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Long Distance Trucks and PSV Driver

Time Monitoring Application

The application monitors driving hours for PSV and Long Distance Vehicles, with a
possibility of a fine when driving over a given number of hours.
Introduction-Innovation name,
Organization, team members and their roles

Innovation Name: Driver Monitoring APP or

Driver ‘on trip’ Time Monitoring Application

Organization: Sole Proprietorship

Team Members and Roles
Morgan Okoth: Proprietor, System DevOps.
Problem Statement

 Many accidents could be avoided when drivers do not drive for long hours.
 For example, the accident that killed 44 people along Nairobi-Narok highway.
 One key witness claimed the driver lost control when he was sleeping on the
 If there was a mandatory app to monitor driver working hours, enforceable by law,
many accidents could be avoided.
Problem Statement

 The state and private businesses should take cue from Uber that has the driver time monitoring
 Monitoring driving hours is important in enhancing driver safety.
 Uber shuts down after 10 hour drive, then the driver is required to take a rest.
The solution/innovation
Driver ‘on trip time’ Monitoring Application

 The application requires the drivers to log in and notify that they are on trip.
 The app then clocks the times the driver drives for 10 hours.
 They are then required to notify when they are off trip.
 They are then required to rest for a minimum of five hours.
 If a driver is found to have violated the ‘on trip’ rules, they are subjected to
on-sport fines.
 This will reduce driving hours for PSV and Long Distance Vehicles.
The Target Market: NTSA

 The role of NTSA in ensuring Safety

• The objective of forming the Authority was to harmonize the operations of the key road transport

departments and help in effectively managing the road transport sub-sector and minimizing loss of lives

through road crashes.

• The application will help NTSA minimizing loss of lives through road crashes.

• NTSA could purchase the application for enforcement on Kenyan roads to improve road safety.
The Target Market

1. PSV and Long Distance Vehicles Private Entities

1. PSV operators are also interested on the safety of their drivers and vehicles, they
can use the application to help other existing measures on safety.
2. Long Distance Vehicle Operators can separately use the application to avoid fines
on the road due to long ‘on trip’.
• The Application is unique as it covers business niche that has not been tapped by a similar
• Although there are other measures for road safety such as:
• Keep a safe following distance from the car in front of you.
• Always Keep your car in good condition.
• Always use indicators when switching lanes or overtaking
• Avoiding over-speeding and following speed limits.
• Using seat belts and child restraints in cars.
• Improving visibility, appropriate headlights and road lightings.
• None of these guidelines can effectively be enforced, except for the use of Alco-blow.
• The idea though has been widely used in Taxis such as Uber and Bolt, is Yet to be implemented to the
general public to ensure safety.
Business Model and partnerships
• How will you make money? • Who are the stakeholders involved?
• Royalties from the adoption by • NTSA
NTSA. • Other Road Safety Communities
• Sales from PSV • Private Long Distance Vehicles
• Sales from Long Distance • PSV
• Sales from other Special
transport providers such as staff
Brief product overview and status
• The product is at concept phase and entirely depends on the
development of the application whose funds I am seeking.
• The system would function as follows:
• For every ‘on trip’ the driver sings up to the system and sets ‘on trip’ on.
• When the trip ends, the driver or the safety organs can set the ‘on trip’ off.

• NTSA, officials are provided with an interface where they can input the
drivers license or vehicle number plate.
• They can fact check the driving hours and when it exceeds 10 hours, a fine is
• The manual sample is shown at the far right. The system requirements will
also increase as more factors are considered during the development.
The Ask/ Requirements

• Any help in getting the resources for the development

phase of the project.
• Development Team
• Internet throughout the development phase
• Access to Agile Development tools such as AJIRA during the
development phase.

• The software when implemented by the safety Authority can reduce lives and injuries
incurred as a result of overworking as a driver.
• It will also earn revenue to the central government in form of fines from the drivers
found guilty of driving past the approved hours.
• The application will be used alongside the existing safety guidelines to further reduce
accidents in the republic.

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