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DDT & Malaria

Bioaccumulation & Biomagnification

toxins can accumulate in
the tissues of organisms
When this happens over
the lifespan of one
organism it is called
Normally the toxins are
fat soluble and build up
in fatty tissue
A non biodegradable toxin will
be magnified in a food chain
Primary consumers eat a small
amount of the toxin

Secondary consumers eat

many 1° consumers and
therefore have more toxin

3° consumers eat many 2°

consumers and thus contain
even more toxin
Rachel Carson and DDT
Rachel Carson
published Silent Spring
in 1962
highlighted the effect of
the organochlorine
pesticide, DDT on birds
Predatory bird
populations in USA
were crashing as their
egg shelves were not
developing properly
DDT and Malaria
DDT was banned from
use in the USA in 1972.
More recently the WHO
has advocated its limited
use again due to its
effectiveness against
This is very

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