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Higher Command words

Update Feb 2019

Case Studies
Referring to an area you have studied
• Name the case study
• Describe things specific to that case study
For example;
In order to combat soil erosion in the Great Plains some
farmers in Montana have decided to heard bison (d).
This helps prevent soil erosion as the heard of bison
graze gently on natural grasses meaning that there is
grass/ soil coverage (e). These grasses also help to bind
the soil together (e) preventing wind erosion…
Exam Technique
Maximum impact for your answer
At Higher time is critical
Paper 1 - 100 Marks Paper 2 - 100 Marks
= 1 hour 50 mins = 110 = 1 hour 10 mins =
mins 170 mins
= 1 min a mark = 1 min a mark
plus 10 mins reading and plus 10 mins reading and
thinking time thinking time
Higher Command Words
• Say what you see and make links
• Give key facts
• From National 5
Examples –
Describe the characteristics of a podsol soil profile
Describe the measures used to reduce land degradation in
the Tropical Rainforest.
Higher Command Words
• Similar to a description/ usually about what could
• Say what you see and make links
Examples –
Discuss strategies used to improve housing in less
developed cities
Referring to a migration case study discuss the possible
consequences to the host nation
Higher Command Words
• Say why something is the way that it is
• Explain and expand on your descriptions
This is because This is due to
• Link back to the question
Examples –
Explain in soil forming factors that result in podsol soils
Explain how tourism is managed in a areas of outstanding natural
* Same as account for
Higher Command Words
This is a
To What Extent rare
• Say why something is good or/and bad
• Make a conclusion
• You can go both sides
This is good because…However this is a problem due to

Examples –
To what extent is this a suitable location for a landfill site
To what extent is climate responsible in creating soils
Higher Command Words
• Say why something is effective or not
• Make a conclusion
• You can only say one side
• This method is effective because……
Examples –
Evaluate the success of specific primary health care methods used in
developing countries.
Evaluate methods used to control rapid population growth.
* Kind of the same as comment on the effectivness
Higher Command Words
• Hardest question stem linked to forecasting into the future
• Discuss what impacts could happen and say why they
would be an issue, or not.

Examples –
Analyse the impact of continuing the population
structure (stage 5)
Analyse the possible impacts of climate change
National 4/5 Command Words
• Say what you see
• Tell me what it is
• Key facts
Examples –
Describe the location of tropical storms
Describe the problems of slum settlements
Describe the different land uses shown on the map extract
National 4/5 Command Words
• Say why something is the way that it is
• Explain what you have described
This is because This is due to
Examples –
Explain the physical and human causes of malaria
Explain the formation of a corrie
Explain the land use conflicts that arise in areas of outstanding
natural beauty.

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