MQTT Datalink Dashbaord

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Data Link

• The end nodes are connected via analog and digital inputs.

• The Arduino Pro mini is connected through serial prts to the ESP8266.

• the ESP8266 NodeMCU will be able to connect to Wi-Fi via 2.4 GHz

• NodeMCU is an open-source platform based on ESP8266 which can connect objects and
let data transfer using the Wi-Fi protocol, also works as a microcontroller.

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MQTT Protocol

• A MQTT protocol is being used to transfer the data from the end devices to the end user.

• The most popular messaging protocol for the Internet of Things is MQTT (IoT). The protocol is a set of
guidelines that specify how Internet of Things (IoT) devices can publish and subscribe to data.

• Used to send and receive data.

• The protocol uses the publish/subscribe (Pub/Sub).

• Topics are used for communication between the sender (Publisher) and the recipient (Subscriber).

• MQTT broker is in charge of maintaining the link between them. All incoming messages are filtered by the
MQTT broker, who then correctly distributes them to the Subscribers.

• Using MQTT, the dashboard will be deployed.

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Dasboard Process

• The dashboard is divided into five parts.

1. defining the devices and connecting to the MQTT client.

2. collecting the data and displaying graphing them.

3. Seeing if the valve is present and controlling it .

4. Defining and creating alarms.

5. Using an API to get real time weather forecast.

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