure
3. Modifying the injection fluid
4. Implementing a multi-well pattern
5. Monitoring the reservoir pressure
6. Optimizing the Injection strategy
• Moreover, prosper or eclipse is one of the
believable tools to predict gas injection parameters.
• These tools requires a fine attention in order to get a
nice result to get accelerate the recovery rate.
• These tools are enough capable to get out of gas
breakthrough problems.
Literature Review
• Gas breakthrough will significantly decrease the
ability of pressure maintenance, so the injected gas
will be invalid. Therefore, it is very essential to
study the gas breakthrough characteristics (Carlson
and Cawston, 1996; O’Dell, 1967;Wang et al.,
2012; Zendehboudi et al., 2012).
• Abel et al.(1970) observed that the higher the
injection pressure is, the higher the recovery of
condensate oil will be.
• Cullick et al. (1993) reported that gas–water
alternating injection can significantly improve the
recovery of stratified condensate gas reservoir
contrasted to continuous injection if the high
permeability strips exist.
Main objectives of this research are:

• To slowdown gas breakthrough.

• To enhance oil displacement efficiency.
• To improve entry profile.
• To maintain the pressure stability.
Problem statement
• Gas breakthrough is a phenomenon that occurs when the
pressure of a gas that is being trapped in a subsurface
formation exceeds the pressure of the confining rock layer
and begins to flow into a wellbore.
• This can result in a loss of production efficiency, as well as
potential health and safety hazards. The problem statement
for gas breakthrough can be stated as follows:
• "To prevent and mitigate the impact of gas breakthrough in
subsurface wells, a solution is needed that accurately
predicts the likelihood and consequences of gas
breakthrough events, and provides appropriate measures to
manage their impact on production and safety."
• The scope of optimizing gas injection parameters to slow
down gas breakthrough is to control the flow of injected
gas in the reservoir and prevent it from quickly reaching
the production well, thereby prolonging the production
period and maximizing the recovery of hydrocarbons.
• This optimization process involves evaluating and
adjusting various parameters such as injection rate,
pressure, and distribution pattern to ensure that the gas is
efficiently distributed throughout the reservoir, thus
reducing the chances of gas breakthrough and
maximizing the production efficiency.
Water alternating gas (WAG) injection.
• Water Alternating Gas (WAG) injection is a method used in
enhanced oil recovery to increase the amount of oil that can be
extracted from a reservoir.
• In WAG, water and gas are alternated and injected into the
reservoir to drive the oil to the production well.
• Water acts as a sweep fluid to push the oil towards the wellbore,
while the gas reduces the viscosity of the oil and helps it to
flow more easily.
• This method can be more effective than water flooding alone,
as the presence of gas in the reservoir can reduce the mobility
ratio, thus improving the sweep efficiency of the injected water.
Intermittent gas (IG) injection
• Intermittent gas injection is a method of injecting gas into an
oil reservoir in a periodic or non-continuous manner, instead of
continuous injection.
• This approach is used to optimize production and increase the
recovery of oil from the reservoir.
• The goal is to maintain a balance between gas and oil
production, which can lead to improved efficiency and reduced
• Intermittent gas injection can be done through various
methods, such as alternating injection of gas and fluid, or
injecting gas in cycles of specified time intervals.
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