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Unit 1.

Stress is a condition of strain on one’s emotion, thought processes and physical conditions.
On the basis of this definition, we can say stress can affect our emotions, thinking ability,
physical health and behaviour as well. These symptoms can be vague and are generally
divided into these 4 types.
Taking the example of soldiers, who react to the extreme stressors of battle in a
variety of ways…TOFFLER has pointed out that different types of people show
striking parallels in their reactions to overstimulation, they are…..
Confusion, disorientation or distortion of reality.
Signs of fatigue, anxiety, extreme irritability.
Apathy and emotional withdrawal.
Bizarre and anti-adaptive behavior.
Most common distress emotions:
Anxiety can become a stress problem in two ways… one is when arousal before or during a critical
event is debilitating or otherwise interferes with performance. Earlier , we referred to this stress
difficulty as too-high peak arousal. Difficulty in speaking before group, disoriented thinking because
of panic during test, profuse sweating during an uncomfortable conversation and the intense fear
before a job interview - all are examples of out of control situational anxiety.
Depression is the second primary stress emotion , also is multifaceted, as reflected in the following
list of symptoms:
EMOTIONAL: a dull, tired, empty, , sad, numb feeling with little or no pleasure from ordinarily
enjoyable activities and people.
Most common distress emotions:
BEHAVIOURAL: irritability , excessive complaining about small annoyances or minor problems,
impaired memory, inability to concentrate, difficulty making decisions, loss of sexual desires, inability
to get going in the morning, slowed -down reaction, crying or screaming, excessive guilt feelings.
PHYSICAL: loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, insomnia or restless sleep, impotence,
headache, dizziness, indigestion, and abnormal heart rate ( Cohen , 1977).
Anger , the third distress emotion, may be apparent as mild irritation, hostility, or intense
aggressiveness. Often , anger results from blaming others .. as Parrino states : the angered
individual is intent on placing blame and leveling punishment for some misgiving.
Anger is a secondary emotion in the sense that it always is preceded by other emotions, thoughts ,
actions or circumstances.
Most common distress symptoms:
ELIOT (1994) has identified several common ones:
Perfectionism, unassertiveness, circuit overload, loss of control, denial , depression.
Some of the other emotions for which anger is a cover-up or response include:
Frustration, fear, self-doubt, feeling -rejected or lonely, defensiveness, guilt, hurt or
anticipated hurt.
Anger brings with it physical arousal much like anxiety. When unexpressed and
unresolved, it can lead to clear damage in tissues and organs. A study by university of
Michigan researchers reported that blood pressure was highest people who resolved
anger by repressing it, next highest among those who explode with it, and lowest among
those who discuss it ( HARBURG et al 1973).
Stressful situations sometimes produce a lack of concentration, poor memory, fuzzy or
illogical thinking, or confusion for example students who have not paced themselves
properly often find their heads “ jammed up” in the middle of final exam week- they are
unable to think clearly or remember very well.
Also, feeling caught between pressures from parents and friends on certain issues can
create cognitive overload , poor management of work-life balance can also be the example
of cognitive overload. These are examples of intellectual distress.
At the other extreme, assembly -line workers often become bored, dull, and intellectual
stifled after many years on the job. This also happens to isolated retirees, to housewives
and to students who find school unchallenging. Such people also are victims of intellectual
distress from understimulation.
Cognitive distress symptoms:
Symptoms :
Fuzzy, foggy thinking.
Mental block.
Difficulty organizing thoughts.
Inability to concentrate.
Bizarre , disjointed thoughts.
Inward preoccupation.
Interfering with listening.

IRECT BEHAVIORAL SYMPTOMS: direct reflections of internal tensions.

ompulsive or spur of the moment actions.
alking faster than usual easily startled.
tuttering or stumbling in speech.
Grinding teeth.
ifficulty sitting still.
erbal attack on someone.
ifficulty staying with one activity very long.
Indirect symptoms reflect increased use of specific actions to release the physical and
mental pain of distress. In other words , if these increase in frequency , they may reflect
an increased level of distress to which they are a response.
Increased smoking or alcohol consumption.
Increased use of prescribed medications to reduce tension.
Use of sleep as an escape.
Increased use of over the counter aids for sleeping or relaxing .
Use of illegal drugs.
Behavioral distress symptoms:
Use of television as an escape.
Increased consumption of coffee , tea, colas, or chocolate ( caffeine ).
Seeing medical doctor for tension -related health problem.
Irrational spending spree.
How you move and hold your body conveys a great deal about your internal tension. The following is the list of
physical distress symptoms :
Toe jiggling and foot tapping often reflect impatience and irritability.
Tight, hunched shoulders, which can become chronically sore , can signal anxiety, fear or embarrassment.
Tightly folded arms may signal disapproval. Anger, apprehension, or the desire to be left alone.
Tightly crossed or coiled legs can convey several messages: waiting to be left alone, anxiety , fearful anticipation.
Sagging , sloping shoulders and back can reflect fatigue, temporary or cumulative or feeling burdened.
Nail biting often conveys worry, tension, anxiety - low self-esteem.
Clenched hands or taut fingers reflect anxiety, usually of a current or anticipatory kind.
Furrows and frowns in the forehead are another sign of worry , fatigue or depression.
Physical distress symptoms:
Trembling or nervous twitch.
Dryness of mouth.
General fatigue or heaviness.
Pounding of heart.
Diarrhea or constipation.
Frequent need to urinate.
Neck pain.
Dizzy spells.
Decreased interest in sex.
Loss of appetite or increase of appetite.
Physical distress symptoms.
Sometimes these occur in clusters, at other times alone. In many instances , they
are only minor irritants, but sometimes they interfere with behavior and
Minor physical distress symptoms , when cumulative , do not remain minor. They
often turn into full -blown stress illnesses. Whether or not this progression occurs
is tied to the effectiveness of the coping process. Part of this process is whether
one reacts to early warning signs with constructive or destructive responses.

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